Latest numbers from Udemy!



  • Larry indicated that he was "very sure that the 80% of Fortune 100 companies are UFB clients."

    Per Jocelyn, we now know that "80% trust Udemy" does not equal "80% are UFB clients", which is what the concern was - and why the question was asked.

  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 861 rolemodel rank

    Some people are so negative.

    You have to let whatever biases you have against Udemy go. You're wasting your own time posting here if you have such a negative opinion of Udemy.

  • It's not that people are negative, Scott. People rely on their Udemy income to make car payments, mortgage payments, and to cover other important life expenses. Udemy doesn't have a stellar record when it comes to changes, so when they are rolled out/introduced in a clumsy manner, people get concerned. That's not being negative.

    To be completely honest, I see no evidence of ANY negativity in this thread whatsoever. Just people trying to get clarification on some "less than clear" statements.

    If this forum is intended to be for cheerleaders only, Udemy should state that. Until then, I don't see anyting wrong with having hard discussions and raising real issues here. Is that not what a forum is for?

  • To Udemy's credit, they are listening to us. Our reactions and our questions are being consulted on by the team responsible for these changes. So, I think our questions and our concerns, all of which are legitimate, are resulting in consideration in their decision making.

    It's all good.

  • Agreed. Sure, some of these discussions can be contentious and uncomfortable, but if it results in Udemy hearing us, the forum serves it purpose.

  • That's Awesome, Udemy always supports Instructors and students, It's the best platform I have ever seen.

  • This is wonderful, awesome, very exciting

    Congratulations Udemy, i am proud of being part of this great community

  • MikeM
    MikeM Posts: 71 storyteller rank


    Great, but the 10 mil+ increase has not resulted in increase of revenue (in fact i am seeing the reverse). i have seen most other instructors complain recently except for those who have already been making thousands. Do yo expect change to this downward trend soon?

  • Very inspiring statistics, meaning I am a member of a very big family. I am proud to be a member of the Udemy Family or Brand. JocelynH, thanks for taking your precious time give us this inspiring statistics. Keep it up!