Course image not meeting requirements

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Course image not meeting requirements

Hi everyone. I have uploaded several images in png format, 750x422px as specified, but I keep getting the following message:


Does anyone know what this base64 policy is and how I can fix this?

1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @GrandmaLilly, sorry to hear you're having problems with this. When uploading your course image there are a few things that are taken into consideration, you can read more about the quality guidelines for course images here. Besides the minimum required dimensions being 750 x 422px, the file format must be .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp or .png. If your image meets the criteria, you may want to try the following troubleshooting steps:


1. Try a new browser
2. Make sure your computer’s time zone is correct
3. See if you have any plugins turned on and try to turn these off

4. Clear cookies and refresh the page (make sure to save any changes you've made to your course)


If you're still having issues after trying this, please reach out to with the following info:



Bella Almeida

Udemy Community

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