Introduce Yourself!



  • MichaelWils259

    Howdy folks

    I'm Michael and I live in Central Texas. I currently have created courses in Communication Studies, and in 2023 will add one in Texas History.

    I joined the community to learn how to best optimize my offerings and also figure out some marketing hints.

    I am an old person, who has worked in technology for 40+ years and have been promoting remote work for most of those years.

    I spend my time annoying my dog Lil Dude and enjoying our walks.

    I hope everyone has a very prosperous 2023 and beyond

  • MelanieStevens183

    Hi Michael! Welcome!

  • alirazaraamay

    I am Ali R. Raamay

    I am from Pakistan

    My area of teaching is Business and Marketing

    To explore Udemy instructor thoughts

    I love to spend my free time with my family (joint family system), and that's made my day.

  • JustTeach021

    Hi to all ............................................Who Started to make course?............................................

  • JustTeach021
    Options there snow ................................................I hope ...........................HAPPY NEW YAER @2023........I.............wish you succes in your plans for future time ...............................................................................................................

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    Hi. My name is Jibola Oladiran.

    I'm from Nigeria.

    I'm an Architect, but I'm teaching Lumion, 3D Architectural Visualization, 3D Character Creation and Animation.

    I joined the Instructor Community because I love teaching and sharing knowledge and I've always wanted to be a part of a global teaching and learning platform to network and share experiences.

    One fun thing about me is that I have few friends because of my creative personality. My interests are so far from the interests of the people around me. It's supposed to be lonely life, but I enjoy it.

  • MelanieStevens183

    Hi Jibola, welcome!

    It’s not necessarily a bad thing not having a huge number of friends, I believe in quality over quantity. To find like-minded people though is so rewarding! You will hopefully find this with your students and you can chat to them about the things you love

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    thanks for your encouragement. It's nice to have experienced people on this platform give one some boost.

  • MelanieStevens183

    You’re very welcome! I’m fairly new here too, I launched my first course at the end of last year. I’m loving it so far! I’m sure you will too ">️

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    @ Wow! I hope to settle in quickly and get cracking.

    I've sent my course for review. I hope it goes through successfully so I can get down to the real work soon.

    I'll appreciate advice from your experience and journey so far.

    Thank you so much.

  • FabianCampo359


    Good morning, good evening, dear community, my name is Fabian Alberto Campo Henriquez, i'm from the nice city of Bogotá, 2600 meters closer to the stars, i'm a systems engineer, pasionate about Microsoft subjects and nowadays especially Office365 and Azure cloud. I've been teaching on learning centers CPLS, for almost 15 years, and it's time to enlarge the coverage and reach more students, also, i'm convinced the post-pandemic showed us the knowledge will be always a human need no matter the spread channel Who wants to learn will look how to learn, and how to accomplish the objective. I'm xbox ambassador also, because as community support is nice to help people.

  • MelanieStevens183

    Hi Fabian! Welcome!

  • MelanieStevens183

    Ahh you’ve got to the exciting bit then! Once you hear back from Udemy if your course is approved and ready to launch, that’s when it gets really exciting! I was so proud to launch my course, I hope you hear back v soon and can get started with the promo! ">️

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694

    Hi @KeithKaru536 welcome to the community! We're super happy to have you here Feel free to introduce yourself right here via text or video - however you prefer!

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694

    Welcome aboard @Thad! Nice to meet you!

  • MendiSingh

    I am delighted to say l have uploaded my second course on Udemy Teaching Tabla part 2

    It was months of perpetration, so pleased to see it running now

    Thank You


  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    You're welcome on board. It's great to know there are also some elderly people on this platform. I'm sure we can learn one or two things from your wealth of life experiences. Have fun.

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    a retired Architect! Wow! I have a senior colleague here then. I'm not retired; I'm still very much in the grind and trying to figure out how things work on this platform. I'm still awaiting the approval of my first course, so fingers crossed.

    Nice to know you, Thad.

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27


    Welcome to Udemy Instructors.

    Good to see another Nigerian here. I'm an Architect teaching presentation methods and 3D. Hope you enjoy it here.


  • Marjan
    Marjan Posts: 2

    Hi everyone!

    Who: My name is Marjan. I am from Iran originally but I live in Switzerland now.

    What: I teach about stress management & resilience for corporate professionals. I am also a coach in this area.

    Why: I joined this community because I am very curious by nature and would love to see what new people are up to

    Fun: I play the hang drum in my spare time!

    Nice e-meeting, everyone!

  • Thad
    Thad Posts: 8

    Loved your profile. I've been on the bleeding edge of technology since AutoCad 10 and then Architectural Desktop and Revit. Have taught beginning and advanced AutoCad and Revit at our community college for 15 years. Have dabbled in VR with both Enscape and Twinmotion. Wondering if we could maybe collaborate by recommending each other. Also looking forward to seeing what your course is about as I definitely need to improve my p;presentation chops.

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    Looking forward to it. I'm on the edge already. Can't wait to see what the journey is like.

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    I just got my course approved today and I'm super-excited. I know this is just the beginning though and the work is just starting.

    I will appreciate all the advice to get things moving. I want to see how this will do before I start working on another course, so I can learn from this experience to produce a better course.

    So @MelanieStevens183
    , what's the next move you advise? How do I get people to look the way of my course? How did you go about your journey?

  • MelanieStevens183

    Oh how exciting! So what I did (bearing in mind I only have 1 course out so I’m still a newbie!) is promote the course with people I know. Friends, other self employed business owners who I knew would want to take it, and I mentioned it in Facebook groups I belong to, on all my social media channels etc. I also mentioned it whenever I was chatting to someone who I felt would enjoy it!

    The coupons are great, offer a discount if you wish as people love to get a bargain! You can find them in your dashboard, click on your course and click ‘Promotions’. Good luck! ">️

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    Oh great! Thanks a lot. That sure helps. I'll do some promotions here and there and let you know how that goes.

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    Hello Fabian. Welcome.

  • Thad
    Thad Posts: 8

    Congratulations. Can I have a link, please

  • Prof
    Prof Posts: 27

    Congratulations @MendiSingh