Where does the learner find details of a lecture?

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Where does the learner find details of a lecture?

Hi everyone,

I hope this post finds you well.

I'm having a problem displaying lecture details on Udemy. I've written descriptions for each lecture, but when I preview the content as a learner, I only see the lecture title and not the description.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a fix for it?

Also, where should learner finds additional materials or resources for learners?

Thank you for your time and assistance.


2 Replies
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @MohammadFaroukAI  Thanks for your question! At this time, lecture descriptions are only visible to the instructor of the course on the course landing page via a browser on desktop/mobile device. It no longer appears to enrolled students but it does show up for potential students on the course landing page.


If you would like to include visible lecture descriptions or notes for your enrolled students, I would suggest including this information in an article format. You can find more information on how to choose the right lecture format here.


You could also add the text in a .pdf file and attach it to lectures as a supplemental resource. To learn more about adding supplemental resources, please review the following article.


I hope this helps!



Udemy Community Moderator

Thank you, Eliana🌷. If you don’t mind, could you please tell me why the description is not shown to learners? I just want to know for my experience.

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