Ask Me Anything - Phil Ebiner, long-time instructor



  • Congrats on your success!

  • Hey Phil. Great post. I'm thinking about starting a Udemy course on "learning to play the drum set". Any thoughts off the top of your head??

    Thanks for your time!


  • Hi dear Phil,

    I have published my first course and I have some concerns!! Your advice, and sahring your experience means a lot to me and help me to keep my expectations reallistic.

    I published it around three weeks ago and since that time I'm getting almost 1 student every other day, mostly from affiliate and adpro of Udemy (I did no marketing yet).

    1- First of all, how do you think about this performance? Is it strong, week, or very normal for begining? How is the growth trend usually? I mean if I don't do any marketing, does this enrollment trend remains? goes up or down? How is it ususally? (Its like 6 days that I have no new student!!)

    2- I know there are much to do with marketing, but I'm not sure how much I can improve current trend? One of my biggest conerns is I have no clue about " time-versus-#students". I'm spending full-time to make new courses and I'm eating from saving!! So as a questin: within next two months, if I put 2-3 more courses with potentially similar performane and do my best with marketing, can I expect to get around 100 students per month?

    3- Almost there are no serious competetors around my courses (although they are not very high demanded like programming stuff), that's the reason I descied to give a shot full-time. But now, I'm in doubt that maybe whole this process takes time to return minimum surviving revenue (I don't know maybe 6 month- 1 year). So do you think I should get a full-time job somewhere and follow courses at the side? How was it for you at the very begining? How long did it take for you to get your 100 student/month for example? I want to regulate my expectations based on experience and reality.

    Thank you all for giving me your opinion and experience.



  • Hi Phil

    i have not started yet because I do not understand some stuff yet.

    could you help in answering some questions

    1. Who set the price please

    2. What percentage is paid out to the instructor

    3 Are the courses outright purchase or subscription based?

    Thank you

  • The instructor sets the price, it can be a number divisible by 5 between $19.99-$199.99.

    Following is the instructor revenue

    50% of organic sales

    95% of sales caused by instructor promo(the student visited your referral link in last 15 days)

    25% of affiliate sales

    25% of ad based sales

    25% for App store and Google play sales

    Most courses are outright purchased by students, a small proportion is offered under "Udemy For Business" which is a subscription service for large businesses.

    I have 4 courses on Udemy, In the past three months they've been collectively bringing in about $750. It is possible that only one course will make you this much, but the opposite is also equally possible.

    Feel free to ask more questions, I'd love to help.

  • @Naeem-Malik

    The instructor sets the price, it can be a number divisible by 5 between $19.99-$199.99.

    Following is the instructor revenue

    50% of organic sales

    95% of sales caused by instructor promo(the student visited your referral link in last 15 days)

    25% of affiliate sales

    25% of ad based sales

    25% for App store and Google play sales

    Most courses are outright purchased by students, a small proportion is offered under "Udemy For Business" which is a subscription service for large businesses.

    I have 4 courses on Udemy, In the past three months they've been collectively bringing in about $750. It is possible that only one course will make you this much, but the opposite is also equally possible.

    Feel free to ask more questions, I'd love to help.

    Hi Naeem, I have a question ,750 d for each month or three months brought 750, I am sorry if my question was intrusive, thanks in advance

  • Each month ...

  • Thanks naeem I wish you more success
  • You're welcome.

  • I see you haven't published a course yet.

  • Yes, I am working on it, the course is about motion graphics and video editing. I have a question, please, do you think creating training courses is worth the effort ?

  • It is a marathon, in the long run it can be helpful. But, only one course is not enough. You'll need to publish more than one courses if you want this income stream to become a part of your income portfolio mix.

    I believe the barrier of entry is lower for developing countries like Pakistan, we don't need a lot of equipment and our expenditures are lower as compared to U.S based instructors.

    You can call me on Whatsapp sometime if you need more information, I'll share my number if need be.

  • Thnks sir, I sent you a message on facebook
  • Of course, sure. I'll check it when I get back to my laptop, have forgotten FB password and the Messenger app on phone is not working right now.

  • How can i become a instructor. I'm unable to find where can i post my articles and videos.

  • Dear PhilEbiner
    Really surprise to have a link with you. I thank God for these happenings. My Sincere thanks to Udemy for creating such an arena with studio, Instructor and millions of students.
    Best wishes to You and your family including cute twins.
    After hard work and with basic experience in Ms-office, I alone create a course titled "Vedic Maths: Fastest Mental Calculation Techniques ". No review yet.
    Please guide me. No other income till now
  • Hi, it is so impressive. As in your chart, the second top source of revenue comes from ad program. May you recommend me which ad program do you use? Thanks

  • Hello Phil, how can we talk in person about your offer?

  • Hey Phil,

    This Rawan Darwish over here.

    I just started on Udemy, and my question to you is: What is the best Software to Build and Create Online Courses?

    Thank yij for offering to help.

  • Hey buddy, Cool video! I'd like to know some of the best ways you have used to drive traffic to your courses?



  • Amazing job Phil... I'm really impressed! I hope I can make my first $1.5 :)
  • I have 20+ published courses, is there a way to talk in person?

  • Hi Phil,

    Please recommend the specifications of a PC for course creation in 2020.


    Naeem Malik.

  • Hey Phil,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It really is something.

    i just have a few questions i want to ask. I posted it in the First Curse Creation Section but no one answered. May be because no one knew the answers.

    Q1. I want to know whether having two accounts in Udemy is allowed or not. I have an individual account but then I decided to involve my friend as well to teach with me. so I created another joint account because I did not want to publish his courses in my account. is it legal?

    I see other instructors do it like Mr. Schwarzmüller who has an Academind account and a personal account.

    Q2. this question relates to the first question. Let's say I create and complete a course and I want to share it in both of my accounts. what I mean is, in the course landing page for some instructors like again Mr. Schwarzmüller's JS course, it says "Created by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Maximilian Schwarzmüller". it is available in Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller account as well as Maximilian Schwarzmüller account. now back to my question, how is something like this possible? I have not published any course yet but I am curious, is it possible when publishing the course (during the process in Udemy) or the course has to be uploaded twice, separately for each account?

    Q3. This question relates to the previous one. this question has two parts. Part 1: If the situation in q2 is accomplished and let's say it is the first course for both of the accounts, then would Udemy ask for Tax information from both of the accounts or only one of them? they belong to one person in the end. Part Two: In case Udemy asks both of the accounts to provide tax info, and because those accounts and the course belongs to one person, then the tax info is going to be the same, would this create a problem according to Udemy's regulations?

    Q4. Again this is related to the previous one. if everything goes well and a course is shared between two accounts (there are two accounts as authors which basically is one person), then will the income be shared between the accounts or not? If shared, then what is the ratio? I just want to see the whole picture.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Muslim Helalee

    Love From Afghanistan

  • Hello,My name is Panos Hadjigeorgiou.I am a personal trainer coach,am trying to create my first video on udemy.I want your help....What video editing do you recommend to me.I thinking to make one big video about 30 minutes and then small videos for the explanations of every exercise and the to combine them together.Or is better to write them in a slite before every exercise?



    I'm Phil Ebiner. I'm a long-time Udemy instructor - been here since 2012. And I'm excited to be a part of this community. Please feel free to ask me any questions!

    Since 2012, I've made over $1.5 million from Udemy. And I don't say that to brag, but to show you what a normal guy like me can do... someone who started like many of you without an audience, experience teaching, experience selling, email list, website... nothing.

    It has taken a lot of hard work and time to do this, but I believe you can achieve your goals if you have the right mindset and put in the right amount of effort!

    Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at 10.41.53 AM.png

    I love Udemy, and hope to help you out on this amazing platform!



  • Hello,My name is Panos Hadjigeorgiou.I am a personal trainer coach,am trying to create my first video on udemy.I want your help....What video editing do you recommend to me.I thinking to make one big video about 30 minutes and then small videos for the explanations of every exercise and the to combine them together.Or is better to write them in a slite before every exercise?

  • That's very inspiring and encouraging too Phil. What would be your 3 vital tips to a person like me who has just started on Udemy?

  • Definitely, That is impressive. Thanks for sharing your story, and you are very inspiring.

  • Congratulations! I'm new here and you certainly Inspire me . I want to ask you , Did you initially promote more free courses to grow your audience for the first few months



    I'm Phil Ebiner. I'm a long-time Udemy instructor - been here since 2012. And I'm excited to be a part of this community. Please feel free to ask me any questions!

    Since 2012, I've made over $1.5 million from Udemy. And I don't say that to brag, but to show you what a normal guy like me can do... someone who started like many of you without an audience, experience teaching, experience selling, email list, website... nothing.

    It has taken a lot of hard work and time to do this, but I believe you can achieve your goals if you have the right mindset and put in the right amount of effort!

    Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at 10.41.53 AM.png

    I love Udemy, and hope to help you out on this amazing platform!



    or did you post free and paid courses side by side? Thank you for all your support.

  • Hello Phil,

    i am from Montreal, Canada and am new to this!

    I am an art instructor would like to teach painting on this site. First, I am not sure what category I fall into..Design?? Wish there was an art section to Udemy. Next, is microphone: Part of this course, I will be standing and moving around. What microphone wold you recommend? One that is affordable, if possible. Any help you can give me would be great!

    Thank you,
