Want an Opinion on Your Upcoming/New Course From a Top Seller?

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Want an Opinion on Your Upcoming/New Course From a Top Seller?

Update 02/21: I continue to provide feedback to people leaving comments on this post. I will be traveling for the next week and won't be able to do much in that time. But please be patient, and I will return to this thread when I return.


Hi there, my name is Scott, and I've been on Udemy for nine years — 1.1 million paying students as of now.


If you have a new course (or one that just went live) and want some honest, constructive feedback to make it better, I'll spend 10 minutes looking at your landing page, promo videos, and anything else I can see and give you some solid ideas of things that you can improve. I promise I won't be too harsh but I'll be honest.


Post in the comments, and I'll go to your profile page and find your latest course. Or post a YouTube link to one of the videos if the course is not live yet. 


Any of the other community champions can jump on and give feedback to any of the instructors looking for feedback.

103 Replies

You’re the best Scott! 

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

☝️ I learned from the best... you.

Yes, truly so kind to other instructors. This is incredible kindness.

Kind of a quiet party.

Maybe the invitations got lost in the mail?

Let me bump this post up then:)

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

👊 Thanks

@ScottDuffy you are awesome! 

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

🙏 appreciate it

Please review my profile and my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@supplychainsensei6988

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi there Akshay,


I checked out your Udemy instructor profile and your impressive list of courses.


I really don't have any feedback on your instructor profile. There are no obvious errors or flaws. 


As for your courses, you have many, and they all have student reviews. None of them have the New tag. I was hoping to help new instructors or existing instructors with a new course. So I don't have any specific comments on any of your existing courses.


Supply Chain Management seems to be a popular topic on Udemy, and there might be room on Page 1 of search to beat some of the existing courses with lower ratings. I might suggest you go and watch those competitor courses and see what they're doing (right or wrong), and also read their low reviews to see what people think can be improved. Your success here might be in being better than your competitors. But at the same time, there's a lot of competition and it might be a tough battle.




Good luck!


Hi Scott,


I hope this message finds you well.


Firstly, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your generous offer.


Currently, I have a small French course on Udemy, with 1086 enrolled students and a rating of 4.64.


My ambition now is to expand upon this foundation by developing a highly comprehensive course, spanning over 100 hours, in order to not only increase its marketability but also to provide even greater value to our students.


I'm contemplating whether to add to the existing course or to create an entirely new one.


Could you please provide insights on the advantages of either approach?


For your reference, here is the link to the current course:




Thank you once again for your support and guidance.


Warm regards,




Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Marhaba Nezha,


I have a trip to the Middle East coming up in 2 weeks, and I will take your beginning Arabic course to learn a few words and phrases. How timely.


As far as the French course goes...

* I love that you have a specific promo video aimed at people who are not yet your student. 

* The videos have a bit of an echo. But other videos you've made (in the Arabic course for instance), don't have an echo. Your voice is clear and understandable, so it's not a huge problem. But there's clearly an echo, and I'd rather there wasn't.

* I love that your promo video has some direct lessons that students can take away and get a taste of your teaching style.

* Even the introduction video teaches something. Your professionalism as a teacher is clear. As opposed to just being a person who knows French and decided to make a course on it, it's clear that you are a language teacher. This makes me trust you if I wanted to learn French.

* Does your course have any handouts? Like if a student wanted some paper exercises they can do, or a summary of the words/phrases for that section? I don't see any downloads but that would be a good addition if there is a way you can do that.

* Your videos are good in that they are not static and the words on screen change every minute or two. 

* You have a high course review score, so obviously students like your videos and your teaching style.


I'm sorry that I don't have a huge number of improvement suggestions for you. I will watch your free Arabic course, however, so thank you for commenting on this post, and I look forward to learning from you.


Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Oh, and to the question of adding to the existing course or creating a new course...


As a teacher, I am a bit intimidated by the idea of creating a 100-hour course. That would be a lot of work for you. Would the payback on Udemy be worth it for a 100-hour course? I don't know. I prefer something more targeted to specific outcomes.


How about a course specific to people who want to learn French for business purposes? I can see a 8 or 10-hour course on Business French for that. That can even include cultural notes about working with colleagues in France, holidays, how to avoid being perceived as rude, etc.


Or people who want to learn French for personal travel purposes? A course specific to the needs of a traveller might do. This could include tips for the first time in Paris, or which areas of the city have affordable hotels close to the metro, etc. 


How about French for people who already speak two other European languages? Not sure how feasible that idea is, but most French courses are targetted to people who only know one language (I think). For people who already know - let's say Spanish and English - how hard is it to learn French? Is there a different approach that can be taken?


If it was me, I'd rather try to create one or more unique courses about France/French, as opposed to one massive 100-hour course. That's just me. If you want to become the next Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone, or Duolingo, you can. But I prefer a targeted approach.


Another idea would be to poll your students. If you can find 100 people looking to learn French, ask them what they are looking for that they can't get anywhere else. There might be some interesting ideas in there. Read the 1-star reviews of your competitors and see what students think is missing.

Greetings Scott,


I just launched a new course, and this is my first on Udemy; if you could please provide your valuable feedback and I appreciate you looking into the course. The course link -- 






Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

* I like your title, includes good keywords. Great.


* Your subtitle can be improved. Include the keywords again. Would love for it to be more descriptive and motivate the student to buy. "Visualize your data and get actionable insights using R, Python and SQL."


* I think your course image can be improved. I get that it's a column chart, but I think there are better images to represent data analytics.


* Your audio is clear with no background noise. I can understand you clearly. Congratulations on that. To many, that's one of the most difficult parts. 


* I think you can improve your introductory video by telling potential students what to expect to learn in the course and perhaps with a quick demonstration of how you can turn data into insights. Udemy has a "promo video" recipe, and it's worth looking at.



In 90-120 seconds, you should be able to get the students interested in buying your course instead of someone else's course. It's not reasonable that they will spend 10 minutes listening to your entire introduction video before deciding whether to purchase/continue, or look away. Look at the Udemy recipe above.


* I also like to suggest a demo. Even if you haven't taught the students how to use R and Python to analyze the data, if you showed them a sample CSV, you could perhaps craft a 60-second demo of what they should be able to do by the end of the course. A restaurant shows pictures of the food before the diner orders it to get the person interested in the meal, and so a teacher can show a demo of the outcome at the beginning, before taking students step-by-step into how they did it. This is separate from the introduction or promo video. 


* Introduce variety in the video. You have a 10-minute video (Lesson 3), and the video never changes the entire time. I think you can do things to keep the student more interested in the video portion. Can you break one slide into 5 slides? Make the text bigger, add relevant pictures, or introduce basic animations (fade in) in PowerPoint? Having the screen unchanging for 7, 8, or 10 minutes is too long, in my view.


You don't even have to re-record the audio. You can just improve the slides and dub the existing audio on top of it. I do that all the time. 


* I like that you have lots of "free preview" videos. That's a great way to get students who are unsure of it to get a better idea of your teaching style.


* I like that you have example dataset to download.


* Overall, it looks like the course covers a lot in 6.5 hours, and students interested in the topic would find it helpful. 


* I didn't see a video that was the end of the course. There was no thank you or goodbye, and no notes to the student on what to do next. Let's say a student successfully completes your course. Do you want them to do anything to continue their studies? Can you recommend other resources for them to continue? 


Overall, I think you've got a great first course. Just a few minor suggestions to improve the "pace" of the videos to keep students interested. And of course, get them interested with a good promo video that sells the benefits of taking the course in a concise 2-minute fashion.


All the best,



Thank you Scott for taking the time, and adding your valuable feedback, appreciate it. I will address these points. 


Very good points you have added, taking a look to make sure I have those added in. 


Thank you,




Leonor C.
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hello @ScottDuffy 


What a great initiative! Here at Udemy we are all about values such as community, making an impact and helping all achieve success and this is all about that! Congratulations and lots of kudos for you!! 👏👏👏


Kindest regards!



Udemy moderation team

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Thanks, @Leonor C. 


If you were to one day create your own video course, what topic would it be on?


Leonor C.
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hey @ScottDuffy 👋


I would do some on tarot, international trade, Silhouette (cutting machine to do arts and crafts) and maybe one or two on language courses (English, Portuguese and French) to English Portuguese, French and Spanish speakers. Other than that I am a true consumer on courses and at the moment I have taken on a new hobby which is novel writing... taking my baby steps into writing my first story (novel?)... maybe in the future I can adventure into one of these also, time will tell! 

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Community Champion

I love that you have such a wide-variety of interests. If you can, you should try to create content around one or more of those areas. It could be Udemy, YouTube, or social media. It's a worthy pursuit to try to impart your knowledge to others.


When I first started on Udemy in 2014, I used to create one course per month on different topics that interested me. I don't feel as free today as I did back then to be so creatively diverse since I found a topic that really worked, and I feel obligated to follow that same path.


Thanks so much.  I'm a time management and productivity coach, and that's what I typically create content around and write about.  And in fact, all these courses are related to time management at their core.


And I have a Youtube channel


And I've been writing a blog and sending it out to my audience weekly for 6 + years.


Udemy is currently a smaller piece of my business but one that I'd like to grow.  


In short, I do have a clear focus in my business and majority of my content, while maybe that's not as clear looking at the titles of my Udemy courses.


What strategies have helped you grow your Udemy course most?


Check out my course on IP if u have time and let me know what can be better 😉

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Community Champion

Hi Vedran,


Your course is an introduction to intellectual property and appears to be 1 hour.  Your title says "for start-ups and entrepreneurs," and I like that - speak directly to the audience this is for.  Good title.


There appears to be a typo in your landing page "requirements" section: "No speciic skills needed,".


There is also a typo in your section titles - "Copyrigth and related rights". Some lessons also have typos like "assingment". Please go over the sections, lessons and course landing page with a spellchecker.


Your subtitle is a list of keywords. I would change it to be a sentence that answers the question, "why should I buy this course? what will i get out of it?"


An idea from me: "Learn how to protect your trade secrets and industrial designs using patents and copyrights"


I don't know if that's great, but it speaks to the entrepreneur about what is in it AND includes keywords.


Consider changing your course image to something more professional, including using your own headshot against a professional background to emphasize authority. People want to learn from a real person, not a stock photo of a lightbulb.


How are you "an expert in Intellectual Property"? Are you a lawyer? Do you have a university degree in it? Have you taken courses in it or been granted some authority by a third party? This is your business, your career?  I'm just curious and a potential student might be too.


I think you should add a sentence or two to your instructor bio AND your course description saying, "I am CEO of Didara IP Services Inc and my company has helped 252 companies file patents over the past 10 years," or whatever the basis of your expertise is. Is that clear? If you have some other points of authority on this topic, like a degree or working experience, add them. This course just needs a bit more demonstrated authority, in my opinion.


I like your introduction video. The audio is clear. Your talking head video is nicely framed and looks professional. It's short and direct.


The "what you will learn in this course" is odd. The sound is lower than the intro video, and the video is stretched.  I think something happened during the editing of this video. There are black bars on the video that serve no purpose. You need to fix this video.


You have a good mix of assignments, quizzes and videos in the course.


Overall, I think you have a pretty good first course. Just need to fix a couple of typos and one video seems poorly edited. The rest seem fine. Like I said, I like how you are targeting this at a specific audience and not just "anyone". Good luck!


@ScottDuffy thank you so much for detailed suggestions, i have already polished some details you have identified, while other will adjust for sure according to your suggestions! once again, kudos to you for great tips!

@ScottDuffy What a generous offer!  I have a relatively new course that isn't getting as much traction as I'd like (though I have other courses that are quite successful) and would love a second set of eyes: https://www.udemy.com/course/working-parent/ Thank you!

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Community Champion

Hi Alexis,


* Great instructor bio. Reasonably shows authority on the subjects you teach.


* I like the title and subtitle of the course. If I was a working parent feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, that would clearly speak to me. I'm not your target audience, though. 

* 4.9 stars?!? 4.9! What! That's awesome. You hardly every see a 4.9 rated course (legitimately) so you are doing great. I don't even know if I can make suggestions to improve the course itself since students have been loving it.


* The promo video is also excellent. Professionally done. Audio clear. Your and your co-instructor are clearly presentation pros. 


I'm just going to stop there. So you have an incredible course. There's probably nothing I can say to improve the quality of the course itself. What you need is reach. We just need to get this thing in front of more people.


Now there are a couple of approaches for this. First, I would check in the Udemy reporting tools for your conversion rate. If someone goes to your course landing page, what percentage of the time do they buy? I would bet that it's higher than average. If it's not, then we have to look closer at the landing page. But I bet the landing page isn't the problem.


So the next question would be around how many people see your course in search results. How many people are searching the topic of "parenting" and how high is this course in the search results for that search?


Your positioning on the topic pages is not great. Top of page 2 for "parenting". There are some worse-rated courses before you. I don't know why.


For the keyword "parenting", you are on page 3. That's not great either.


I don't think you use the word parenting (with the ing) enough on the course title, subtitle or in the description. 




I think this is partly a basic SEO problem. You need to figure out what word or words people use to search for a course such as yours, and use those words more.


The second thing I would suggest is that we spam all the employees at Udemy to have a look at your course. This is a great course, and it's hidden on page 3 of search. I bet many UB customers would love a course such as this.


Thank you so much.  This is so helpful!  (And that's for the kind words.  Yes, people are really liking the course, so it's definitely more of a reach thing.)


I'll look into all of those things.


Really appreciate it!




Hey Scott! 

First off, major kudos on your incredible journey of nine years on Udemy and the monumental 1.1 million students reached — that's beyond impressive! 

I'm Ventsi, and I've recently launched a new course titled "ChatGPT for Creative Ideas: Generate Powerful Concepts." It's a passion project close to my heart, and I'd be honored to have your experienced eyes take a glance.

Course Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/chatgpt-for-advertising-creative-generate-campaign-concepts/ 

If you can spare around 10 minutes to share your insights on the landing page, promo videos, or anything you think could use a tweak or polish, it would mean the world to me.

Big thanks for offering your expertise to the Udemy community! 

Cheers, Ventsi

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Community Champion

Hi Ventseslav,


I see you work at Graffiti BBDO. I worked for many years at Proximity BBDO in Canada. I recognize many of those brands on your instructor bio, as I worked with Gillette, Molson, Campbell Soup, and others on the digital marketing side.


* I like your instructor bio. Shows a lot of authority, and I immediately trust you to teach digital marketing and creative ideas. This bio is a great example of a teacher showing real world authority.


* I like your "what the student should know". They do indeed need to know something about marketing but that shouldn't stop them from the course. Well said.


* Similarly "who this course is for" is dead on too. Well said.


* Description uses bolding and lists well to break up the text and make it easy to skim. 


* Nice course image. 


* The promo video has an inconsistent creative style. The video editing is a bit harsh. Some places have music in the background and then suddenly (sharply) there is no music. Then there is music again. I also noticed one part of the video where your voice was cut off at both ends. The camera autofocus is struggling to find focus in some places.

I say this because you're a strategy officer at a famous worldwide marketing brand. I assume that you wouldn't show that first video to a client, even as an early demo. Maybe take the raw video and take a second shot at editing it so that the style is more consistent throughout.

I think the second preview video, "Brief to prompt," is MUCH better. It still has the camera autofocus going in and out of focus at times. So, I guess you'll need to turn off autofocus when doing talking heads in the future.


* I love that you have course downloads to help the students follow along.


* The third video, "Concept Dynamic Connection", also has much better editing than the intro videos. 


* Do you actually demonstrate using ChatGPT in this course? None of the preview videos show ChatGPT live at all. I would add videos to the course that DEMONSTRATE the concepts you are teaching about building a prompt. 


If those videos do exist, add one of them to the free preview so that students can see some active teaching through demos.


Basically, I think your landing page is great, and some of your course videos appear to be at a good standard for teaching. My main suggestion is to try to create a much better promo/intro video because I can see some people being turned away by that.


"You never get a second chance to make a first impression."


Also, you have a good mix of video and teaching styles (talking heads, b-roll, slides, quizzes) and I would suggest a few more demos of using ChatGPT. Maybe even some type of project that you take the students through.


All the best and good luck!


Hi Scott,

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such detailed feedback! I truly appreciate your insights, especially coming from someone with your extensive background in digital marketing.

I'm glad you found the instructor bio and course details well-crafted. Your suggestions about the promo video's consistency and editing are incredibly valuable, and I'll definitely work on refining it to create a more seamless experience for viewers.

I appreciate your keen observations about the autofocus issues, and I'll make sure to address those in future videos by turning off autofocus during talking head segments.

You've highlighted a crucial point about demonstrating the use of ChatGPT live. I do cover it in the course, and I'll take your advice to showcase a demonstration in the free preview to give potential students a clearer understanding.

Your encouragement and constructive suggestions mean a lot. I'm committed to enhancing the course based on your feedback. 

Wishing you all the best, and thanks again for your thoughtful review!

Warm regards, Ventsi

hello Mr. Scott,

My name is Joseph Dzuya. I recently launched a course entitled, ' Machine learning from scratch: Numpy library  from scratch' .

Please go through the landing page and the first section of the course and give me the feedback on how you find the course.

I will be glad to hear from you soon.

Thank you very much.

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Joseph,


Nice to meet you. I hope you take these suggestions as constructive help, as they are intended.


Overall, you do have some challenges to get your python/numpy course up to the standard of the top courses on Udemy on the topic. So all of my suggestions are to help you raise your course to a higher standard but I can't promise or guarantee that doing these things will result in many sales for you because Python is a tough, tough category.


* I went to your instructor bio, and I would suggest you rewrite your biography using proper capitalization, including lower-case letters. Using all capital-letters detracts from the professional look you are going for.


* Similar to your course landing page. I would suggest proper capitalization for the course title.

* Your subtitle is a jumble of keywords without spacing. I would suggest you rewrite this to be more natural English sentence structure to get the students interest in what the course is about.

* I don't find your course image to be related to machine learning programming and would suggest choosing something that gives students a positive idea of what the course is about. 

* Zero ratings and zero students is going to make people pause before signing up for the course. I would suggest you find 30-50 people that are interested in numpy that would be willing to take the course and offer it to them for free. Ask them to give you feedback on the contents privately to help you improve the course.  Don't just post free coupons to the Internet, find people who are target students.

* I would suggest you organize the course into fewer section headings. It appears that many sections only have one lesson. You should have at least 2-3 lessons under every section. So reduce the number of sections and move lessons together into the same section.

* The lesson titles and section titles also have "ALL CAPS" in places. Keep it consistent, using "Title Case" for those titles.

* There are some minor grammar mistakes on the landing page. "learning and the general data science through many worked examples" is one of the "what you'll learn" items and that sentence isn't clear to me.

* Your promo & introduction videos appear to have been filmed on a hand-held mobile phone? I really commend the "talking head" style to get you into the course in some way. There are a few benefits of that. But the talking head part of the videos can be improved. There's a lot of camera shaking, and your face is close to the screen. I would suggest a tripod to keep the camera steady and a bit farther away from you.

* However, your audio is clear and there's no background noise. So that's good.

* Your screen-recorded videos are clear.

* Perhaps you can include a few more free preview videos so that students can see your teaching style beyond the introductory topics.


I wish you the best and much success in your career in online teaching. 

Hello Mr. Scott,

Thank you very much for your time  in my course preview.

I have made the corrections you have suggested to me. I will be grateful if you could go through the course again and see the corrections i have made.

How do i get the 30-50 people to preview my course as you suggested to me. I will be  glad if you can help me find these people.

What has shocked me is that, i have found my course priced at 54.99 US Dollars instead of the price of 19.99 US Dollars i had proposed. I don't  understand how they came up with that figure.


Thank you very much Mr. Scott.

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

My understanding is that Udemy tries to sell your course at many different prices (high and low), to try to find the best price that your course sells at. They run pricing tests on each course to discover what the market will pay.

Bump 👆

That’s very kind Scott

just live today with my course 

may re record the intro (as I lifted it from other work and had to resize it)

love to hear your thoughts 


Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Congratulations on launching your course on parenting.


* I like your title and subtitle. Direct and to the point. The subtitle has an emotional element, and a parent frustrated with their children fighting or being aggressive would certainly pay attention to your course.

* 5 students, great. But you'll need to get some reviews soon. See if you can find some local friends/relatives who are parents to take your course and leave a review for you. And ask for any negative feedback privately so that you can improve the course.

* 22 downloadable resources, sounds like you have a lot of resources for the student which is great

* I like your promo video. The audio is very clear. You talk about your own personal experience. (Great!)

* The video editing needs some work, however. I am not sure why the black bars in your video shift around so often. The video of you doesn't take up the entire screen and moves around every 30 seconds or so. Maybe you had trouble with the video editor software, or maybe you wanted to add some variety to the video.  

* The audio in your prologue video is very low. I can only hear it in my right ear, and the audio is barely audible. 

* Your story of raising four children in New Zealand is very touching. Thanks for being so vulnerable with your students.

* The audio in the Positive Parenting video also suffers the "very low" problem. This needs to be fixed.


Here's a video on how to "normalize" audio using a free tool called Audacity. This needs to be done on your videos I think. I use "-3 dB" as the peak amplitude which is a good talking volume.



I think this low audio will hamper the students' ability to learn and will result in lower review scores. So, in my view, fixing the audio is your most important task. And then fixing the promo video black bars.


I'm going to stop there with my review. Best of luck,



Many thanks Scott, appreciate your time 

I have re recorded my intro on my landing page now 

Hi @ScottDuffy ,

Thanks in advance for taking time and give feedbacks.

My course is not new though but it still will be great to get some feedbacks from you. I have spent so much time on this course but it still struggles to get students/reviews...



Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Eshgin,


I checked out your course landing page and your course free preview videos.


I don't really have any improvement suggestions except for one. It appears you have 44 quizzes in this course. If I was a student, that would be a bit annoying after a while. You can consider combining quizzes that come after every video into a quiz at the end of the section, and cut this number down.


Linux is a great topic, but very difficult to compete in. I think your issue will be what makes YOUR course the best and what makes it unique compared to the competition. On Udemy, there's no point in having the 10,000th Linux course that is inferior to at least 20 other courses on the same topic. So you need to have something that makes people choose you over the others.


This could be your animations or unique teaching style, how short your course is, or how long it is, or you're teaching a distro of Linux that no one else is teaching... 


But you need to identify that and make it clear to students that this course is different than Jason Dion's Linux course. Or Colt Steele.


Find a way to BE UNIQUE! And find a way to SHOW THAT on your sales page.


Hi, @ScottDuffy! Thank you for offering your help to us, first timers, with your review suggestion!

Really appreciate it! Although, am an experienced professional but really feel somewhat both excited and anxious to launch my EVER first online course..:). You must have probably already forgotten that feeling....:).


I have not yet published it. So, let me share two links to video files:

1) Link to the course promo video - https://youtu.be/XLimIH5tm7Y?si=f0FEW5INbW-cSIZO 

2) Link to a final course lecture - https://youtu.be/_EOtX-Boy1o?si=NWz_xhEA1Kt7KUXG 


Looking forward to hearing your feedback.  


Kind regards,

Dillyara Dosmakova.

Hello, Scott, thanks for this opportunity 🙏 I'm a new instructor and there is only one course in my profile - The Endless Source of Motivation. Thank you, Elena 

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

A course on motivation? I need that. I have very low motivation in 2024 so far... 


So, I looked at your promo video. I think it can be better. Please accept these comments in the spirit of helping you improve. I want to inspire you to reach a new level in your videomaking, as every person on Udemy has had to do over the years.


* I find the music in the promo video a bit distracting. Perhaps this can be solved by turning the volume on the music track down a bit while you're talking. Your voice should be much louder than the music, so maybe a 50% reduction in the music volume.

* There's clearly some echo in the room you're in. If you were to record another video like this, you might have to record in another room or put some more blankets/carpets/furniture down to absorb the sound. For instance, I have these heavy moving blankets in my office at home that reduces echo.
* Around the 1:00 mark of the promo video, it sounds like someone drops some cutlery in the background.

* Also, the camera shakes a little bit and I wonder if someone is holding it? A tripod or something stable to hold the camera might be a solution to that. Or if it's autofocus or some type of anti-shake feature of the camera, turn it off.


The "roadmap" video is much better! No echo, no music. 


All in all, I think you'd be much better off if your promo video was as good as your main course videos. So perhaps you can re-record that, and it will make your course appeal to more people.


All the best,



Ola Scott eu acabei de me cadastrar e estou com muitas Duvidas. 

Eu uso outras plataformas de vendas como Hotmart e Edduz para  lançamento dos meus cursos e de meus clientes também e gostaria de saber mais como funciona a Udemy. Não achei um contato direto com alguem da plataforma e como vi que está disposto a ajudar os novatos, gostaria de saber se pode me ajudar. 

Desde já Grata !


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Community Champion

Ola e bem vindo.


Desculpa, meu portugues e mau. Eu moro em Portugal so dois anos. Estou aprender portugues ainda.  Eu acho que ha um comunidade portugues onde voce vai perdir suas perguntas.



Hey Scott,

thank you for this amazing offer to new instructors like myself. I happily take the offer with my now third course at Udemy: MITRE ATT&CK Framework - From Zero to Hero | Udemy


Looking forward to your feedback. Feel free to be as critical as possible as I am still a new Instructor (started in Nov23) looking for feedback on how to improve.

Thanks again for making this time-intensive investment!

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome to Udemy.


Cybersecurity is obviously a massive area and there are lots of opportunities for courses on the topic. 


I don't know much about MITRE ATT&CK.


I see you are currently ranked as the fourth or fifth course when you search Udemy for "MITRE ATTACK". And second when you search "MITRE". So I think you don't have SEO issues at the current time despite the ampersand in the middle of the word...


I am not sure I like your course image. Solid black background is a bit harsh. Can you get a textured black background for a little contrast? I would suggest you work a bit more on the image to grab people's attention and appear professional. Security is a serious topic after all.


I guess you used AI to create some of the course images in the slides, but ... is that guy in a suit sitting on the lap of the guy in the hoodie? But he only has two legs. So the guy has two torsos and one set of legs? The course image is a bit distracting if I'm being honest.


I think you can use the course slides a bit more effectively. 




I think your course landing page is fine and I can't really comment on the contents because I don't know the topic. 


With 101 students and 15 reviews, you should be able to reach out to some of the students (or interact with them in the Q&A) and ask them for their feedback on how you can improve the course.


All the best and good luck!


Thanks for taking the time to give me feedback Scott! I highly appreciate your input and plan to work on the topics you mentioned.

Enjoy the upcoming holidays! 🙂

Dear Scott,


thank you for your kind offer. I just published a course for beginners to learn Tantra a few days ago. I would very much appreciate your feedback! 


Looking forward to hearing from you. Have an amazing day! 


Warm greetings,



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