Course Marketing - First Time Udemy Instructor

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Course Marketing - First Time Udemy Instructor

Hello, I've recently published my debut course on Udemy. To all experienced instructors out there, could you share your insights on marketing strategies for a first-timer like me? I'm particularly interested in creating more content on Udemy focused on English language Skills. 




Thank you!

2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @MisbahKhalid_01,


Congratulations on publishing your first course! That's exciting. 


Marketing is one of the most discussed topics in the community, and you can find here the Best Instructor Posts of All Time — Marketing; these should provide helpful insights and best practices from other instructors. 


I also recommend watching this webinar we had a few months ago, Webinar Replay: 5 Things Every Instructor Should Do After Publishing.


I'd also like to let you know that we'll be hosting an online networking session on the topic of marketing later this month. (Coffee chat from last month)


We'll provide the exact date and time in an announcement next week. This session will also give you the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions with fellow instructors if you're interested.


Stay tuned for more details!😊

Hi @MarinaT, Thank you so much for the congratulations and for sharing these valuable resources! I'll definitely check out the Best Instructor Posts and the webinar replay. Looking forward to the networking session later this month. Can't wait to learn more and connect with fellow instructors! 😊
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