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Guys I am so excited about creating my first course. I have already filmed and I am already editing. I’m no stranger to video creation as that’s my career and mainly what I do every day. But this is a whole other beast. I feel overwhelmed by everything I’ve filmed and now having second guesses about whether I’m good or not lol


I guess I’m looking for a little bit of a encouragement from those of you who might have more experience with course creation.


Make me feel like I’m not going to go completely insane from this.... 😅

Romina (aka REDROMINA) - Creative Entrepreneur who likes to make movies and drink tea. Also aliens.
7 Replies



I seriously doubt that you will go insane developing your first course. But, I think watching yourself in video is almost always anxiety provoking... "Do I really sound like that??" I think most of us were a bit anxious about putting ourself out there for others to criticize caused some loss of sleep. wait until you get your first one star rating (we've all go them)!


Keep at it and accept the risk because the rewards can be significant!


Lawrence M. Miller
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

It is perfectly normal to feel overwhealmed when you start (and also as you keep going).

My suggestion is do what a project manager would do. 

Break the work down into manageable work packages, keep break it down until you can do that one task in a reasonable amount of time (how long that is, is up to you).


You will have a ton of tasks, but that gives you a way of where to start, see progress, and make it seem less daunting. 


I keep adding to my to-do list, but I also make plans for what to do when and it makes it easier.


(Also what do you do with the aliens? Make movies with them or turn them into tea?)


Thor Pedersen - IT , Project Management, and Cyber Security trainer

Thank you. I obviously drink tea with the aliens as we make movies together. (:

Romina (aka REDROMINA) - Creative Entrepreneur who likes to make movies and drink tea. Also aliens.



Just break it up in smaller clips eventually you will adjust  good luck 

The more you know the easier it is to find issues few others would notice. My first thought is how can I be this bad. When I look a few weeks later it looks a lot better. Get one published. Later you can change out segments if needed.

Very good point!! 

Romina (aka REDROMINA) - Creative Entrepreneur who likes to make movies and drink tea. Also aliens.

I can completely relate to this feeling. However, now that I've finally posted a couple of videos and found, from the kind people on this forum, that I'm not far from where I need to go, I feel much more confident that the rest of the process will be just more learning and doing, and that it will get easier with time.


When we start something new, it's hard to be a good judge of ourselves, so it helps to get external validation early in the process. Afterwards, it becomes internal.


Hope that helps. I'd love to see a little of what you're doing.



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