Video related query

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Video related query

I created my first course and now I have a doubt regarding my video content, I have put my branding logo on all my videos and as per the guideline "we need to do branding by watermark" but before creating my course I Wasn't aware of this guidelines, can anyone please help me check my video content and give suggestions.


Thanks & Regards,

Rajesh Verma

2 Replies
Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

The guidelines are a bit vague on what's acceptable. Your logo does pop out more than their example, but I can't imagine it getting flagged. When in doubt, ask - we're just fellow instructors here and can't really give you a definitive answer.


To clarify though, you aren't *required* to have a watermark. They're just saying that if you do have one, it should be unobtrusive and not try to direct students away from the site. 

Thanks for the advice, it will help me a lot, I am just hoping that the Udemy team will allow my video because editing the video again takes too much time and is a pain for me.

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Create a video to introduce yourself and watch other videos from instructors to get to know them. We recommend including your name, what you teach, and what you hope to learn in your video.