Problem loading my course image

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Problem loading my course image

I have uploaded my course image several times and even changed another image for my course on Udemy. But that did not work. My image respect the requirements rules given by Udemy. Can you help me find solution please, the image below is an example that i've trying to upload, verify and tell me the problem about image.  






2 Replies
Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @SOME_BRICE Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'm truly sorry to hear about this situation however, we at the community are unable to look into an account-level request. Please send an email to our Trust  & Safety team at they will be able to assist you.


Thanks for your understanding!



Udeny Community Moderator 

Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Did you remember to hit the "Save" button at the top of the page after uploading your new image? I've made that mistake a few times.

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