Presentation software beyond PowerPoint or is it all in Camtasia?

Good afternoon,
I plan to develop my first video around cloud automation. In looking around at other Udemy videos, it seems that instructors are using something more than Microsoft PowerPoint. Although very good product, it seems that I am seen smooth animations and high-quality content in the demonstrations of the course lectures. Mumshad Mannambeth of KodeKloud has some nice illustrations that appear to beyond PowerPoint. I have and plan to use Camtasia for my course development, but does Camtasia have additional libraries of content for more advanced presentation efforts? Or could anyone suggest your favorite content development software?
I don't use many animations and on-screen annotations, but I do use Camtasia and it is a powerful tool for adding visual cues and real-time highlights to bring emphasis to parts of your screen.
It has a very powerful editor, but it isn't an animation or 'movie production' tool.
Since you already have it, do a test video lesson and then explore all that possible with editing and layering other content unto the video.
Other cool presentation tools and alternatives to PowerPoint include Prezi, Canva and Sway. Maybe you can see which one gives you the most upfront in order to reduce your post-recording editing efforts.
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Thank you so much for that insight. I will dig in and explore Camtasia and see what I find. Also, great suggestion on the PP alternatives.1