Community News

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello instructor community!


We are thrilled to announce that nine new Community Champions have joined our community. These individuals have shown exceptional dedication and passion for online education, and we are confident they will bring valuable insights and support to our community.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors! 


It’s June, and this month’s theme is Learning Design! We’d love for you to stop by our coffee chat and network with fellow instructors while sharing your experience improving the design of your online courses.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there instructors!


It’s officially June and this month’s theme is Learning Design!


In June, we will post engaging content on the process of creating an engaging online course! Since you are all in different phases of your instructor journeys, we should have many different perspectives on Learning Design strategies!



Community Manager
Community Manager

We've got some exciting updates to share with you regarding our AI principles. As you know, we've been discussing AI quite a bit, and we've been following your discussions closely. We understand that with new advancements, questions and concerns naturally arise. That's why we're dedicated to keeping you informed every step of the way.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors!


As you likely know our Q2  Centerpiece kicked off on May 14th around the world. Our quarterly sales event features fantastic discounts designed to inspire students to invest in their education and purchase your wonderful courses so that together we can transform more lives through learning. I know the idea of a discount may not be appealing, but at the same time the more people we can tempt into their first purchase, hopefully, the more we can encourage them to be repeat buyers. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors! 


It’s May and this month’s theme is Marketing! We’d love for you to stop by our coffee chat and network with fellow instructors while sharing your experience with improving marketing strategy of your online courses.

What is a virtual coffee chat? 


The community virtual coffee chats are hour-long informal networking sessions held via Zoom. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to network with and get to know other Udemy instructors worldwide.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey Community - Today is not just any day – it's Teacher Appreciation Day! (not to be confused with UNESCO World Teachers Day on October 5th)


Community Manager
Community Manager

We are thrilled to announce that Udemy has hired a Senior Vice President of Consumer Growth, Kaleb Miller. He comes to us with a wealth of experience and expertise, and we're excited to have him on board. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi instructors!


We’ve excited to share the following improvements we’ve made to practice tests, especially as more professional learners are using them for certification preparation. See below for the enhancements we’ve just launched and learn more in this Teaching Center article


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there instructors!


It’s officially may and this month’s theme is Marketing. This subject is the most discussed topic on the community so I’m excited hear about the upcoming discussions! 


Community Manager
Community Manager

We are excited to invite all Udemy Instructors to an exclusive AMA (Ask Me Anything) session featuring @FrankKane  and @TrevoirWill. This event will be held on April 30th at 11:00 AM PT, offering some insight into some of the community’s best practices with AV and Course Quality!


Community Manager
Community Manager

We wanted to inform you the community platform will be set to read-only for a brief period of maintenance today, April 9th, 2024.  During this time, you'll still be able to access existing content and browse the site, but won't be able to post new content, comment, or make edits.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors! We are pleased to announce two exciting policy updates straight from our Trust & Safety Team. These changes have been driven by valuable feedback from our esteemed instructors like you. Get ready to embrace more flexibility in your course creation process! 🚀


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors! 


It’s now April and this month’s theme is AV! We’d love for you to stop by our coffee chat and network with fellow instructors while sharing your experience with improving the audio and visual quality of your online courses.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey Instructors,


Over the past few months, we've been thinking about how we can amplify the impact of our collective voice to accelerate Udemy’s growth, and as part of this, we have been rethinking and refining our mission and vision to ensure it reflects the collective goals of Udemy and the communities we serve together with you our instructor partners.  You can find the article here.


Firstly, our vision. Our vision is to create a world where everyone, everywhere has access to the skills they need to unlock their potential — a world where they can create possibilities for themselves and for others. Our vision isn't just about the here and now, it’s about looking forward to a world where everyone has a shot at learning what they need to make their mark, and everyone can share their knowledge and skills with the world through teaching. We believe together we are opening doors to opportunities and possibilities that stretch out wide and far.


As part of this vision, we also have a set of beliefs. Our beliefs shape our vision and guide us in where we chose to focus and why and we want to share them with all of you. Some you may agree with, and some you may not, the goal is to state a point of view and use these beliefs to incite conversation, and discussion so that we can evolve our thinking and approach to bringing learning and skills to the world. 


Skills are the new currency for talent management

We're not just saying it; we see it. Skills are fast becoming the measure by which individual learners and organizations are measuring themselves and their teams. Every time a learner lands a new job, nails a skill, or just feels that click of understanding, that’s your work paying off and they come one step closer to their goals. In many cases, people don’t have access to traditional learning environments or they may not be suited to them so leveraging skills as the new currency is a more inclusive and accessible mechanism for recognizing talent in the workplace and in the world. 


Learning should be personalized

At Udemy, we're not just sitting back and watching. We're right there with you. We’re making sure our platform is where you can do your best work and where learners can experience your knowledge in a variety of ways. Whether this be through standard courses or through assessments, labs and interactive Q&A. We want to create a community of learners around your courses and in the future provide even more ways to guide learners on which courses to take for which outcomes as well as provide new ways for you to engage with learners in an interactive way. 


The wisdom of the marketplace should be embraced: We believe that the model we have with Udemy wins for a reason because, through your commitment to sharing your knowledge, we are able to provide fresh and relevant content to learners when they need it most. You never know where the next best course will come from, it shouldn’t be limited to what we as Udemy decide to publish, it should be based on what the market has to offer. We want to continue to create an environment for instructors from all backgrounds to teach through Udemy. We believe this is the only way to keep up with the pace of change. 


AI should be integrated with human knowledge

We've got a community of learners who are hungry for the knowledge you have. And we’re here to support you in reaching them. We believe that AI is a transformational technology but we also believe in the power of human knowledge and the real magic happens when we can combine artificial and human intelligence together. We are committed to leveraging AI to the benefit of our learners and instructors to create more opportunities for all of us. 


We're excited about the future, and we hope you are too. So let's keep at it. Keep sharing your expertise, keep creating those lightbulb moments, and keep being the incredible instructors you are. We are here to support you and together we can transform even more lives through learning and create a world where everyone everywhere has the power to create possibilities for themselves and for others


With that, I have a question for you. What features would you like to see to help you spread your knowledge better through Udemy? 

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.


Cheers to what we're building together.


Teach on,


Chief Marketing Officer, Udemy


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there instructors!


It’s officially April and this theme should be a hotly discussed topic -  AV. Now, what is AV you may ask? 


AV stands for Audio Visual and the month’s discussions are going to revolve around all things related to upping the quality of your online course recording.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors! Earlier this year I shared our 2024 marketing goal to create sustainable hype and amplify the Udemy brand in new ways. One way we’re doing this is by sharing “Stories of Transformation” from our learners, customers, Udemates, and of course from all of you, our instructors! This week the spotlight is on Diego Davila, who has been teaching on Udemy for over a decade now. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch his story, and learn more about his experience in his own words here.



Community Manager
Community Manager




Hello Instructors! 


It’s now March and this month’s theme is Course Quality!! We’d love for you to stop by our coffee chat and network with fellow instructors while sharing your experience with improving the quality of your online courses.


What is a virtual coffee chat? 

The community virtual coffee chats are hour-long informal networking sessions held via Zoom. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to network with and get to know other Udemy instructors worldwide.


How does it work?

March’s theme is Course Quality, so for the first 30 minutes, we will discuss various questions and Search Engine Optimization. Then we will open the floor for some questions you may have for other instructors regarding Course Quality as an instructor.


How do I sign up?

Glad you asked! You can sign up for the coffee chat here!


We look forward to seeing you on Friday, March 29th at 11:00am Pacific Time! 

(Please click the link here to see out your local time) 


*We understand that this time may not be ideal for all time zones, however, we will change the times of the coffee chat each month to accommodate different locations.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there instructors! 


Last month, we had the opportunity to host our monthly networking session and we wanted to share what we went through. There was a lot of great information within the networking event covering SEO! Through our time together, we asked a couple of questions about instructor’s experience in SEO and here is a recap of what we discussed. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there!


It’s officially March and our next topic to discuss is course quality. Throughout the month, we will have discussions about how you can improve your course’s quality and provide a better experience for your learners.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello there!


We're always looking for ways to make our community a valuable and enriching space for all of us. To do that, we need your input!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for joining us for the first Instructor Insider of 2024. Many of you have told us you want more ways to reach and engage learners — and maximize your earnings potential. And we’ve heard you. So this Insider we’re focusing on:

Your content – We want to make it easier for you to do what you do best: create fantastic content for learners. 

Your brand (and ours) – Where you teach is important, so we’re working hard on building trust and name recognition for new and existing learners.

Your revenue – We’re making enhancements that will help skill-oriented learners discover and engage with your courses (so they keep coming back).


Read on for more of how we’re doing it


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello there!

We're thrilled to announce that applications are now open for our super user program, the Community Champions!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Build your personal brand

Promote your courses and teaching style

Tap into Udemy’s audience of over 12M followers

Connect with Udemy learners across the globe

Share your knowledge help others grow personally and professionally

Grow your community by engaging with new and existing learners


If these perks sound appealing, this opportunity is for you!


The Udemy social media team is looking to feature video content from instructors across Udemy’s social channels. For a chance to be featured, record a short video clip of you sharing ANYTHING related to learning (must be under 60 seconds).


Community Manager
Community Manager

In 2024, we're trying to provide more transparency and align pricing with the value you deliver to learners. We’ve highlighted our focus areas in pricing strategy for the next few months in this Teaching Center Article. You can find a summary of the updates below:


Community Manager
Community Manager





Hello Instructors! 


It’s now February and this month’s theme is SEO!! We’d love for you to stop by our coffee chat and network with fellow instructors while sharing your experience with SEO.

What is a virtual coffee chat? 


The community virtual coffee chats are hour-long informal networking sessions held via Zoom. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to network with and get to know other Udemy instructors worldwide.


How does it work?

February’s theme is SEO, so for the first 30 minutes, we will discuss various questions and Search Engine Optimization. Then we will open the floor for some questions you may have for other instructors regarding SEO as an instructor.


How do I sign up?

Glad you asked! You can sign up for the coffee chat here!


We look forward to seeing you on Friday, February 23rd at 11:00am PT (Pacific Standard Time, US)! 


*We understand that this time may not be ideal for all time zones, however, we will change the times of the coffee chat each month to accommodate different locations.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there!


We’re excited to start off the new month with a theme that is highly discussed within the community, SEO. Through February, we will discuss various aspects of what SEO is and how you all are utilizing it as instructors. 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


Tax season has arrived in the United States, and so have 2023 tax forms for US instructors! If you submitted form W-9 (for US persons and businesses), you should be able to access Form 1099-MISC summarizing your 2023 Udemy earnings and withholding at this point. You can view your form and securely download a PDF of it in your Payout & Tax Settings page. A physical tax form will be sent to the mailing address you provided when you completed your tax documentation, unless you selected to receive your year-end tax forms electronically (and so Udemy won’t send a copy by mail).


Community Manager
Community Manager

We are excited to invite all Udemy Instructors to an exclusive AMA (Ask Me Anything) session featuring our esteemed Chief Marketing Officer, Genefa Murphy. This event will be held on February 6th at 11:00 AM PT, offering a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of Udemy and its dynamic landscape.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there instructors,


We are super proud that Udemy plays a part in so many of your lives and anytime we get to share one of our instructors our learner's stories we are always super excited.  With that in mind, we are pleased to showcase the inspiring story of Udemy instructor Angela Yu, and the impact she has had on one of her learners, Alvin Lim.


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