How many students do you have?

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How many students do you have?

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Hello fellow Instructors. For inspiration, I thought it might be fun to share student numbers. Plus any tips you might have on growing your student base?


15000 push Capture.PNG


Personally, I have been working very hard since christmas to hit my goal of 15,000 by end of april 2019. I have been active in many facebook groups, not advertising, but helping, offering advice and positioning myself as knowledgable in my niche. I have seen a lot of growth since I started this push (approx 300!). Many have come from organic growth, but quite a few have followed my social profiles back to udemy and ended up buying one or more courses.



What have you been doing to promote yourself and your courses? Share below.



78 Replies
Community Champion Community Champion
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students FEB 2018.JPG

Mostly see new students from my Facebook group, but it really is the product that has to sell you. 
This week I saw a few reddit posts about how amaziballs my courses were and they helped the person pass their certification, that advertising is worth so much, that is how you grow fast. 

Thor Pedersen - IT , Project Management, and Cyber Security trainer

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Can you tell me more about your Facebook group?

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I'm really killing it. LOL

It's a start and getting better every day. Most of these are freebies. My course has been up for about 2 months.



Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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More than half way!! Keep pushing. I know you got this 😉

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Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 3.12.53 PM.png

Been on Udemy since January 2015.

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Congrats on the 50000 milestone 🙂

Digital Course Creator - Happy to connect with other instructors
Community Champion Community Champion
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I started in 2013 and left Udemy to self-host shortly after as I was teaching "live" and the feature was never made to fruition (still hope of mine to see it working!)  Left for 4 years due to life, work, moves, and 2 kids and now back so the numbers are mostly from the last year. 


I do a lot of social media interaction, podcasts, word of mouth and referrals from Psychiatrists.  I (almost) never turn down another respected person in my field wanting to chat, podcast, write an article, etc. for both selfish and selfless reasons.


Overall I think especially for my field, mental health being genuine and authentic is my best sales tool.


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Alicia Paz M.A, QMHP

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Everything has a beginning and I'm still crawling around you rs...



Success to all!

-Rayan Maia

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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How are you getting on now? Any big jumps in enrolments?

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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Today - I spotted 32,000 student friends! - I have two FB groups, a YT chanel and I am a very lazy blogger. Occasionally I tweet - my YT vids were automated to Twitter but they dont allow that anymore. Plus I send our regualr educational annoucements and one promo per month. I try not to be too active in the FB groups as I dont want to spread myself too thin! Luckily I have a great admin and she loves it. I dont think there is one measure to increase - I think it all works together in a relationship that looks after and feeds from each other. I have an ambitious desire to double my student numbers this year.

My best marketing is the amazing reveiws that students give me!Screen Shot 2019-02-11 at 7.36.43 am.png

Sharon Ramel
Spiritual Guide, Shaman, Priestess of the Blue Rose

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I'm interested in your Facebook groups. Can you tell me more about them?

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11,900 but I think almost half were free coupons so really about 6000 which is still great I think. I'm very pleased with the results of becoming a Udemy Instructor

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Just started... 300 and counting

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Great job it will just keep growing 🙂



Digital Course Creator - Happy to connect with other instructors

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Exactly :). Thanks!

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I have found the challenge is getting the quality return for your efforts. Having just launched two new courses the take up has been really positive to start with and then the numbers have dropped off very quickly and new reviews have been hard to come by. 

Everyone wants and needs positive reviews and numbers - for those, like me, who do not use Udemy full time where are the best threads for gaining quality students?



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I  find contributing to social media groups is a good way to connect to audiences outside of Udemy.  Although this takes a lot of time and sometimes the results are not easy to measure.  I use Google Analytics to track the sources of where students come from and use that as a way to point me in the right direction.


Digital Course Creator - Happy to connect with other instructors
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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There are amazing numbers on here, I’m not in that company yet but will be!

Ive been on Udemy since Sept 2017 and have just crossed the 14000 student mark which I’m really happy with.

like so many others have said, the best marketing is top quality courses.

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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14000 is a great number! Well done 😉

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It's been several months since you all shared your student numbers and marketing strategies. How's it going?


Are the same strategies still working for you? Or have you pivoted to a different promotional channel?

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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2,393students although about half sign up for more than one course.  


I don’t change much of what I do (not saying this is a good plan!) I have re done my website and am engaging more on social media with students.  I get a vast majority of my students via organic still and am hoping the updated website and some other business posts including post cast appearances change that. 

Alicia Paz M.A, QMHP
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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Very cool. Keep us posted on how the website update works out for sales. I’d love to know 😉

Community Champion Community Champion
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About to crack 300,000 students here (and I don't do free coupons.)

What works for me now is that same thing that worked 4 years ago when I got started... find opportunities to launch the first comprehensive, quality course in hot, emerging topics.  If you do that, the only marketing strategy you really need is to let Udemy do the marketing for you.

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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Great advice! I’m going to try exploring a new topic too soon... 

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I am happy with this figure.Smiley Happy



Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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Wow! Very impressive. Keep up the great work 😉

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Thank You @Robin_Slee

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Great job keep going you are nearing the next milestone


Digital Course Creator - Happy to connect with other instructors

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Please help me.

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