Update your course and earn an exclusive badge with this challenge!

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Update your course and earn an exclusive badge with this challenge!

Community Manager
Community Manager



Hey there Instructor Community!


As you continue your instructor journey, your teaching area will change. It’s important to ensure that your content is always up-to-date to provide your students with the best possible learning experience. With that, we have a challenge for you to complete by the end of the month!


Those who complete the challenge, you will receive this exclusive badge to show you completed the challenge!

Fully update one of your courses with the following aspects:

  • Description update for your course
  • Adding or updating a new module within the course


To confirm that you are joining the challenge, comment on this thread that you are accepting the challenge. Once you have entered, you will have until October 31 at 11:59pm pt to make your adjustment. We will check the progress once the challenge is completed!


Looking for some guidance on maintaining your course? Check out this Teaching Center Article to help you with the challenge!

Mentor Mentor

@RyanJaress this is a terrible idea.

I don't know who comes up with this stuff... honestly. 

No offense intended.


Updating a course just for the sack of "updating" or getting an "exclusive" badge is a waste of our time and the students time.


It's also a wrong incentive.


I keep all my courses up to date by default. If I don't, students won't buy it or start complaining.


Most of my courses are evergreen and comprehensive. I don't need Udemy to encourage me to pad it with more fluff just to make it longer.


Also for those of us in UB, we are constantly reminded that UB learners prefer concise and short courses. Why creating those incentives then?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @MichaelPog,


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on our new program. We genuinely appreciate your feedback and no offense is taken on our end 🙂 We completely understand your concerns about the challenge, and wanted to make sure we addressed them. 


Unfortunately, not all instructors are as proactive as you in keeping their courses up to date. While you personally maintain your courses regularly to meet student expectations, it's essential to acknowledge that this isn't the case for everyone. This new program is designed to provide an incentive for those instructors who may need that extra push to revisit and optimize their content.


Also, the holiday season is a crucial time for both instructors and learners, and we want to ensure that all courses are in the best possible shape to meet the increased demand during this period. By offering an exclusive badge as an incentive, we aim to encourage instructors to use this opportunity to enhance their course quality.


We also acknowledge the importance of maintaining course quality without padding them with unnecessary content. Your commitment to offering concise and short courses aligns with our understanding of UB learners' preferences. Our intention is not to encourage unnecessary fluff but to promote meaningful updates that genuinely improve the learning experience.


We appreciate your candid feedback, and it helps us refine our approach further. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts, and we look forward to continuing to work together to enhance our community experiences




Mentor Mentor

@RyanJaress, just to make sure I understand this correctly.

Is that badge going to be displayed next to an instructor's public profile or the updated course?

Or is this a purely Udemy community gamified challenge?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @MichaelPog 


This is specifically a Udemy community challenge, the completion badge will only be displayed on your community profile page. 


Hope this clears things up! 

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

I’ll update my courses. I agree it’s much better to be internally motivated to update courses as we as instructors see as necessary. External motivation is great as well to get us into the habit. 

Mentor Mentor

@RyanJaress OK, I appreciate the clarification.

I was under the impression that it would be displayed publicly to students.


Personally, I think that if certain instructors are reluctant to keep investing in their courses when an update is actually needed, a community badge will be the last thing that would motivate them.


But having said that, I don't see any issue with this contest then:)

If it motivates at least one instructor, that's great!

Storyteller Storyteller

I am accepting the challenge to update at least two of my courses.

So, I accept the challenge for the simple reason that I am working on a new/updated section for a couple of my courses. However, the idea of adding a badge simply to display in this community is no incentive at all. I don't care whether other instructors know that I am updating a course. They are not my customers and I am not seeking their approval. 


Of course, I never liked this idea of badging instructors with labels like mentor, trailblazer, etc. They do that in Cub Scouts, not in a community of professional peers. 




Trailblazer Trailblazer

I'm accepting this challenge!


All updates made.


However, the course is not showing as updated.


Any tips?

Traveler Traveler

I am in


Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

@RyanJaress OK I accept the challenge. 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @WeAreStardust


Thank you for joining this challenge, and we want to apologize for the confusion here. 


That's an Udemy community challenge, and the completion badge will only be displayed on your community profile. The completion date of the challenge is October 31 at 11:59pm pt. 

Storyteller Storyteller

That's the truth @LawrenceMMiller @MichaelPog a badge that will not be on the sales page does not make sense or incentivize me one bit. However, there may be some that go for this, so enjoy!

Specialist Specialist

Its good idea to update


Best Yan

A module is a noun meaning "each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure, such as an item of furniture or a building."
My courses have sections and lectures as standardized parts. Is a "module" something new or do both lectures and sections count?

Hi! Could you please explain what you exactly mean with 'Add a module' ? Is it enough add a new video for available courses? Or is it have to with a few new videos?

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

@RobertBrown028 The term 'module' is probably used as a synonym for 'section' in this context, which can be a bit confusing, indeed. By the way, I think "module" is a more fitting term for courses.

Marie Laure Bonnaud
Trailblazer Trailblazer

Challenge accepted 🙂


challenge accepted 💪 


challenge accepted


Marie Laure Bonnaud
Trailblazer Trailblazer

Done! 🙂

Storyteller Storyteller

I'm always adding and updating course content each moth... so I'll join 😃 

Traveler Traveler

Challenge accepted. We updated our courses today!
Thanks for the reminder 🙂 
Lesson Pros



Specialist Specialist


Thank you @RyanJaress for always trying

to bring the best out of us. It's a nice push.

I'm already on the process, so joining this

challenge is more of a good boost to me.

I know if the badge doesn't compensate that

much, sales will 😊.

So I'm in!🧗🏼

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

I was actually planning on updating one of my courses anyway. So, count me in! 🙂


Yes, please include me, I've completely updated Community Building Basics in Udemy Business!

Marie Laure Bonnaud
Trailblazer Trailblazer

Hello @LawrenceMMiller 🙂 teachers can also be customers

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

I just update my flagship graphic design masterclass with Photoshop 2024 updates that uses AI to generate images. So very fitting for what students are searching for. Sadly, I do not really want the badge as that will not do very much in my case!


What will do the most is keeping my course updated for Black Friday so I can increase sales! So thanks, no thanks to the badge. It sounds like from other comments a more tangible reward might be more motivating. Perhaps a chance to have our course featured in udemy marketing would be most ideal and VERY motivating! 🙂 

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 11.02.08 AM.png

Col (Dr) Shabbar Shahid (Retd)
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Great idea but I do regularly update my courses and also keep adding lessons. Adding a new module is somehow not understood but yes, I accept the challenge.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @RobertBrown028, sorry for being late here! As @KarolyNyisztor said correctly, we mean a course “section” 😊.

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

I accept the challenge.

Jarkko Soini
Traveler Traveler

I'm in.

Specialist Specialist

Why the number 23 on the badge, is it the starting date for the update submission or something? Just curious.🤨

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Michael_D_Nwaogu


Great question!😊 23 stands for the year 2023 when you completed the challenge. 

I hope you are doing well! 🙌

Specialist Specialist

Hey @MarinaT I'm doing great,

thank you for asking. And you?


😯🤭 Oh! Okay, I got it. So the

"challenge" is going to be an

every year program, awesome.

Many thanks.

Specialist Specialist

I accept the challenge, but I have been doing this forever anyways !

Dr. Testai, MD

Very useful information. 

-Dr. Testai, MD


This is a good move, please count me in for  detailed updates including new Deep dive modules/Sections/lessons/descriptions/New flow charts/User manuals etc., on one of my courses



I actually like this idea, it’s good for those who don’t often update (I’m one of those 🤣) to encourage us to keep our courses relevant, it would be great if the badge was shown on the student front end, then they would know courses are kept up to date as well

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

I Updated my course about Canva with a new section @RyanJaress 


Here are the imagens and the link to the course: https://www.udemy.com/course/apresentacao/


canva 1.JPG


canva atualizado.JPG


Challenge accepted. But I have a question. I have recently updated my course (4-5 days ago). Close to 60% of the content is updated. So, am I eligible to get the badge ? 🙂 


I’ve updated my ‘Canva tutorials’ course today, with 5 new videos and an update to the description, thank you for the prompt to help keep our courses current 

Samreen Nisa Qureshi
Storyteller Storyteller

Hey @RyanJaress 

 Challenge accepted. I updated my 1 course today!

Storyteller Storyteller

Con todo gusto, y con el objetivo de que nuestros alumnos cuenten con contenidos mas actualizados. Acepto el desafío de actrualkizar en contenido todos los cursos que mantengo hasta el momento vigentes. 


Esperamos la insignia cuando ya hayamos cumplido. 


Gracias y a sus órdenes a todos.


Dr. Carlos Alberto Báez Montes


Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hola @CarlosAlber862 Gracias por participar en el reto 😊


Sabias que tambien tenemos la comunidad en Español? Puedes unirte aquí, si gustas. 


We accept the challenge. It's motivating to keep updating the courses!

Specialist Specialist

Thank you for this little push. Course updated.

Specialist Specialist

I don't know if this topic is appropriate here or better of as a new one:

Can someone help/guide on how to rearrange the sequence number of lectures via mobile phone, or is it possible on Laptop and Desktop computers only? I've been struggling with it here😀.

Thank you.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Michael_D_Nwaogu


I'm happy to hear you updated your course 😊


You should be able to rearrange the lectures via browser on your phone and on your computer, but not in the mobile app. Can you please try it?🙌
If you are still experiencing issues, I recommend reaching out to our support here.