an anyone suggest a good quality Microphone to be used in making courses?

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an anyone suggest a good quality Microphone to be used in making courses?

I have used my phone and a wired microphone up to this point to record audio for my lectures, now I am looking to improve the quality of my video lectures, I'd appreciate any suggestions from the experienced instructors in community!

2 Replies
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

The Shure MV7 is a popular choice these days.

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

If you are planning for the long run, the shure sm7b is the industry standard. However, it has drawbacks. For example, unlike certain mics, it's not suited to be used by two people at the same time. You are supposed to put it very close to your face which may also block the view of your lower face. But the sound quality is superb. 


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Audio and video solutions
Figure out how to create the best audio and visual set-up for your price point and skill level. This is a great place to chat about different mics, green screens, video editing software, and more.
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