How to join to the Instructor Club if first course is published

I published my first course on Udemy.

It is a Practice Test.

When I would like to open the Instructor Club, it still says that

"You can join the Instructor Club after you publish your first course. In the meantime, you’ll find plenty of help and advice in Studio U."

How does it work?

Why can't I use the Instructor Club?

Must I create first Course type course, Practice test type is not enough?


  • csking1981
    csking1981 Posts: 372 specialist rank



    You must publish your first course after that you can join us.

    Don't worry about it and keep moving forward.


  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hey @tiborszaraz
    , congrats on publishing your first course! It takes our site a day or two to update. If you don't have access by the end of the week, I would recommend signing in and out of the community.

  • Login/Logout helped after one day of course creation