My account is banned

My account has recently been permanently banned.

I have uploaded courses on Udemy for four years.

I made these courses and uploaded them to my own platform and also uploaded them to Udemy.

Recently I uploaded a new course, not my own voice, but machine dubbing. Udemy judged that it was not made by me, but this was indeed made by me.

Then I banned my account and dropped all my courses,

I have sent the Trust & Safety team, but there is no reply.


  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Hi @Haran90
    - Trust & Saftey are the only ones who can assist you. All the best.

  • TameraDion
    TameraDion Posts: 301 mentor rank

    For on, you are not supposed to use matching dubbing for courses, it needs to be an actual person. 2, it can take awhile for Trust and Safety to get back to you, I would follow up every few days as needed, but they do go in order of who wrote in first.

  • Haran90
    Haran90 Posts: 2 researcher rank

    I didn't know before, but now it bans all my courses.

  • I have a similar situation. I uploaded 2 courses which were not mine. I bought them from Fiverr along with the copyright to use the courses. Udemy banned my entire account with over 50 courses in it. I has been an instructor since 2017. I need my account back. I already told trust and safety that I will remove all courses with any violations. With the exception of those courses all are mine in my own voice and material.
