Join us for an Ask Me Anything session with the Udemy Social Media Team

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Join us for an Ask Me Anything session with the Udemy Social Media Team

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructor Community!


We are excited to bring you another live community event this month! On July 26th at 1:00pm ET, we’ll be sitting down with the Manager, Global Social Media Molly Hampton in an AMA (Ask me Anything) style interview.


During the AMA, Molly will take your questions about all things social media! This is your opportunity to ask any questions you might have regarding how to use social media or best practices. 


Feel free to kick things off by adding your questions in the comments below! We’ll start with those questions first.


Sign up to the webinar here!



We recognize that in trying to accommodate the time zones this time might not be the ideal time frame for some of you, however, a replay of the AMA will be available in the community later in the week.


*Please note that this event is being held in English.* 


We look forward to connecting with you virtually on July 26th at 1:00pm ET! Until then, please let us know if you have any follow-up questions!


Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Signed up! 

Traveler Traveler

Signed up! Thanks


After attending our July Coffee Chat session today, I am particularly looking forward to this Social Media AMA session. I'm curious to know if any of you are using Twitter Spaces, and if so, would you recommend using that Twitter feature to build community and promote courses? 



my name is Nicholas Onyeaka. I am from Africa,  a digital artist and a graphic designer. I am so happy to be part of this great community and hope to get the best out of it. I am looking forward to an exciting AMA on the 26th.

Hi I'm marichu diocos im not graduated of college but I trying to understand my knowledge course, I want this course ielts is purpose my dreams to go the Australia for my new journey and my dreams, for my family. 


Yes, once you have successfully completed verification, please submit your course for review through the course management dashboard. 

Specialist Specialist

Thank you and more grease to your elbow.

Signed up too!

Traveler Traveler

Is there a recording of this session? I was sorry to miss it 


Mentor Mentor

Hello Ryan and the Udemy Social Media Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing on behalf of Team AITCD, the newly onboarded team of instructors who have recently published our first course on this esteemed platform.


We were delighted to learn about the AMA (Ask Me Anything) session with Molly Hampton, Manager, Global Social Media. However, due to time zone differences and other prior commitments, we were unable to attend this valuable event. We believe it would have been a great opportunity to gain insights into the effective utilization of social media for course promotion and instructor engagement.


That said, we are certainly looking forward to catching up with the replay of the session. We have high hopes to learn a lot about best practices and strategies in social media management from Molly's insights.


We would also like to take this opportunity to ask a couple of questions which we hope might be addressed in the replay, or perhaps by the community here:


  1. What are some effective social media strategies to engage with potential students for AI-related courses?
  2. How can we leverage social media platforms to gather feedback and foster a more interactive learning community?

We truly appreciate these opportunities for interaction and learning within the instructor community, and we regret missing this one live. We're looking forward to many more such events in the future.


Best Regards,



Thank you @RyanJaress & @AITCD for your valuable ideas.



Hi, I also had an unexpected conflict and missed this, hopefully the recording will be posted?

Thanks much,

Mentor Mentor

I agree with @WilliamStewart  and I would also like to request @RyanJaress to share the recorded video.


Hi, just trying to enroll on the webinar but it says the event has ended...can you assist, please? Thanks - Tom

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @TominCumbria


Thank you for your interest in this webinar! The webinar took place on Wednesday last week, thus you can't register anymore. 


But no worries, we will share a recording of the webinar in the community later this week 😊



Community Manager
Community Manager

The recap is live! You can access it here 😊



CC: @TominCumbria