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first course

is when course public  just accept one student and when public be published

3 Replies
Leonor C.
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hello @Ahmedassem278 


Happy to help! When your course is set as a public course, it simply means it is visible to all students in the Udemy platform. Anyone can see your course and buy it, not only one student. If you set your course as private, this course will not be visible to anybody but only to specific students you send the link for this couse.


Hope this helped!


Kindest regards,



Udemy moderation team

good morning i want change my cources and account from private to popular

how i can without use u demy business

Leonor C.
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hello again @Ahmedassem278 


Thank you for your answer. Regarding your account, please refer to this link for information on how to change the course privacy. 


Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you have any more questions.


Best regards,



Udemy moderation team

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