Not getting any sales for course

Hey, I have been uploaded my course successfully a month ago, as I am new to it I gave it for free with coupon code, I got 208 students with 4.78 ratings, and I have around 5000 minutes not course watch time and more than 100 of active students, now I am not making any paid registrations for course. Is that normal for freshers like me and it takes more time, what can I do with it ??
Please help me I am worried a lot !
Hello @abhi_barkade
Welcome to Udemy and congrats on your new course! Maybe this thread can help you out : you can also browse on the community as we have many slow sales post with inumerous tips and comments other than this thread I sent you.
I hoe this helps!
Kind regards,
Udemy Moderator
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I looked at your course. It is a good course in terms of production and content, so no problem there.
But your course is in Hindi, so it explicitly suits those who live in India and cannot understand English or prefer Hindi over English.
Two things that come to my mind is:
A- If your course is for Hindi speakers, you must have Hindi in the Title, Subtitle and Description of your landing page. Your landing page is 100% in English. Those who are comfortable with English are likely to enrol on English courses.
B- Your course might be over-priced. Reduce the price to a minimum and see if it helps.
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I have the same problem, my courses was making sales monthly, but suddenly stopped.
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Did you get a solution to this? I did a coupon promo for my course and since then, my sales have stopped. Is this normal?