How can i show my course on first page

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How can i show my course on first page

Please reply my question how to rank my course and generate  high revenue. 

2 Replies
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Crown_hm_k Thanks for your question. Search rankings are based on a number of factors, some of which include relevance (based on the keywords in the title/subtitle), the number of course reviews and the quality of the reviews themselves. The student review metric which is used to calculate quality is the average rating.


As the course receives more positive ratings then its ranking will improve. Adding new terms to the course title or subtitle, which you believe students may search for, can also improve its searchability.


So you need to work on getting it seen. Below is a list of the most popular posts in the community on how to promote your course using social media platforms: 

It is important to remember that gaining traction for an online course can take time. In addition to consistent marketing efforts, consider optimizing your course landing page for SEO best practices to help learners easily find your course. You can learn how to do this here


I hope this helps!



Udemy Community Moderator

Here are some tips for ranking your courses high on Udemy and increasing sales:
  • Use strong keywords
    Select relevant keywords for your course's title, subtitle, and description to help it stand out from competitors in search results.
  • Get great reviews
    Encourage students to leave positive reviews and give your course lots of 5-star ratings.
  • Increase watch time
    The longer students watch your course, the higher it will rank.
  • Market your course
    Promote your course on social media, in online communities, and through email marketing. You can also try creating short videos and sharing them on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Use coupons and referrals
    Offer coupons and referral links to help increase sales. If you use referral links, you can keep all the profits from each sale.
  • Create high-quality content
    Focus on consistently producing high-quality content, including videos, audio, and editing. 
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