how can i promote my first course on udemy?

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how can i promote my first course on udemy?

As my course is related to mangement technique Lean six sigma, so its not possible for me to motivate my friends or konwn people to take my course becasue mostly my friends are working in different domain that why i confused how to promote course ? already I promoted it on social media but then also not much traffic attracted toward my course. so can anyone suggest me over this?

2 Replies



Welcome to our community and accecpt my warmest congratulations!

You can use : social networks like: Linked in - Face book - Youtube and ...

The time for first sell is variable from some hours to some months!

You did great with your own network and the Udemy marketing takes about 3 days and more

for your first sell.

In addition check all Udemy marketing tools in your profile and be patient and pray!


Not applicable



First, you need more than one course.  I would suggest a short but helpful course.  You can then use free coupons to get students to take your short course (your lead magnet).  Then send promotional announcements to your short course marketing your longer course(s) to your new students.  You can also use a "Bonus Lecture" at the end of your short course to market your discount coupon for your longer course.


It's really hard to do much marketing with only a single course.



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