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Hi there, I just launched my first course. Woohoo. 

2 issues. 

1) I listed the course for £39.00but it's showing as 59.99. 

2) I'm trying to add my co-creator as an instructor. It just keeps saying that she's already been added, even though she never received the email invite. I have revoked that invite, but now we are stuck in the cycle of 'already sent email'. Any advice? 


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Community Moderator

Hi @SarahOsborn926 Thanks for your question. When opted into the Deals Program, our pricing system generates course-specific floors and price ranges according to each course’s actual sale data. If your course’s revenue is maximized at a higher price point (balancing conversion rate and paid price), over time, the system will move it toward that higher point. If the data suggests your revenue is better maximized at a lower point, then it will sell for a lower price.


Regarding your second question, feel free to submit a request to the Instructor Support team. To contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right they will be able to provide more details about this process.



Udemy Community Moderator 

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