Audio distortions


I use shure sm58s microphone and scarlett audio interface. they used to work just fine, lately I am observing distortions in audio. I am not sure if the problem is with microphone or audio interface. If anyone has any idea which one could cause audio distortions please let me know.




  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,794 rolemodel rank

    I assume you've already made sure it isn't clipping. Make sure the Scarlett isn't turning red while you're talking, and the waveforms aren't getting cut off at their peaks. If so, turn down the gain.

    Make sure that "air" button on the Scarlett didn't get pushed on by mistake (if you have one.) It introduces processing you may not want.

    Having the "inst" button set improperly could also lead to this sort of problem. Maybe you accidentally pressed it.

    You might also make sure that the bit depth and sampling rate is set consistently in the audio properties for the Scarlett device and the rate you're using in your recording app. If your Scarlett is set to 48kHz 24-bit, make sure you're also recording at 48kHz 24-bit.

    Another possibility is that you're somehow saving things after editing in some sort of heavily compressed format inadvertently. 128kbps or lower MP3 encoding will sound noticeably distorted, for example.

  • Hi Deepak, I had a similar issue before and that was down to the XLR cables not plugged in properly. You may want to unplug and plug them again, If you haven't already done that.

  • deepakg
    deepakg Posts: 3 observer rank

    Hi Frank,

    Thank you for giving me very good pointers to check. I checked them, they seem to be proper. I am using iZotope software for audio recording, I will change to GarageBand and check out for some time.

    Thanks for help,


  • deepakg
    deepakg Posts: 3 observer rank

    Hi Ramesh,

    Thanks for your input. yes I even changed the XLR cable checked. I will change the audio recording software and check for some time. audio issues are bit tricky.

    Thanks for help,
