Feedback requested for "Quick Win: Learn to do the one-minute, three-breath meditation"

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Feedback requested for "Quick Win: Learn to do the one-minute, three-breath meditation"

Hi, all.


Here's a review draft of the second video in my forthcoming Mastering the Art of Balance course.

This one is didactic - teaching a quick win. I'd appreciate feedback on both the style and content - what was interesting, what was not, what worked technically, what was distracting or confusing, and any suggestions for improvements that would have made it more appealing to you.


I shot the video several months ago, so I'm mostly looking for feedback on how the editing works, such as when and how I zoom, add graphics, add sounds, and also whether the content seems engaging.


Though the lecture teaches a technique that lasts only a minute, it's about 5 minutes long.


Here are links to the video on YouTube and Vimeo.


You can leave comments there or respond to this post, as you wish and as you have time.


Thanks a bunch!


- David

4 Replies
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

I watched on YouTube, quality is top-notch and the idea of a "quick win" I think will work great for online learning, students want simple and tangible things they can take with them with little effort initially.  You have a natural, knowledgeable and light-hearted style/personality.  I also have belly breathing in my course and like your video and explanation better! 


The zooming in/out I found a bit distracting but nothing major and for most of my students (who are likely the "type" of students you will have) typically listen-only over watch the video.  The belly breathing exercise was a little fast for me personally.  Also, the length is great, examples as well are fabulous. The last thing, I like the ending "see you in the next lecture" I use similar wording and find it engaging and in some ways a call to action to continue with the course for students. 



Alicia Paz M.A, QMHP

I thought it was great. I have watched a lot of course previews during my research and I would put yours as amongst the best - for visual, audio, delivery style and content. 


I am impressed with your blue background. I am experimenting to get a nice blue shade for the future. 


Thank you! I do feel as if I'm getting the hang of it, though it's taken a long time. I picked blue because it seems to have a positive effect on people, like looking at the sky. My office is a similar color. 

Thanks, Alicia. I'm feeling pretty validated right now, and gung ho to knock this course out. I much appreciate your feedback.

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