help for a beginner

hey guys! I need some help quickly!
It's my first course on the platform and I have some questions. I have already sent the tax documentation for analysis, but the notice that I need to send it is still there. this is normal?
another question... some students cannot make the payment. Is there any card or value, I don't know, that makes payments impossible? (I'm from Brazil)
I think that's it for now... thank you for helping!
Hi @ParaMaqui2017, welcome to the community, and congratulations on publishing your first course!
I'd recommend contacting our Instructor Support team here so they can confirm that the Tax team has received your form and make sure no additional steps are required from you.
I'm sorry to hear that some of your students are facing issues trying to complete the payment, you can refer them to this article: Troubleshooting Failed Payments. If the issue persists, please ask them to contact the Student Support team via this link and they'll be more than happy to provide personalized assistance.
I hope this helps!
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community