Thank you Udemy Team!

Hi my name Is Melissa ,Lost my Dad Last April , from COVID , I was honestly in a very dark place not sure how to move forward, or if I even wanted to move forward without him. Until oneday I came across this spiritual healing video and I started mediation right away and I can honestly say me putting forth what I was being taught saved my life and I just want to pay it forward and hopefully help others find their calling and continue this love and peace for everyone.


  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,148 Udemy rank

    Hey @MELD

    thank you for sharing your experience with us and I am sorry about your dad and your experience is so inspiring. We'll be here to support and encourage you throughout the way. We're very excited to have you on board!

    Udemy Moderator
  • @MELD
    Very sorry to hear about your Dad. I think it is always therapeutic to focus one's energies on creating, doing something that may be of service to others. I am glad you were able to find a positive energizing focus on Udemy. Congratulations.

  • Chrystie
    Chrystie Posts: 536 traveler rank

    I am sorry to hear about your father. It seems like this spiritual healing video had a huge impact on you and I'm thankful that you are sharing this with our community!