Using the AI avatar for course creating

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Using the AI avatar for course creating

I want to do a course in English, but I can't speak it fluently. Can I use the AI avatar who will translate and deliver the content of my lectures in English?
Thank you.

12 Replies
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Sergey Zanin Thanks for this question! Udemy now accepts courses with audio instruction created using quality text-to-speech programs; however, there are some requirements to have the course approved by the Quality Review team.  Please ensure the audio quality is clear and easy to understand, and that your program can properly pronounce any acronyms and technical jargon used in your course. You can see the requirements here.


If you have further questions, please send an email to so the team can provide you with a more detailed response.



Udemy Community Moderator 

That's interesting to know. Thank you.

Hello, udemy doesn't approve the use of AI regarding your voice.


But I'm not going to use AI to create content. I only want to make a high-quality voice-over in English of the text of my course. There are a lot of such voice-over programs. For example,

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

@Sergey Zanin The best thing to do here is to email the Trust & Safety team. They will be able to provide you with more details of what you can do.



Udemy Community Moderator 

Thank you!

Yes you can 👍

Hey @Sergey Zanin!


Yes, you can. However, you need to be aware of the requirements for the video & voice quality, check it here.


What even can I suggest? From my experience ( I did these type of courses ), it didn't perform well.


We had a lot of cases when we were wondering about this type of content, and every time we realized that students prefer to hear real instructors and real voices. In your position, I would consider creating a course in your national language, or even in English if you know the basics ( it really doesn't require a lot of skills, you can just create the outline before the lectures ).


Let me know if it is helpful!


Best Regards,


, I understand that a "live" teacher in the frame is much better than a slideshow. Perhaps I will consider an option with subtitles in different languages. Thanks a lot to everyone for the answers!:)


This is a huge paradigm shift.

Thank you for the info.

Oracle DBA, APEX Developer & Intructor/Freelancer.

If you have no other choice, perhaps. However, using voice generation that sounds natural will cost you money and possibly more time. The English-speaking market is vast, and you will be competing with many individuals who may use their own voice, thereby potentially attracting more sales

I agree with you. I cannot speak English fluently, so regardless of the quality of my course, I have low competitiveness. I have to choose between bad and nothing 🙂

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