Bug on Courses' Average Ratings (!?)

AdriSensei Posts: 7 researcher rank
edited September 20 in First-time course creation

Hi everyone, has anyone noticed a drastic change of their course ratings today (Sep 20, 2024)?

I have a course that has no longer any reviews (showing 0) on its landing page nor in the dashboard, while my 2 other courses went from 4.11 to 4, and 4.19 to 4.10. They all have hundreds if not thousands of reviews, so all this doesn't make sense.
Maybe due to the GenAI update?
If anyone from Udemy can confirm, thanks!



  • Same here

  • My courses also just took a dive in rating scores and for no apparent reason. It's never been very transparent to me but this is becoming truly frustrating.

  • I am also impacted, a course which was running at 4.5+ from months has been dropped to 4.2 without any -ve comments against it.

  • it's a bug!

  • same here. when I look at my courses in the student view, some of my courses have jumped to 5.0 and some have dropped to 4.0.

  • SeanFowler063
    SeanFowler063 Posts: 58 storyteller rank
    edited September 20

    yea I logged on today and noticed 3 of my best courses went suddenly into 3 while all the others shot up to straight 5.0

  • Dr. Kat
    Dr. Kat Posts: 43 trailblazer rank
    edited September 20

    Same. My overall instructor rating went from 4.62 to 4.59, which is a change that usually happens over months. At a closer look, I noticed that a lot of courses randomly went up from 4.5/4.7 to 5.0 and at least one went down to 2.9.

  • Same here. My two courses were on 4.27 and 4.19 and then boom, in just minutes they fell down below 3.5 out of nowhere. It is a bug, I think. I was so near to freaking out. Kinda still am. Hopefully, a bug.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,387 Udemy rank

    Hi @Dr. Kat @AdriSensei @KevinBrown946 @VitorMazuco @kvjoyocm @MarcLamberti I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue with your course. Our team has been alerted and is investigating this. I recommend you guys send an individual report to the Instructor Support team they will be able to check each account and provide you with more information about the changes you are seeing. To contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right.

    I hope this helps!

  • Dr. Kat
    Dr. Kat Posts: 43 trailblazer rank

    @ElianaC Thank you for your quick response! However, is it really helpful if we individually flood the support team with requests if this is a general bug?

  • I tried to submit a ticket through the "Contact Us" but the process is horrible I have to sadly say.
    The chatbot is completely inadequate and has a hard time even understanding something like "Start an issue ticket"

    I stated in the inquiry that "there is a bug in how Udemy calculates Ratings" and all I got was a looped reponse about "Oh this is how we calculate ratings" with some links to Udemy posts… and then is went with "Oh you have an issue with getting a payment"

    Oh boy…

  • Dr. Kat
    Dr. Kat Posts: 43 trailblazer rank
    edited September 20


    Same. Chatbot was a 100% useless. I sent an email to support@udemy.com. Hope this works…

    Edit: It didn't work 😅 Just received an email back that they don't take requests via this address anymore.

    @ElianaC Could you please tell us a different way to contact Udemy? The chatbot doesn’t understand the issue, I’ve tried multiple times.

  • @ElianaC  thats just it I did create a ticket but still have received no email at all on it, its like Alex isnt working

  • I experienced the same issue, dives for 4 courses! I hope it's a bug. But the 'help-center' is just running in circles. I don't know how to get hold of a real person….

  • @ElianaC I also have the same problem. Also I have seen other courses from other instructors ratings suddenly have jumped to 5.0 while one of my course rating has become 0.0 and another course rating has become 4.24 from 4.46 …. There are 2 issues here one is that my course rating has come down and another is that other instructor course ratings jumped to 5.0 - overnight.

  • I think it's a general issue

  • https://business-support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=9714966677911&type=user

    I have raised ticket using above link.
    Hope this will help.

  • Same issue here :(

  • jpdm90
    jpdm90 Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Same issue here

  • Mubeen
    Mubeen Posts: 9 researcher rank

    Still I am facing same issue

  • RobAger
    RobAger Posts: 10 traveler rank

    Same issue here :(

  • RobAger
    RobAger Posts: 10 traveler rank

    …. this seems to have coincided with the deadline for opting in for the generative ai programme….

  • Same here

  • So many instructors have experienced this. I have a relatively new course with 107 reviews and only 6 out of those are below 4 stars (5 are 3 stars and 1 is 2.5). Rest is either 4 stars and mostly 4.5 and 5. But apparently, average rating out of all those, comes out to be 3.62. I mean how does that makes any sense? I saw another course from other instructor which is like 42% of reviews with 4 stars and like 18% 3 stars, but the course has average course rating of 5 stars. It makes no sense.
    Also, it happened very suddenly. Like in 10 minutes, courses went from 4.5 to 3.5 without any new negative reviews.
    I have submitted a ticket and complained to Udemy instructor support but nothing has been done as of now.
    Does anyone have received any response regarding this?
    Also, I missed the deadline for opting out of Gen AI. Does that mean I am in that program? Is that in any way related to this? Its all very confusing.

  • AB695
    AB695 Posts: 2 observer rank

    Really glad that I found this post, as I was genuinely panicking. I got two courses, one seems to be fine, the other one has 52 reviews and the average score went down to 0.00, showing nothing on the landing page.

  • Same here, My course rating drop from 4.2 to 2.5 overnight with no new reviews.

  • Thank you for posting this.

    I freaked out when some of my courses suddenly started showing a zero rating.
    Hopefully Udemy Technical Team can fix this bug soon.

  • Same here. At first, I thought everyone rated my courses poorly, which made me feel I'm useless. But thanks to your post, I’ve reconsidered.

  • Same here. I got 4 and 5 stars and my score dropped to 4.0. What kind of arithmetic is that?