Reviews Rate Calculation

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Reviews Rate Calculation

Hi all, nice to say hello! I hope you are great! 🙂

I have a question about my first course reviews.

I see that I now have 13 reviews in total and I am getting an average of 4.3 out of 5.
I would like to know how this ratio is calculated as I see that I have 9 reviews with 5, 1 review with 4.5, 2 reviews with 3.5 and 1 review with 2.5.
In total I get 4.54 and not 4.3.
This is important to me as I am just starting out and need to show confidence. But I see that the platform calculation is hurting me.
Thank you very much for your help
Best Regards


2 Replies
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Udemy doesn't share exactly how this is calculated. It is not a direct average. It is weighted according to how many minutes were watched, whether a comment was left, and maybe other factors. The only thing you can do is make the best possible course you can.


Lawrence M. Miller

Hi Lawrence!

Thank you so much for your response.

Yes, at least, let's try to create the best content. 🚀🙂

Best Regards

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