Policy Update: Course Material Downloads

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Policy Update: Course Material Downloads

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Instructors! We have an important update from our Trust & Safety Team. We know that Instructors want to give learners the best experience possible, and so we’ve made a few updates to our course material downloads policy.


We understand that in order to succeed in any course, learners may be required to download resources such as on-site course resources within lectures, off-platform links, or video instruction on downloading items such as software.


However, in order to ensure learner safety and compliance, we have outlined some points to cover when providing download instructions within course content.  If downloads are necessary outside of Udemy, this should also be specified when filling out the intended learners section of the course landing page.  If you choose not to include this in your content, please be aware that it may not be considered for Udemy Business, and/or may not be offered to all customers.

To learn more about this update, and to view the full policy, please see the Trust & Safety guidelines.

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