📣 Introducing Udemy’s AI Principles!

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📣 Introducing Udemy’s AI Principles!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors,


We've got some exciting updates to share with you regarding our AI principles. As you know, we've been discussing AI quite a bit, and we've been following your discussions closely. We understand that with new advancements, questions and concerns naturally arise. That's why we're dedicated to keeping you informed every step of the way.


In our continuous efforts to be as transparent as possible, we're thrilled to announce the unveiling of our new AI principles. These principles will guide our AI development and usage moving forward. We want you to know exactly where we stand and the values we uphold as we explore the potential of AI technology.


One key aspect we want to highlight is the opt-out feature. We're committed to providing detailed information on how your content will be utilized, outlining the new features, and explaining what opting out entails. While we're still in the process of finalizing these details, we aim to provide you with comprehensive information by Q3.


For more information on our new AI principles, head over to the Teaching Center article linked here.


Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to build and refine our AI initiatives. We appreciate your ongoing support and patience and look forward to embarking on this journey with you.


More to come!

