WINNERS SELECTED Share your tips for a chance to win!

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WINNERS SELECTED Share your tips for a chance to win!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there instructor community! 


You as instructors fuel this community and make it the wonderful place it is today. That said, we wanted to celebrate you all with a giveaway!  


For the giveaway, we are giving away a Udemy Mug to 2 instructors who answer the question in this post from August 16 to August 30th. During the giveaway time frame. 2 instructors who respond to the prompt will be chosen at random to get a mug(unless you've already received one this period). Limit one person. Offer valid while supplies last.


Here is the question we’d like for you to answer:


What are 3 tips you can share about your course creation process?


Comment for a chance to win a mug. Winners will be randomly selected. 18 or older to enter.


Entry period closes 11:59pm Pacific time on 8/30/23. Winners will be contacted through DM.

Good luck!


CONGRATULATIONS to the two winners of the giveaway:




You will be contacted via email about your prize.


Thanks for everyone's participation and be on the lookout for the next giveaway coming in the future!


What are 3 tips you can share about your course creation process?
After making the presentation, go through it once at least so the delivery is smooth the second time. 
Record during the second time so that the recording has less breaks and requires less editing. 

For topics, in areas that already exist, pick a subtopic and explain that in more detail as compared to a general presentation on the whole topic. That way you might get some customers who are more interested in the sub topic. 

Update the existing courses so that the quality keeps improving. Add short lecures like 5 minutes each if you do not have too much time to make long 1 hour lectures. 



Specialist Specialist

1. Think about what your student wants to get out of the course, where they are starting from and where they want to get to.

2&3. More of the above.


1. Be specific on what skills or ideas you want your student to learn.  

2. Use language or vocabulary that is easy to understand by the learners to ensure that learners will easily understand the course. 

3. Give a concrete, clear example or output of the skills you want them to impart at the end of the course. 

Traveler Traveler
  • Try to make an Article lecture first instead of recording straight away. This will make a good storyboard to record your videos and also that could lead to an ebook also!


  • For instructors that they kind of hesitate to speak in English because it's not their native language I would suggest the following process:
    • Install Krisp or CrystalClear that does noise removal on the spot
    • Then use Audacity to record yourself and cut off the «ehm», «ah» parts and the big silences.
    • Amplify using Audacity if needed using the Effect → Amplify Volume
    • Or create silences using the Generate → Silence
    • Then export to a file that you will use as a guide to make the video upon.
    • It will save you great amount of time!


  • For programming oriented courses try the new feature that Udemy offers → Coding Exercises. That way the course becomes more interactive and practical. Also less boring from a student's perspective.
Traveler Traveler

Here are three tips I can share about My course creation process for online students:

  1. Clear Learning Objectives and Outcomes: I recommend starting with well-defined learning objectives and outcomes for my course. This helps students understand what they'll gain from taking the course and gives them a clear sense of direction. I break down these objectives into smaller, achievable goals for each module or section. When students can see the value and progression of their learning, they're more likely to stay engaged and motivated.

  2. Engaging and Varied Content: I suggest incorporating a mix of content types to keep the course engaging and cater to various learning styles. This includes video lectures, written lessons, interactive quizzes, assignments, discussions, and even live webinars or Q&A sessions. Real-world examples, case studies, and practical applications can help students connect theoretical concepts with real-life scenarios, enhancing their understanding.

  3. Structured and Accessible Design: I organize the course content in a structured manner to make it easy for students to navigate and understand the flow of information. Clear headings, bullet points, and concise explanations are my go-to for presenting information effectively. I ensure that the course platform is user-friendly and accessible on different devices like desktops, tablets, and mobiles. I also provide a syllabus or course outline upfront, so students know what to expect and can plan their learning accordingly.

Trailblazer Trailblazer

I don't script anything. This allows me to sound like a human being. I use this approach to teach like I am teaching a friend. 


1- Share what you know
You are one step ahead of someone who needs the information you have. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there.


2- Don't compare yourself to others

Some have a huge following but don't let that deter you. You will attract those who prefer to learn from you even if the topic is popular.


3- Experiment

It's OK to make mistakes, the first time might be bad but that's how you learn and improve. Build on previous learning and keep moving forward at your own pace.

Meet Jethwa
  1. Define Clear Learning Objectives: Start by identifying the specific goals you want your learners to achieve after completing the course. These learning objectives will serve as a roadmap for your course content and activities. Ensure that your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Clear objectives help both you and your learners stay focused and aligned throughout the course.

  2. Segment Content into Modules and Lessons: Break down your course content into logical modules or sections, each containing a set of related lessons. This modular structure makes it easier for learners to digest the material and track their progress. Keep lessons concise and focused on a single topic to prevent overwhelming learners with too much information at once. Introduce each module with an overview to provide context and highlight the key concepts learners will encounter.

  3. Engage with Various Multimedia: To cater to different learning styles and maintain learner engagement, incorporate a variety of multimedia elements into your course. These could include text-based content, videos, interactive quizzes, case studies, podcasts, and more. Use visuals to illustrate complex concepts, and include real-world examples to help learners apply theoretical knowledge. Interactive elements, such as quizzes and discussion forums, encourage active participation and help reinforce learning.


1. Read the info that Udemy provide on creating a course, especially the technical info. It will help you to create a better and stronger course and avoid basic mistakes in course creation. 


2. Good sound is a must, if you invest in anything, make it a microphone. 


3. Just do it. Don't let perfection get in the way of good and stop you from publishing your course.   


Creating a successful Udemy course involves careful planning and execution.

Here are three valuable tips to guide you through the course creation process:


  1. Thoroughly Define Your Course Concept: Before you start creating content, ensure you have a clear and well-defined course concept. Identify your target audience, their needs, and what problem your course will solve for them. Conduct market research to validate the demand for your course topic. A well-defined concept will help you create focused and relevant content that resonates with your potential students.

  2. Structured Content and Engaging Delivery: Organize your course content into well-structured sections and lectures. Each section should follow a logical sequence, building upon the previous one. Use a mix of instructional formats, such as video lectures, quizzes, assignments, and downloadable resources, to keep the learning experience engaging and interactive. Vary your teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and maintain student interest.

  3. Quality Visuals and Clear Communication: Invest time in creating high-quality visuals, slides, and videos. Ensure your content is visually appealing and enhances the learning experience. Use clear and concise language, and avoid jargon or complex terminology that might confuse your students. Speak at a comfortable pace, enunciating your words clearly, and maintain good audio and video quality. Visuals and communication quality greatly influence student engagement and comprehension.

Remember, successful course creation also involves ongoing engagement with your students. Respond promptly to questions, participate in discussions, and consider updating your course to reflect changes in the field or student feedback. By delivering value and maintaining a positive learning experience, you can build a strong reputation on Udemy and attract a growing student base.


What are 3 tips you can share about your course creation process?

1. Keep it simple

2. Concise

3. Explain in Layman's Terms

  1. Set Clear Goals: Before you start, know exactly what you want your students to learn. Think about what skills or knowledge you want them to have when they finish the course.

  2. Make Lessons Interesting: Arrange your course in a way that makes sense. Begin with a fun introduction, split the content into sections, and use videos, quizzes, and assignments to keep things engaging.

  3. Talk and Listen: When teaching, speak clearly and be confident. Use pictures and examples to explain tricky stuff. Also, be ready to answer questions and chat with your students. It helps build a friendly learning community.

Traveler Traveler

Como profesor en línea en Udemy, aquí te comparto tres consejos que aplico en mi proceso de creación de cursos:

  1. Planificación Efectiva: Antes de comenzar con la grabación o el desarrollo de cualquier material, dedico tiempo a planificar cuidadosamente el contenido del curso. Esto incluye definir los objetivos de aprendizaje, los temas clave, y la estructura general del curso. La planificación me ayuda a mantener la coherencia y asegurar que el contenido sea relevante y atractivo.

  2. Enfoque en la Calidad de Producción: Invierto en un buen equipo de grabación y edición para asegurar que los videos y otros materiales sean de alta calidad. Esto incluye tener una buena iluminación, sonido claro, y edición profesional. La calidad de producción puede marcar una gran diferencia en cómo los estudiantes perciben y se involucran con el curso.

  3. Interacción y Retroalimentación Continua: Intento crear oportunidades para la interacción y la participación activa de los estudiantes. Esto puede incluir cuestionarios, ejercicios prácticos, y foros de discusión. Además, siempre estoy abierto a recibir comentarios de los estudiantes para mejorar el curso continuamente. La retroalimentación me permite entender mejor las necesidades y preferencias de los estudiantes y adaptar el curso en consecuencia.

Estos tres consejos forman la base de mi enfoque hacia la creación de cursos, y espero que puedan ser útiles para otros instructores también. ¡Saludos!


1 teknik bilgiler yerine pratik dogaçlama bilgiler gerekiyor gerçek hayatla okuldaki kurstaki bilgiler çok farklıdır okul kurs üniversitedeki bilgiler gerçek hayatta işe yaramazlar

2 görsel kalitesi samimi anlatim

3 ses tonu hem öğrenip hem keyif verebilmek


Here are my 3 tips:

1. Create a flagship course on your topic rather than small multiple courses. Flagship will have bigger impact than smaller ones combined.

2. Be regular with educational announcements so students keep hearing from you.

3. Respond to Q/A regularly so students dont have to wait for their questions to be answered.

1. Clear Learning Objectives: Begin by defining clear and specific learning objectives for your course. What do you want your students to achieve by the end of the course? Having well-defined objectives helps you structure the content and assessments around these goals, ensuring a focused and cohesive learning experience.

2. Engaging Content Variety: Incorporate a variety of content types to keep your course engaging and cater to different learning styles. Combine text, videos, interactive quizzes, hands-on exercises, and real-world examples. This diversity not only maintains student interest but also enhances their understanding through different modes of learning.

3. Sequential Structure: Organize your course content in a logical and sequential manner. Start with foundational concepts before progressing to more advanced topics. Each module or section should build upon the previous one, allowing students to grasp concepts progressively. Also, consider incorporating regular review sessions or summaries to reinforce key takeaways.

Remember, effective course creation involves thoughtful planning, continuous improvement, and being responsive to your student's needs and feedback.


Creating a successful Udemy course involves careful planning, engaging content creation, and effective marketing. Here are three essential tips to help you with the Udemy course creation process:


  1. Thorough Planning and Research: Before you start creating your course, spend time researching your target audience and their needs. Identify what problems or challenges your course will address. Conduct competitor analysis to understand what other courses in your niche offer and how you can differentiate yours. Outline your course structure, including modules, lessons, and learning objectives. A well-structured course plan will not only guide your content creation process but also help students navigate through the material more effectively.

  2. Engaging Content Creation: The quality of your course content is crucial for student engagement and satisfaction. Here are some tips for creating engaging content:

    • Clear and Concise Delivery: Present your information in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex language.

    • Use Multimedia: Incorporate a variety of multimedia elements, such as videos, slides, quizzes, and downloadable resources. Visual aids can help reinforce key concepts and maintain student interest.

    • Interactive Activities: Include interactive activities like quizzes, assignments, and discussions. These activities promote active learning and allow students to apply what they've learned.

    • Real-World Examples: Use real-world examples and case studies to illustrate concepts and show practical applications. This can make the content more relatable and actionable.

  3. Effective Marketing and Promotion: Even the best course won't be successful if people don't know about it. Here are some marketing tips to help promote your Udemy course:

    • Optimize Your Course Title and Description: Your course title and description should accurately reflect the content and benefits of your course. Use relevant keywords to improve visibility in search results.

    • Engage with Students: Respond to student questions and engage in discussions on the course platform. This shows your commitment to student success and can lead to positive reviews and word-of-mouth promotion.

    • Leverage Social Media: Promote your course on social media platforms where your target audience hangs out. Share valuable insights related to your course topic to establish yourself as an expert in the field.

    • Offer Limited-Time Discounts: Udemy often runs promotions, and you can also create your own limited-time discounts to attract more students to your course.

    • Collect and Showcase Reviews: Positive reviews from satisfied students can significantly impact the credibility of your course. Encourage students to leave reviews and showcase these reviews prominently on your course page.


Here are 3 tips about course creation process:


1. Update your knowledge: First thing first, we must update our knowledge. This is a competitive and technical era, subjects are developing on daily basis. So to be in the business or in the market, we must learn every single day. Upgrade our knowledge and implement it in our career. It will help us as a Udemy instructors to make better and best courses.


2. Tools: Make use of Tools section from the Udemy portal to 'Test Video', to get 'Marketplace Insights' and 'Coupon Creation'. Udemy is helping instructors through their web portals' section 'Tools', where we can test our recorded videos and will get the free feedback from experts on our audio quality, audio delivery, video quality and video delivery that helps up a lot and teach us on how to make proper video course. We can also use 'Marketplace Insight' where we get what is the demand and supply of our course and also revenue estimation before creating the course. You can also create 'Bulk Coupon' to give discount offer worldwide.


3. Resource: We, as a Udemy instructors can use Resources where we can use 'Teaching Center' to find articles on teaching and forming course creation. We can also use 'Instructor Community' to share our progress and ask other instructors questions that helps us to get more knowledge.


Here are my top three tips for your course creation process






Traveler Traveler

Engaging content : Its important to understand the target audience and accordingly make videos which are engaging. If students lose interest on the way, they will never complete the course or take-away


One bit at a time : You may be an expert, but we need to consider student's mindset and accordingly divide the course into smaller bits, which are easy to understand


Video quality matter : Your video matters, so invest in good noise cancelling headsets, a good video editor and aesthetics


Three tips:


1. Keep the end goal in mind; remembering that "perfect" is often the obstacle to completion. Good is good enough to move on to the next lesson, and all the way to completion. 🏁


2. Edit after completion, and then either have a friend proofread the slides/printouts, or look at them with fresh eyes after 2-3 days in order to catch typos and grammatical errors. ✏️


3. Trust that you will move more quickly through the course creation process as you gain experience. The more you create, the faster it goes because you will naturally develop a workflow as you become familiar with the tools and equipment.


It's wonderful to hear about the giveaway and the appreciation for instructors! Creating a successful course involves careful planning and execution. Here are three tips for the course creation process:


1. Define Clear Learning Objectives: Start by outlining the specific goals and learning outcomes you want your students to achieve through your course. Clear learning objectives guide your content creation and help students understand what they will gain from the course. When learners can see the value of your course, they're more likely to engage and complete it.

2. Structured and Engaging Content: Organize your course content in a logical and structured manner. Divide the material into sections or modules, and within each section, break down the content into smaller, digestible chunks. Use a mix of instructional formats such as video lectures, quizzes, assignments, and interactive activities to keep learners engaged and reinforce their understanding.

3. Iterative Improvement and Feedback: Don't be afraid to iterate and improve your course based on feedback from students. Encourage your learners to provide feedback on the content, pacing, and overall learning experience. Regularly review this feedback and make necessary updates to enhance the quality of the course. By showing that you're receptive to feedback and committed to delivering value, you'll create a more positive learning environment and increase student satisfaction.


Remember, the course creation process is an ongoing journey. Stay open to learning from your students and adapting your content to their needs. Good luck to all the instructors participating in the giveaway!


Course creation is interactive process. It should be engaging to all kind of students.

  1. Clear Learning Objectives and Structure: Start by defining clear and specific learning objectives for your course. What do you want your students to be able to do or understand by the end of the course? Once you have these objectives in place, organize your course content in a logical and structured manner. Divide the content into modules or sections, and provide an outline for each. This helps students understand the flow of the course and how each piece of information builds upon the previous one.

  2. Engaging Multimedia and Interactivity: Utilize a variety of multimedia elements to keep your students engaged. This could include videos, slideshows, audio recordings, infographics, and interactive quizzes. Visual and interactive elements break up text-heavy content and cater to different learning styles. Additionally, consider incorporating opportunities for interactivity, such as discussion forums, group projects, and live Q&A sessions. These activities foster a sense of community and help reinforce learning.

  3. Assessment and Feedback: Design meaningful assessments that align with your learning objectives. These assessments could include quizzes, assignments, projects, and exams. Make sure the assessments are challenging yet achievable, and provide clear guidelines for completion. Equally important is providing timely and constructive feedback to students. Feedback helps learners understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Consider offering both self-assessment opportunities and instructor-provided feedback to create a well-rounded learning experience.#GIVEAWAY


my 3 tips 

listen to your students

make a course that you would like to have

have a long term view 


My 3 fundamental tips are-

1) read the material thoroughly and do good research, on the topic you want to teach

2) cultivate a strong passion and commitment to create a world class material

3) always step into the learner's shoe and try to do a thorough critique before posting

Aleksandar Maric

Let's make it simple.

1. Check Student Experience Checklist

2. Check Course Quality Checklist

3. Check How to manage your recording day (Prepare for filming)

Bonus: Check Top audio and video tools for your course (Audio Video tools)

Traveler Traveler

My dearest friends,

1. Watch Angela Yu Free Previews & Curriculum Organization - Please, try to understand the way she has been talking, explaining and organizing the courses. I think just trying to understand why students love so much her lessons can be truly beneficial. Please, try your best to learn from best performing instructors 🙂

2. Watch Best Performing Instructors Free Previews (in your Niche / Topic of course you have been preparing) Please, try to understand why people like their content and why they are the best in niche. Please, try your best to learn from them. It can be truly beneficial. Actually, you can learn so much from other instructors. For example you can learn from some instructors how much you can become welcoming and friendly to your students. So, you can learn so much from other instructors. Please, try your best to learn from other instructors 🙂
3. Find your Strength and Focus on It - You might be really good at camera, creating very strong emotional connection with your students. You might be really good in course organization. You might be really good in creating screen recordings with practical tips and guidance. You might be really good in learning-by-doing approach. Please, try your best to focus on your strength and develop it 🙂 Find your way to become the shinning star for others. Find your strength and develop it for the goodness of all 🙂

  1. Clear Learning Objectives: Start by defining clear learning objectives for your course. What do you want your students to achieve or learn by the end of the course? Having well-defined objectives helps you structure your content effectively and keeps your course focused and organized.

  2. Engaging Content Delivery: Create engaging and diverse content delivery methods. Incorporate a mix of video lectures, interactive quizzes, practical exercises, and downloadable resources. This variety keeps your students engaged and caters to different learning styles, enhancing the overall learning experience.

  3. Iterative Improvement: Treat your course as a dynamic project that can always be improved. Encourage student feedback and use it to refine your content and teaching approach. Regularly update your course to include new information, technologies, or trends relevant to the topic. Continuous improvement ensures your course stays relevant and valuable over time.


I have been working as a digital marketing faculty at a institution and i find some free time to record my lessons and i like to share my knowledge to the public and now i am extremely happy about it

1. Record your sessions properly with good mic 

2. Research about new and trending technology and get included in the course

3. Make sure that your course is valuable and it will help someone whether it is paid or free

My creation process is very simple, Whenever I am in this process I think as a student not as an Instructor.
1. Clear Learning Objectives and Structure:
I define clear and specific learning Objectives. Mostly I reraserch about course price which can every student can afford.
what student exactly want from this course and Design structured syllabus acroding to student mentality.
2. Engaging Content and Activities:
I use Incorporate a variety of engaging content and activities to keep learners motivated and interested. I Use a mix of text, 
images, videos, quizzes, assignments, discussions, and practical exercises. Interactive elements like quizzes and assignments can 
help reinforce learning and provide opportunities for students to apply what they've learned.
3. Final Review:
Once my course is created I watched created course several times, Take down notes. If everything is set then I went for uploading.


1. Try to simplify as much as possible, so people can understand without much explanation

2. Review your video and imagine that you know nothing about the topic, check if it is clear enough

3. Added value -> think how the course can be helpful for people, add more information than expected


1. Sound Quality.

Make sure to record your course contents on higher sound quality, Sound is the first important thing.

2. Use Hooks.

Make sure to include a few Hooks inside your course, so that students will complete your course and will learn some new skills, also it helps in increasing the completion rate.

3. Ask for personalized feedback.

Ask for personalized feedback from each student about their learning and pain points if possible, this helps build strong relationships with your students.


My 3 tips:


1) Choose topics that you are passionate, knowledgeable, experienced,  and confident about.


2) Keep your content simple to understand and appealing.  We don't know the language and intelligence level of our students.


3)  Ensure that the video is clear and the audio crisp.  Use the proper lighting, camera and microphone.  Use high definition  videos and pictures when using them from other websites such as pexels, pixabay, unsplash, etc.


4) If you are beginner, start with shorter courses to avoid overwhelming yourself. 


Best Wishes 🙂

  1. Clear Goals,Structured Plan: Before starting, it's important to know what I want students to learn. I write down the main things I want to teach, check what others do and try to innovate, break the course in small steps.

  2. Keep doing: keep making course, don't make people breaking your spirit. 

  3. Add Pictures and Videos: try to add max of  document pictures and video in details with good quality  , try to be joyful.

  1. Choose the Best Topic and Attractive TItle First🏅
    Normally, the students who are coming for online courses want to find courses that are focusing on cutting-edge technologies and attractive titles normally make them get first-level attention
  2. Analyze the existing courses on that topic🏆
    Once the title is decided, then identify the ways to make your course to be above others by finding the loopholes and gaps in the existing similar courses. If your course is completely new, then go ahead by preparing a complete course syllabus with the content delivery method  
  3. Out-of-the-box thinking🎉🏅

           Many times, the routine way of content delivery will not suffice. It is better to invent new               methods of content delivery to make sure the audiences are very much connected with

           the course.


The content we create has to navigate the student to the three steps of learning knowledge:

1. Sravana - Hearing - Just hearing without any questions 

2. Smarana - Reflection - How much of the subject heard could be understood.

3. Nidhi-dhyasana - Treasure Hunting - Finding the crux by asking multiple pertinent questions.


Our content has to be spaced with proper practices for the above three methods:

1. Use all means to teach - giving to eyes better than just ears - help in grasping.

2. Not just Memory based but retaining - spaced repetition of same crucial point after certain lessons rather than assume we have covered it already. Also end of class, unit-wise and end-of -course revision is MUST. Checking the understanding is key.

3. Every topic has a crux, let the student discover it. That is the treasure they ought to carry into problem solving in real world.  Testing them in mini-real world scenarios



Anil Jacob

Three suggestions that can be used during the course development process are as follows:


1. Understand Your Audience:

It's important to cater the course to the target audience's particular needs and interests. You may create content that speaks to your learners directly if you are aware of their goals, present skill levels, and preferred learning styles. Conversational language is effective in this situation because it helps the student connect more personally with the material and makes it easier to understand.


2. Incorporate Multimedia and Interactive Elements:

Textual content may be made much more engaging by adding photos, videos, and interactive exercises. These components can aid in breaking up lengthy text passages and offer visual or tactile explanations of difficult concepts. Passive learning can be turned into an active experience with the use of interactive tests, simulations, or even gamified components. This improves learning retention and comprehension while also making the course more fun.


3. Provide Real-world Applications and Stories:

Adding real-world applications to the course material or using stories to illustrate points can make the information more interesting and applicable. It is easier for learners to appreciate the value and relevance of what they are studying if you can demonstrate how a particular subject is applied in real-world situations or in a particular career. This is improved by conversational language since it enables you to relate these applications or anecdotes in an approachable and sympathetic manner, as if you were speaking to a buddy.


To summarise, you may make your course dynamic, interesting, and more effective by knowing your audience, using multimedia and interactive features, and incorporating real-world applications or stories with a conversational tone. These techniques can result in a more rewarding and fulfilling learning experience because they are in line with contemporary educational practises.


1.Your course should be something you cherish and share it gladly

2.Avoid sending unfinished information by going through it before circulating it

3.Update your course with the latest knowledge available



So 3 tips about your course creation process?


Here they are!


1. HD video recordings.

2. Clear voice over, add subtitles if possible.

3. Simple to understand, think like "Will you understand if someone teach like that?".


Two bonus Tips


1. Target below average audience. That means you need to start from very basic.

2. Don't explain to much just to increase course length, unless its super necessary. People like short and to the point things.


Laughter Greetings Udemy Family


Hope You all are doing good 

1)Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you have expertise in. This will make the course creation process more enjoyable and rewarding for you, and it will also help you to create more engaging and informative content.
2)Do your research to make sure that there is a demand for your course. You can do this by surveying potential students, looking at similar courses that are already available, and conducting keyword research.
3)Plan your course carefully. This includes creating an outline, writing scripts, and developing visuals. The more planning you do upfront, the smoother the course creation process will be.

Here are some additional tips:

1)Use high-quality video and audio equipment. This will help to create a professional and polished course that your students will enjoy watching.
2)Edit your videos carefully. This includes removing any errors or awkward pauses.
3)Use engaging visuals. This could include images, charts, graphs, or videos.
4)Add interactivity to your course. This could include quizzes, surveys, or discussion forums.
5)Provide support for your students. This could include answering questions, providing feedback, or offering a refund policy.

Creating an online video course can be a lot of work, but it can also be a very rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can create a course that your students will love.
All the Best team

My top 3 tips for the creation of an online course:


1. Clear Learning Objectives and Structure: Define clear learning objectives, by telling the students what they will achieve by the end of the course. This shall help to organize your content in a logical and coherent manner. At the same time, making it easy for students to follow course progression and grasp key concepts.

2. Engagement via Multimedia: Incorporating a variety of multimedia elements to enhance the learning experience, like audio clips, short videos, etc. Visual and interactive elements can help reinforce key points and keep learners engaged.

3. Speaking Clearly and Slowly: Speaking clearly and at a moderate pace in an online course benefits learners by enhancing accessibility, understanding, retention, and overall engagement. It provides them with the opportunity to focus on the content and absorb key points, leading to improved comprehension and retention rates.


Have a define target audience.  Your audience matters a lot, who do you want to educate and what knowledge are your audience lacking? This will enable you know the type of massage to prepare for them.

Be knowledgeable  in your field. You cant offer what you don't have. The verse knowledge you have in your field, would enable you give your audience useful and education tips.

Have a clear learning objective. Your objective must be defined, your audience should the knowledge they stand to gain.

Choose a topic.

 Crate your course outline.

Script your course.

Prepare your self before delivering any lecture.

Review your lecture for the day and make correction where necessary against next time.

1. Define main goals of the course you want to creata and who are your Buyer Students.

2. Define an structure aligned to the tip 1.

3. Desin Tips make sure you follow these 03 principles: a. Lead, b. Create and c. Activate.

a. How you will lead the course (type of presentation and dynamics, communication strategy).

b. Set Up the stage for you as a teacher (studio, lights, microphone all realted to the type of US experience you want to provide).

c. How you will motivate your audience, how you will reach the maximum engagement and best learning experience.

Traveler Traveler

Here are three tips:

1. **Know Your Students:** Understand your audience's needs and preferences to tailor your course effectively.

2. **Create Engaging Structure:** Organize your content in a clear, interesting way to keep learners hooked.

3. **Prioritize Quality:** Ensure top-notch audio, video, and visuals to deliver a high-quality learning experience.


Sharing my top 3 tips for your course creation process:

1. Content - Choose a topic people relate to you as an authority on that subject. This way it's going to be an easy road to build the body of your course. 

2. Audience - Understand for whom you're creating the content and adapt your voice, language and level of expertise. 
3. Outline - Define the structure of your course. It's your north when organizing the content in an objective, clear way.
4. Simple wins - Make the content easy and not extensive. Learning is different for each person and your content should be inclusive, so choose simplicity over complexity.
5. Be confident - You're the expert in the subjective. Express your confidence through your course sections and share your knowledge with confidence in your abilities, as well as, your students.
Extra tip: Have communication as your ally. This is the big driver on the learning process of your students. So practice, practice, practice and communicate with clarity.


What are 3 tips you can share about your course creation process?


Creating an engaging and effective online course requires careful planning and execution. Here are three tips to help you in your course creation process:

  1. Define Clear Learning Objectives: Before you start creating content, outline the specific learning objectives you want your students to achieve. What skills, knowledge, or outcomes should they gain from the course? Clear objectives will guide your content creation and help you stay focused on delivering valuable content that aligns with your students' needs.

  2. Chunk Content and Use Multimedia: Break down your course content into smaller, manageable chunks or modules. This makes the material easier to digest and prevents overwhelming your learners. Incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as videos, images, interactive quizzes, and practical exercises to keep the content engaging and cater to different learning styles.

  3. Promote Active Learning and Engagement: Foster active learning by encouraging student participation and interaction. Include discussion boards, group projects, case studies, and hands-on assignments to provide opportunities for learners to apply what they've learned and engage in meaningful discussions. Regular feedback and communication help create a sense of community and motivation among participants.

1. Make the concepts as simple as possible.

2. Make the videos / lessons into smaller intervals than lengthy videos. Maximum 4 minutes.

3. Provide a summary at the end of each section.


  1. Engaging and Well-Structured Content: Ensure that your course content is engaging, well-structured, and tailored to the needs of your learners. Divide the course into modules or lessons that gradually progress in difficulty. Start with the basics and build upon them as the course advances. Use a variety of teaching materials such as videos, audio clips, interactive exercises, and real-world examples to keep learners interested and motivated to continue their journey through the course.

  2. Interactive Learning Experience: Foster an interactive learning environment that encourages active participation from your students. Incorporate activities such as quizzes, assignments, group discussions, and live Q&A sessions. This not only enhances comprehension but also provides opportunities for students to practice and apply what they've learned. Interaction among students and with you as the instructor can create a sense of community, making the learning experience more enjoyable and effective.

  3. Personalized Support and Feedback: Provide personalized support and constructive feedback to your students throughout the course. Engage with your learners by addressing their questions, concerns, and individual learning needs.  Constructive feedback on assignments and assessments helps students track their progress and understand areas where they need improvement.

Sahil Bhaldar
  1. Clear Learning Objectives: Define clear and concise learning objectives for each module or section of your course. This helps learners understand what they'll achieve and allows you to structure your content effectively.

  2. Engaging Visuals and Examples: Incorporate engaging visuals, diagrams, and real-world examples to illustrate complex concepts. Visuals make your course more appealing and help learners grasp the material better.

  3. Interactive Elements: Include interactive elements like quizzes, assignments, and discussions to keep learners engaged and promote active learning. Interaction fosters a deeper understanding of the content.

1. Start with a Story-Centered Approach: Instead of jumping straight into the course content, consider beginning with a relatable and engaging story. This story should exemplify the challenges your course addresses and the benefits it offers. People naturally connect with stories, and this approach can captivate your learners' attention from the beginning, making the course more memorable and relatable.

2. Integrate Interactive Simulations: To enhance the learning experience, incorporate interactive simulations or scenarios that allow learners to apply theoretical concepts in a practical context. This can be especially effective for courses focused on technical or complex subjects. Simulations provide learners with a safe environment to experiment, make decisions, and see the consequences of their actions, facilitating deeper understanding and retention.

3. Implement Peer Teaching and Collaboration: Encourage learners to actively engage with the course material by incorporating peer teaching and collaboration. Create opportunities for learners to explain concepts to each other, discuss ideas, and work on group projects. This not only reinforces their own understanding but also helps them see different perspectives and learn from their peers. It fosters a sense of community within the course and can lead to more comprehensive learning outcomes.