returning money to student

hello ,

student recorded my course then he return his money .

its very bad policy that he can return money after learning the course .

plz protect our efforts we are loss



  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,315 rolemodel rank

    How do you know they recorded it? If you have actual proof and not just a feeling then report it to I mean proof.

    Refunds are normal 1-2%, if higher than that something is wrong and you need to fix it.

    The 30-day money back guarantee is good for instructors, it makes more people buy because they can always refund if they do not like the class (but rarely do).

    Working as intended.

  • thank you for replaying , do you mean if student watch all lecturs course he cant refund his money ??

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,315 rolemodel rank

    Yes, just like if I buy a chair on amazon and I sit in it, if I do not like it I can return it.

  • Gokul
    Gokul Posts: 186 specialist rank

    One of my students openly said to me on my Facebook page that he enrolled in all of my courses and then downloaded them and then applied for a refund for the courses. That's how it works here. Udemy gives more importance to students rather than the instructors which I don't feel is good.

  • Gokul
    Gokul Posts: 186 specialist rank


    Yes, just like if I buy a chair on amazon and I sit in it, if I do not like it I can return it.

    You buy a chair from amazon, you sit on it for 29 days and when you are done with sitting on a chair, you return it.

  • Gokul
    Gokul Posts: 186 specialist rank

    I absolutely agree with you Mr. Thor. We shouldn't focus on them and rather foucs on making better courses so that new students would want to enroll.

    But what happens is that when you are a new instructor and earning $50-$100 a month, these refunds can be very much disappointing.

  • Exactly, because they are earning from them, so they are important, but To us they have To pay, that's why they will now listen us.


    One of my students openly said to me on my Facebook page that he enrolled in all of my courses and then downloaded them and then applied for a refund for the courses. That's how it works here. Udemy gives more importance to students rather than the instructors which I don't feel is good.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,315 rolemodel rank

    Completely, I started ignoring them.

    How many is not important as long as they are below 1-2% of revenue (unless there is a good reason for it (full price sale can be one)).

    If you consistently are 5%+ on refunds, then you have an issue you need to fix (look at reviews for clues).

  • Hi there,

    I am new here and I have read all your answers. I have a question on this: so should I make my course videos dowloadable?

    Thanks, guys.

  • You may do that, but you know with my experience I am telling, say one student downloaded the video and it's not compatible to his device due to any reason, the students in udemy are not smart enough I seen, they will rate your course say 1 star for that and may be ask for refund, then you know it will hamper your upcoming earnings, because some students are so braineless they rate the course the blindly without knowing how much effort you kept while creating the course, so always try to take such action where you will have minimum risk to get away from such foolish feed backs and raters.

  • It's about ratio / percentage, not amount earned.

    The more you earn, the more refunds you will inevitably witness. The less you earn, the less refunds you'll witness.

    An instructor earning so little might have not even earned that if a refund policy were not in place.

    P.S. OP, this is the Audio / Video section.

  • As long as that person fully accepts without future quarel, that when or if he or she actually begins to make money on the internet, others are going to do exactly the same to them.

    'That's how it works' afterall.....

  • Yes, refunds can be disappointing. I have a half-dozen courses for sale on Udemy and over 300 total sales across all my courses. I would guess my refund rate is maybe 2%. That's low enough where I can't really get upset.

  • The best solution is to leave a watermark in some key location, so that, at least it will help in promoting your brand.

  • Ouche
    Ouche Posts: 4 researcher rank

    I had this thought 2years ago... and i felt it's not really worth the stress. But i realized it never stops instructors with great courses from being successful on this platform.

    So I believe it's just a negative thought. And negative thinking always drags people backward. I ditched the negatives, and started working on my course again.

    I have uploaded 9hours of video content, and almost done with it all. Will submit for review in less than 2weeks. I have not lost anything. I have actually learnt how to make finer courses next time.

    The key is to be positive and keep doing what you love.

  • @MohamedAbde451

    hello ,

    student recorded my course then he return his money .

    its very bad policy that he can return money after learning the course .

    plz protect our efforts we are loss

    Hello Mohamed

    I really feel your problem because I'm now preparing some courses to be published on udemy, but with this policy (the instructor agreed for udemy to share his content with whoever they want + not protected content againist scrapping/download + 30 days Refund regardless the course progress the student had made) I'm afraid of loosing my money, time and effort

    we need some human logical reply from udemy about that, please don't mention some links to community or support article I've read them all

    Also to be positive there are some affordable applicable solutions that might help

    - changing the terms saying that udemy has the right to share the content with whoever, to be only student and promo videos for advertisers

    - protecting the video content like the applicable technology used in

    - linking with the video copyrights entities like Facebook and Youtube protect their content creators from copying or stealing the content specially the videos

    - changing the refund policy to be less than 30 days (it is really too much but to be 14 days), and to be conditioned with the course progress maybe more than 40% of watching the course not guarantee a refund (for sure at 40% of the course anyone will know if this course is going to beneficial for him or not to request refund)

  • DanielEvans
    DanielEvans Posts: 440 mentor rank

    'I'm afraid of loosing my money, time and effort'

    How are you 'loosing' money?

    It's money you never had.

    There's no doubt a chunk of money you wouldn't earn if students didn't have the re-assurance of a money back guarantee.

    As much as it's frustrating for some to see people refund, that's the logic of it and exactly why the system is in place and why money back guarantees are commonplace in all manners of sales and marketing.

    Regardless, I do agree that there should be a percentage point however which nulifies the option to claim a refund for courses which are over at least 3 hours or so, since 50% of half an hour (as an example) is very little...

  • @DanielEvans

    'I'm afraid of loosing my money, time and effort'

    How are you 'loosing' money?

    It's money you never had.

    You didn't get the point, even if it's the money I never had but loosing its value must considered as a risk!

    But the general answer is that: Now I'm investing money in the equipments for creating those courses, instead of video conferencing the students which costs almost nothing

  • DanielEvans
    DanielEvans Posts: 440 mentor rank

    I think you misunderstood my point, given that what you do not have, has no existance to have value placed upon it.

    Again, without the money back guarantee instructors would garner less enrollments...

    You are merely focusing upon a minor detriment of an advantage.

    The money back guarantee has been tried and tested umpteen times over through decades of strategic experimentation in sales and marketing, hence it's near universal implementation.

  • Im wanting to create my first course but reading this post made me anxious.

    Is there any protection for the instructors on Udemy re: copyright etc

    Or certain students ripping off the 'refund policy'

  • DanielEvans
    DanielEvans Posts: 440 mentor rank

    The thread is all about the fact that there's little to no protection and a small percentage of students, do rip off courses...

    That's why people are contributing expressing their concerns and suggestions.

  • Don't worry, it's just an open discussion on few facts because all system has it always. But pros are much compared to cons. So we suggest to create a wonderful course and help other from your knowledge, if money is 2nd priority and helping the candidate is first, you will easily get the both.

    All the best

  • Myusufe
    Myusufe Posts: 18 trailblazer rank

    Don't stop to create content in Udemy. There are some people just want to get advantage, but believe me not All people are like that.
    Create your content and share to others, if you get money say thanks, if not - it is still good to share your knowledge to others.

  • jadaon
    jadaon Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Samething happened to me today. This is my first course, so I treasure every student. That's why I feel really depressed when I saw it. He enrolled and finished the course really quickly, then returned his money.

    Do we really have no way to prevent that?

  • This point is Very disappointing because Udemy only pay attention and care about students, on the other side the tough Warning even threats to the instructor not to game the system or violate the policy which will cause account termination and loosing all courses !!

    What about applying this rule to students also?

    or even change the policy to be more efficient for the sake of all the eco-system (udemy - instructor - students)?

    what about someone from udemy reply to this community post?

    or even reply to my emails to support?

    I've one last thing to say explaining how important this is:

    instructors are the source who create courses which lead students to pay

    instructors >> courses >> students >> money

    without instructors there will never be money