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understand payment policy

I want to know one thing, I am very confused about this, 


from the udemy website, 



1. Sales occurring through instructor promotions: instructors receive 97% of the revenue when the student purchases their content using an instructor’s coupon or referral link.


2. Sales that do not occur through an instructor promotion: instructors receive 37% of the revenue for any Udemy sales where no instructor coupon or course referral link was used. These sales might occur after a user clicks on a Udemy advertisement, or browses the Udemy marketplace for courses.  



So according to this , if anyone's course is sold by for example 200 students, and the course's price is $10, and there is no coupon or referral link, then will the instructor get (3.7 * 200) = $740 after two months (since there is 30 days money back) ?  Is this the right calculation ?

or what am i missing here  ?


could you please explain me this ? i would be grateful to you if you just let me know, thanks.

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