Seeking your advice to gain students

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Seeking your advice to gain students

Hi, I’m feeling pretty discouraged but trying to be optimistic. I published my course about three weeks ago and priced it in the middle of compared to similar courses and I have zero people signing up. Does anyone have any articles or links you could send me for advice on getting started? For example, should I make it free for a while? I’m really new to this so I appreciate any and all of your suggestions

3 Replies

Hey @Kelly_Fidei, check out this link here to access the Marketing section of our Teaching Center, which has extensive tips and information on how to effectively market and promote your course. Also, check out our Best Instructor Posts of All Time — Marketing.


Hope it helps!


Abbie Reyes
Udemy Community Team

Hi @Kelly_Fidei - Your situation is not that unusual. New instructors often grossly underestimate how hard it is to sell courses on Udemy. The competition is fierce and there are tens of thousands or maybe hundreds of thousands of courses from which to choose.


I took a look at what you are offering. My first thought was, "What the heck is Agile & Emotional Intelligence?" You have to think like a Udemy student. How would any student find your course? What would they enter in the Udemy search box to find it? After reading your introduction, my best guess is that you are a life coach, of sorts? If I have a hard time figuring out what you are offering, potential students might also.


I did a Udemy search just on "Listening". I got back almost 2,600 results. This means you potentially have 2,600 courses competing against yours. This means you will probably need a lot of patience and time for your course to gain traction.


Finally, I see your course is priced at $34.95. I don't think you're going to find many Udemy students willing to pay $34.95 for a brand new course, from a brand new author, that is only 1.5 hours long. You need to keep in mind that most Udemy students are accustomed to waiting for the next sale, and paying no more than $10 for a course, and often much less in other countries. If I were you, I would lower my price to $19.95 (the lowest you can offer). But, even then, it will could take a significant amount of time attracting students.

Thank you both, I really appreciate your replies and will look into these

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