Do You Have Any Questions You're Afraid to Ask?

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Do You Have Any Questions You're Afraid to Ask?

Sometimes it's a bit intimidating to start a whole new Post just to ask a question. 


So go ahead and ask your question as a comment in this thread, and I'll do my best to answer. No stress, no worries. No dumb questions. Ask away.


Who am I? I'm a fellow instructor, and I've been on Udemy for about 7 years. Udemy's my full-time income these days and they've been very good to me over the years. I've seen a lot. And I'm here to help. So how can I help you? What do you need to succeed? LMK below.


72 Replies
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When this lady appears (along with this message) it means that Udemy is not running a sale and therefore courses are being sold at table price. However, students usually wait for sales. When there are sales running, they usually put images of different people (of various ethnicities, genders, cultures etc) along with a different message highlighting a discount

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

The poor innocent stock model is being blamed for poor sales. 🙂 


I don't see a correlation between the image on the home page and my personal revenue. Maybe someone can track it.

My guess is that particular image gets posted when there is no sale on Udemy. This image will definitely get us more sales.



Hi Scott, 


I'm a big fan of your courses, thanks so much for all the helpful info I've got from them 🙂


I just published my first course yesterday, and am finding marketing it a really steep learning curve.


Would you possibly have 5 minutes to take a look and tell me some initial thoughts? Any feedback from such a Udemy Pro like yourself would be MASSIVELY appreciated.


I have three more courses nearly finished so any tips really would be great.


Thanks again for giving back to new instructors, really kind of you.




Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Paul,


On the whole, you've put together a nice short course. The course image is eye-catching, the title contains a clear value proposition, and the subtitle draws interest. I've watched the promo video, intro video, and one of the lessons. You're good at this. 


There's no reason why someone who is looking for a career change would say no to watching even a bit of your course to get some tips from it.


If I can make two suggestions. One, you appear to have just chosen the first five lessons of the course as your free preview ones. Maybe there is another video or two within the course that you can expose for the free preview that gives potential students a feeling for your teaching style. I'd recommend choosing a different video (or two) for a free preview.


And two, am I correct to assume that the downloadable PDFs contain most of the lessons of the course? If so, you're leaving yourself open to students buying the course, downloading the PDF, and refunding the course. I'd ensure that there are enough videos in the course that teach things not covered by any downloadable PDF to make the videos a valuable companion to the workbook.


You clearly know a lot about creating a video course despite this being your first one.


In terms of marketing, what you need to do is get your course in front of people who can use it. I see you've probably given away 2500 free coupons, and that's OK I guess. But what you really need are people who are looking for a career change.


Where do you find people looking for a career change?


LinkedIn, likely. Twitter too. Perhaps Reddit. Job search boards. Maybe there are job search FB groups that allow these kinds of posts. I don't know the exact answer, but what you need is exposure to the right audience. Not just free coupons to random people who may not even need your advice, but actual interested students. Not free coupons, but place your product in front of the right people. The price is already right.


Is there someone who already has an audience, that might be willing to show this course to their audience? 


You need reviews. Preferably good ones, but the course needs student activity. Watching videos, doing assignments, completing the course... Out of those 2500 free coupons, you need some of those people to watch the course and give feedback. Use educational announcements to encourage action.


Finally, if you can get some reviews, this might be the kind of thing Udemy Business is interested in. So once you meet the minimum qualifications for that, see if you can get their attention. 


Good luck!


Hi Scott, 


I really can't thank you enough for the tips and the time it took you to watch those vids and type out all of that hugely helpful advice. You are a very kind person! :-)))


I have actioned all of your fantastic suggestions.


A MASSIVE THANK YOU AGAIN, you have a fan for life in me! To get such great tips from such a pro like yourself is amazing!


Have a lovely rest of the week! 🙂


Hi @ScottDuffy how do you spot a spam or a fake review? What are the different signs to look for to ascertain that the review is not genuine? 

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Community Champion

It's sort of like asking, how can you tell a photo is real and has not been Photoshopped? How can you tell if something is a Deep Fake?


I would say, humans (and now AI) can recognize certain patterns. When you compare the reviews of a course where you KNOW the reviews are real, next to a course where you suspect they are not real, you can see the difference.


1 hours ago - 5 STARS - Best instructer on Udemy. Amazing. Great.
2 hours ago - 5 STARS - Wonderfuil. Best.
2 hours ago - 5 STARS - Greate course. Realy GReat. Wonderfuil.
2 hours ago - 5 STARS - John Doe best teacher. Much best. 

3 days ago - 1 STAR - This course is awful. Avoid it. I want my money back. This instructor really knows nothing about the topic, and shouldn't be teaching at all. 

I mean, you can just see a pattern. 

Storyteller Storyteller

Hey @ScottDuffy I really like your course images. What do you think of mine? Or should I just copy you 😁?

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Community Champion

Ardit, glad to see you're still around, man. It's been a long time.


Wow, you've completely changed your Python Mega Course image. That's a big change.


Did you hire a professional designer for that? Or run a contest on 99designs?


I like the bold background colors. Makes it stand out. I love that your photo is there. (I assume that's you and not Twitter's Jack Dorsey or a professional model.) I might suggest that you make the photo of you bigger. Humans trust faces. 😉 50% more Ardit, please.


I like your course image better than Tim's or Jose's. Yours is SO much better. In fact, you definitely have the "top 1 or 2" course image on the entire page 1 of "python" search.  I also like Angela's course image.

Storyteller Storyteller

@ScottDuffy, thanks for the feedback! Yeah, long time no see! I have been lurking here in the community, though.


My old image had a number (10) in it, which was against the Udemy no-text-in-image rule. 


You are right. I look too sexy in this new image 😁. I should replace it with something closer to reality.  Otherwise, I will get a lot of refunds when students see me on video inside the course. 


@ScottDuffy  My questions were asked by others and answered here!  Many thanks for taking time to do this for instructors.  It is MOST appreciated.

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Community Champion

Wish you much success! 

I thought of something:  I've searched the forums and got other opinions, but:  What is YOUR new instructor recommended strategy for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and New Years? 

I only have one course.  I MIGHT be able to have a new one out by New Years.  Any insights most appreciated.

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Perfect!  Thanks!

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Are we allowed to provide the pptx slides of our entire course for a student? A student asked if he could get the ppt slides. If it is allowed, I'm going to put a watermark before handling them tp this student

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

I do, sometimes.


What I provide is a PDF. And the PDF contains many links back to my course on Udemy in case some random person finds the PDF and is curious where to get the videos from...

Good Job

Hello @ScottDuffy,

I would really like to hear what do you think about my dilemma.

I did ask it a few weeks ago in this other post and got 1 answer from Thor, but would really like to hear what you think.


I have a course 8 hours long and is from 2018, didn't refresh the content and the videos were outdated.

Because of that, I got bad reviews and the rating of the course went down to 3.4.

Then I unpublished the course last year.

Now I have started to record new videos that reflect the new version of the software that the course is all about and would like to publish it.

Now my concern is should I publish it as a new course or update the existing one.

In the existing one, there are 5306 students enrolled, with 97 reviews but 90% were free from the days when I was thinking that if I had lots of students it would look better.

Would you go with creating a new course or would you update the existing one with all the new videos and materials?






And of course, I would be very grateful for your comments and advice on the course itself (I'm talking about my course on New Data Entry Forms. Don't want to break the rules by putting the link here)

Salil Dhawan
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

New course makes more sense, send it as promotional announcement to existing course's students that this is latest updated course with these benefits etc. As long as they are interested students of that field they will be interested. Given all factors make sense to create new as now existing course is ranking low in Udemy algorithm and it will take you a lot to being those reviews back up. Make a fresh start.

Hi Scott, thanks a lot for starting this thread. I really much appreciate all your efforts.


My question is related to one of your older courses.

Udemy SEO: Winning the Udemy Search Engine – Unofficial


Why did you take it offline and is there a possibility to still enroll in the course? 🙂


Apart from that course, my question behind is:

How can I optimize my course to get more reviews and to be shown on the udemy start page? I guess this would be good to make more sales. If I search for Excel in German I already rank on place 4. So I’m very happy with that. Of course higher would be even better, but I thought tp appear on the Udemy Start page might be even more interesting…


To the background of my course:

I have a new Excel course in German, which is online since 2 months. It's performing very good and I'm getting good reviews. But unfortunately not many.


After family and friends and free coupons I have 200 paid enrollments in this course. From these enrollmetns I got a review rate of 8% so far.


I know it’s just 2 months after the course launch, but I can see that this course behaves different than another course of me. I first thought maybe it's the topic, but when I have a look at the top performer in my category. He has a conversion rate of nearly 20 %.


My assumption is, that the watchtime of my course is too low. leading to a low review rate. A lot of my students buy the course and then just watch 5 or 10 % or nothing at all. And I guess that to be shown on the Udemy start page you need to have a lot of watchtime and reviews. Or does the Udemy algorithm work different?


If my assumption is right I would try to optimize for watchtime. (for the watchtime itself and in order to get more reviews) Which I would translate to make the course more interesting and more engaging and maybe get rid of boring parts.



What do you think and how would you optimize? Or am I too impatient or on the wrong track?


Thanks a lot in advance. I really much appreciate your work.


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