I want to make a course first time so can I make it as free or paid

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I want to make a course first time so can I make it as free or paid

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I Want to make a course first time in Udemy. can I make it free or paid.

if I make it as free then after I got some sale then can I make it as paid

first I want to does my course interesting or not for the students, that's why I have this doubt.

please anyone share your experience.


Accepted Solutions
Salil Dhawan
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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You can make it a free course, but results on a free course and paid differ a lot. In my free courses there are a lot of enrollments as it is free but not many students start the course or engage well. In case of paid courses students engage a lot more, most complete 100% of the course as well. In free course you don't have to convince students as much but in a paid course you landing page has to be very strong. There are a lot of difference so in case you feel you are teaching something valuable that a student should pay for its best so create a paid course.

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2 Replies
Salil Dhawan
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

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You can make it a free course, but results on a free course and paid differ a lot. In my free courses there are a lot of enrollments as it is free but not many students start the course or engage well. In case of paid courses students engage a lot more, most complete 100% of the course as well. In free course you don't have to convince students as much but in a paid course you landing page has to be very strong. There are a lot of difference so in case you feel you are teaching something valuable that a student should pay for its best so create a paid course.

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