How to set up a Bonus Lecture

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How to set up a Bonus Lecture

Hi, nice to meet you.
This is my first time submitting a course on Udemy.

I am confused as to how to submit a bonus lecture.

I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to get it out.

Thank you in advance.

3 Replies

Hello @おんゆー !
First of all, big congratulations on creating your new course!
When it comes to the bonus lecture, I really encourage you to check this article which exactly shows how to do this step-by-step: Bonus Lecture: Rules and Guidelines
Let me know if it is helpful!
Best Regards,
Krystian Wojtarowicz

If you already bought some Udemy courses from someone else, as a student, look for a successful instructor and scroll down at the end of his/her course. If there's a "Bonus Lecture" there, follow the same pattern.

Hi everyone,

I see that the issue has already been resolved, and I wanted to thank everyone for their contributions. It’s great to see such a collaborative and supportive community here.

I also faced a similar problem recently and found that. This might help others who encounter the same issue in the future.

Thanks again for the helpful discussion!

Best Regards,
SpotifyPie Chart

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