Video squeezed after upload

Hello All,

I would really appreciate it if someone can tell me the cause of the following:

I have a video produced in Camtasia and when played with a media player, it looks normal. However, when I upload it to Udemy, it squeezes the video as you can see from the screenshot. Does anyone know why this is happening since this is the first time I'm facing this issue?



  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @MiranFattah,

    Thank you for reporting this problem. The first thing I'd like to suggest is that you make sure the video meets the requirements: in order for the video to upload correctly, it must have a resolution of at least 720p and the file must be less than 4.0 GB in size. You can take a look at the following article: How to Troubleshoot Video Uploading Issues and Video Standards and Choosing a Camera for more details on all the possible reasons why this could be happening.

    If the issue persists after following these troubleshooting steps, please reach out to our Instructor Support team, as they will be able to take a closer look into this for you.

    Thank you for your patience and collaboration!

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community