Announcement: Udemy Restructuring Update

Hello Instructors,

We would like to provide you with an important update regarding recent changes within the company. As discussed during the Q2 earnings call, Udemy is taking decisive steps to realign its strategic focus and resources toward the areas of highest growth, while also driving operational efficiency. As part of this process, we have made the difficult decision to reduce certain positions and restructure our teams effective yesterday 9/12/24. This decision was not made lightly, and we are deeply empathetic to those affected.

Despite these challenging changes, we want to reassure you that Udemy remains strong. To sustain our ability to deliver value and ensure our long-term success, we have streamlined operations by reducing organizational layers and shifting certain roles to lower-cost regions. These actions will help us adapt to a dynamic market while continuing to serve you with the same commitment and dedication.

We are fully committed to supporting our impacted team members during this transition and remain focused on building a brighter future for Udemy. Thank you for your continued trust and understanding.


  • Sorry to hear this.

  • Big bummer for the Udemy team. Wishing everyone who was let go the best. Thank you for all the work you did.

  • Sad to hear this…

  • Faisal
    Faisal Posts: 37 storyteller rank

    Thank you for the update. Wishing everyone the very best in whatever they do next.

  • This is the cycle of life and companies.

    Hope brand new oportunities for all afected.

    All the best!

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,774 rolemodel rank

    I just wish there were a more humane way for companies to achieve profitability and long term stability.

    Here's hoping those affected find new opportunities quickly, and those who remain are able to adapt and remain positive.

  • SAPBuddy
    SAPBuddy Posts: 202 specialist rank

    sorry to hear that

  • @Chrystie So sorry to hear that…I am sure Udemy is doing what is best for it and its stakeholders and employees. Wishing Good luck and prosperity to those who have to change their course. Have faith, it will be for better…

  • @LawrenceMMiller - Well said. I published my first course exactly 5 years ago this month. I have published close to 40 courses since then. I vowed to myself that I would NEVER become dependent upon Udemy to pay the bills because I knew it was just too volatile. I was right and it's becoming much more volatile. Udemy will do what it needs to, to become profitable and will keep cutting instructor payouts as much as necessary to make that happen.

    I have had a couple ideas for new courses but each time I start putting in the work I ask myself, "Why?" The ROI on my time just isn't there anymore. So, I'll ride this out for as long as I can and be thankful for the nice money I have made along the way.

  • @LawrenceMMiller Nicely brought out. Much appreciated

  • Paulo
    Paulo Posts: 14 traveler rank

    Sorry to hear about the layoffs.

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 451 mentor rank
    edited September 15

    Sad to hear for everyone. How is this affecting community moderators?

  • This is sad news indeed.

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,310 rolemodel rank

    Thank you for the update. The trends show this is needed. Sad for those who have had the move forced on them. May the future stabilise and be bright.

  • Chrystie
    Chrystie Posts: 531 Udemy rank

    @Alexia The community team is in tact and there shouldn't be any disruptions in the Instructor Community.

  • Hi @Chrystie and colleagues. First off, my heart goes out to the Udemy team members who were let go. Having been through layoffs at other companies myself, I know how tough it can be, and I stand in solidarity with them. While I haven’t always agreed with certain decisions—like the gradual reduction of our Udemy Business revenue share from 25% to 15%, or the sports sponsorships that didn’t seem to resonate much in my main market of Spanish-speaking countries—I’ve come to understand that these steps are necessary. I’m ready to support whatever is needed to help the company stay on course, even if it requires sacrifices from all of us. At the end of the day, we’re all in this together, and I sincerely hope that these changes will help Udemy reach profitability and long-term success. I'm rooting for all of us who are sticking around.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 1,899 Udemy rank

    Yes, we're still here and happy to continue supporting you all along the way, @Alexia 😊.

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 451 mentor rank

    Good news there:)

  • Even if I'm not personally working for a company, I'm glad to see that here (in France, but also in most European countries) you can't just fire people like that.

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 451 mentor rank

    @Edouard Renard it’s happened to me twice in my career and neither was Covid related. One was a substance abuse non profit and the other was a mental health provider that was for profit. Neither executed it well.

  • Jilsonrs
    Jilsonrs Posts: 40 storyteller rank
    edited September 17

    Dear @Chrystie,
    I was very sad about this news, and good luck to those affected.