Introduce Yourself!



  • Hello everyone,

    My name is David. I am British but I actually live in the Balkans. I am a retired lawyer and also a qualified English teacher.

    I have been a Udemy customer as a student for a few years but now I would like to launch my own courses teaching English to non-native speakers. I specialise in business and legal English, financial and commercial English.

    I am able to make my own videos but I have never made any for Udemy before so I am not sure how to start. Is there a standard form or an approval process? Any advice and guidance would be most welcomed.

  • Once you made your first video, you can test your video here. They care more about the audio quality. Make sure to use a proper mike and avoid background noise when recording. When it comes to the video, it's more of a personal preference. They will tell you if there are any improvements to be made. You can improve your videos based on the recommendations.

  • Thanks for the very helpful input.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hey @Jifry Issadeen
    , great intro, I feel like I was able to get to know a lot about you, so thank you for sharing! I hope you enjoy our community.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @YokeMuiTan484
    , welcome to the community! Best of luck

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hello @Vangeorgh
    , I share a lot of the same passions and hobbies as you. It sounds like you're in a really fun area to be teaching courses in and I'm excited for you to publish your first course.

    All the best!

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Welcome aboard @Aminat Diganayeva
    ! I hope you find all you're looking for here in the community!

  • Thank you. I'm really happy that I chose Udemy to publish my course. I think for a starter, its been about a week and my course is doing fairly well as I have some sales and they seems to be growing. I should also thank the team for the support.

  • Elmaraf
    Elmaraf Posts: 3 researcher rank

    Hi Guys

    • I'm Lawal Marafa (Elmaraf).
    • I'm from Nigeria.
    • My favorite courses are architecture and design.
    • I joined instructor community for inspiration, motivations and make friends.
    • I love doing things right, while its not always the case. some rules are meant to be bent.
  • Hey Everyone!

    My name is Sunil and I am a Content Writer Skills Trainer, ">">">">"> rated Valued Professional, ♫ Engineer Techno Savvy ♫ Multi-Skilled Entrepreneur ♫ Art Enthusiast Military School Alumnus Marathoner🏃 from the largest democracy in the world - Hindustan/Bharat/India.

    I have created a series of "Happy Skills Experiences" for anyone to experientially sharpen over 40+ global skills in-demand for anyone from 8-80 years of age! It's great to be here on Udemy and have learners from 77 countries enrolled for one of my courses.



  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Welcome, @Elmaraf
    ! We appreciate you adding a video to your introduction, we love being able to see who's behind the screen! For some reason, the video didn't play on my end, but I'm glad to learn more about you.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @Sunil Tatkar
    . Wow, you have so many skills! Thanks for sharing and welcome to the Instructor Community!

  • Thank you for welcoming me. Appreciate it, Bella.

    Trust me! It's not just me; we all, including you and everyone else here in the community, have many skills. That's intrinsic to all human beings. It's just that we never bother to unlock them and share them. My course 3 Steps To Be Happily Skilled elaborates on this with tons of real-world examples.



  • Elmaraf
    Elmaraf Posts: 3 researcher rank

    Thank you for the warm welcome.

    I will look forward to do the best for the community and myself.

    Thanks the trust.

    Quite unfortunate for the video not playing. Do I need to reupload?

  • Elmaraf
    Elmaraf Posts: 3 researcher rank

    Mr. Sunil, welcome and I hope to collaborate with you during and after our stay.

    Welcome and cheers.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    You are able to edit your message and try reuploading the video again if you'd like, you just need to click the ''Options'' button next to your comment and ''Edit Reply''.

  • Merhabalar ben Abdullah Özsoy. Elektronik Öğretmenliği Mezunuyum fakat özel bir şirkette yönetici olarak görev yapıyorum. Hobi olarak çizim yapıyorum. 3 boyutlu çizim yapmayı çok seviyorum. Çizimlerime olan ilgiden dolayı 2 hedefim oldu. Bunlardan 1. Olarak Yüz yüze resim kursu vermek 2. Olarak Resim sergisi açmak yada sergiye resimlerimin davet edilmesi. 2 hedefimi de gerçekleştirdim. Eğitim tasarımındaki hobi olarak sanatında başarılı olmak beni mutlu ediyor. Artık daha büyük hedefim var Udemy de çok öğrencimin olması. Selamlar.

  • Hello everyone!

    I'm Raquel Coelho and I'm a multipassionate educator. For nearly twenty years I worked as a primary teacher and a teacher trainer in Portuguese schools and in international schools. I have also worked as a coach and since January 2020 I started a podcast called Anxiety My Friend - Ansiedade Minha Amiga.

    I am passionate about this tiny life we get to live and I love to learn, research and explore ways of living a meaningful life a s helping others along the way.

    I look forward to working alongside you inspirational People.

  • Hello, my name is Abdullah Ozsoy. I am an Electronics Teaching Graduate, but I work as a manager in a private company. Drawing plan as a hobby. I love to draw in 3D. Out of the interest in my drawings, I had 2 goals. To the public 1. As a face-to-face painting course 2. As Opening an art exhibition or inviting my paintings to the exhibition. I achieved my 2 goals. Being successful in art as a hobby in educational design makes me happy. Now I have a bigger goal to have many students on Udemy. Hello.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Welcome to the community @AbdullahÖzsoy
    ! I hope you achieve your goal!

  • My name is Zainab, I am 24 years old, Moroccan.

    I work in the retail. I am pleased to participate with you in this article.

    Whoever wants to learn the Moroccan dialect is most welcome, thank you

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Welcome, @RaquelCoelho
    ! We're so happy to have you here. Your podcast seems to be very interesting and I can tell by your introduction that you're very passionate about what you do.

    We also have a Portuguese community if you'd like to engage with members who speak your native language. We also have monthly coffee chats where you can meet other Brazilian/Portuguese instructors via Zoom.

  • Thank you @Bella
    ! Oh that is so cool re the Portugues Community. I will definitely link up! That is actually something I am a bit worried about: I indend on creating half of my courses in Portuguese and the other half in English, so I hope that does not confuse the system. Thank you for the encouragement and I hope you enjoy the podcast.

    I look forward to exploring this community and learning from others!

    • Who are you? Hi! I'm Robin DeCapua of Madison Modern Home, a home staging company
    • Where are you from? We're based in the Los Angeles area
    • What is your teaching area? We just discovered Udemy -- and we're just now beginning the process of building our first course in home staging for fun and profit
    • Why did you join the Instructor Community? My daughter told me about Udemy and said we should look into it, as people always tell us they would love to learn how to do what we do!
    • Tell us a fun fact about yourself! I started this home staging company in 2008 with my daughter and son-in-law in the middle of a global financial crisis. Everyone said I was crazy to leave a good-paying corporate job to basically jump off a cliff into the uncertainty of a small business. But it was one of the best decisions I've ever made!
  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Welcome aboard @Eddouasszin048
    ! We hope you like our community

  • Welcome to the community @MadModHome
    , I hope you find everything you need and that you enjoy your experience!.

    If you have any questions, you're welcome to ask me or the community anything!

  • Hi, My name is Santosh . I'm from India . In India I'm from Andhra Pradesh . I'm pursuing Graduation in Kurnool in Osmania Degree College Kurnool. In my college my instructors i.e., My Professors and my college staff instructed us and me also to do "2 months" internship in any academy. Then I have said that i am already taking ethical hacking course in UDEMY. They said good and said to get 2MONTHS course certificate from them the i said yeah sure ."SO IF YOU PROVIDE ME WITH THE 2MONTHS CERTIFICATE I'M SO GLAD TO YOU IF YOU GUYS GIVE ME THE 2MONTHS CERTIFICATE OF COURSE COMPLETING . I'M HOPING THAT YOU WILL PROVIDE ME WITH THE 2MONTHS CERTIFICATE."

  • Have a good time:

    I'm Radwan Al-Debs

    From beautiful Syria

    Consultant and teacher of self-development and management issues

    I love arts, I practice plastic arts and decoration

    I have a professional diploma in strategic planning for organizations and individuals

    Available on Udemy, dear to my heart

    I look forward to success with you

    أوقاتكم سعيدة :

    أنا رضوان الدبس

    من سوريا الجميلة

    مستشار ومدرس مواضيع التنمية الذاتية والإدارية

    أحب الفنون وأمارس الفن التشكيلي والديكور

    ولدي دبلوم مهني في التخطيط الإستراتيجي للمؤسسات والأفراد

    موجود على منصة يوديمي العزيزة على قلبي

    أتطلع للنجاح معكم

  • Welcome to the community @RADWAN ALDEB696
    , I hope you find everything you need and enjoy your experience!

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @SantoshKumar2025
    , welcome, this is the Udemy Instructor Community, but I'm happy to assist you here. The certificate of completion will only display the total length of the course you've enrolled in, so if your course lasts for less than 2 months, this information cannot be changed.

    This article explains how you can download your certificate, after completing your course on a browser, and here is the tutorial to download your certificate on a mobile.

    Certificates of completion help demonstrate your accomplishments, but please note, Udemy is not an accredited institution. As a result, the certificates cannot be used for formal accreditation.

    If you need further assistance, please contact our Student Support here. I hope this helps!

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community