When I tried to upload a video of more than 800M through the mobile web pag

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When I tried to upload a video of more than 800M through the mobile web pag

When I tried to upload a video of more than 800M through the mobile web page, the upload failed. What's the reason for this?

1 Reply
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @brother9 Sorry to hear you are having upload issues. Most uploading issues are caused by a poor internet connection.  If you experience issues while the video is being uploaded it could be due to the following:

  • A slow internet connection speed. Try uploading the videos when your internet connection is faster. Or, try uploading the video from a different internet connection.

  • The data limit for your internet provider has been reached. Try uploading the video from a different internet connection. 

  • You are connected to the internet through a VPN and your connection provider has blocked uploads. Try uploading the video from a different internet connection. 

Please try to upload the videos again. If the issue persists,  please contact our support team and include the following information:

  • The lecture file

  • The operating system you're using

  • Your internet connection speed

 To contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right.


I hope this helps!



Udemy Community Moderator

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