WINNERS SELECTED Share your tips for a chance to win!

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WINNERS SELECTED Share your tips for a chance to win!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there instructor community! 


You as instructors fuel this community and make it the wonderful place it is today. That said, we wanted to celebrate you all with a giveaway!  


For the giveaway, we are giving away a Udemy Mug to 2 instructors who answer the question in this post from August 16 to August 30th. During the giveaway time frame. 2 instructors who respond to the prompt will be chosen at random to get a mug(unless you've already received one this period). Limit one person. Offer valid while supplies last.


Here is the question we’d like for you to answer:


What are 3 tips you can share about your course creation process?


Comment for a chance to win a mug. Winners will be randomly selected. 18 or older to enter.


Entry period closes 11:59pm Pacific time on 8/30/23. Winners will be contacted through DM.

Good luck!


CONGRATULATIONS to the two winners of the giveaway:




You will be contacted via email about your prize.


Thanks for everyone's participation and be on the lookout for the next giveaway coming in the future!


1- Information is good if you can share it simply and clearly.
Create a content index before preparing the tutorial. List your topics. At the end of the training, summarize what you said. Communicate with your students and answer their questions.
2- Watching the training is more tiring than recording it.
With this in mind, add quotes, relevant stories, videos to your training.
3- Do not hesitate to use your body language. Get a quality microphone so that what you say reaches students.
The #1 rule of thumb for shooting video is that sound is more important than picture. Even if you can't get a quality camera, get a quality microphone. Pay attention to your pronunciation, get training on it if necessary.

Trailblazer Trailblazer

1 . Do good research about the topic you are interested in. Tools to be used

   - Marketplace insights

   - UFB priority topics :


2 . Get a good noise cancelling microphone, this need not to be a fancy or costly one.


3.  Course creation can be overwhelming, and you may lose interest in-between. So, keep a simple course creation tracker (you can use an excel sheet) and keep marking the rows/columns in green as you complete. This will show you the progress and keep you motivated.

I hope it helps.



Trailblazer Trailblazer

Here are my top 3 tips for your course creation process:

1. Start with a topic you're excellent at and provide it in small bits
2. Make it easy for yourself to create content: create material for each section in x hours & record the same in x hours (fill in the x for yourself and track it!)
3. Don't hesitate any longer: Now is the perfect moment to start creating your first course. You'll learn a lot through repetition and practice 😎

Extra Tip: KISS -> Keep It Short and Simple = you can still update & expand it later

Storyteller Storyteller

Here are some tips from my experience

- Speak confidently, clearly and with right pauses

- Invest in a good Mic and Video Editing Software

- Record a 15 min clip, edit & enhance it, see how it looks, correct any issues till perfect and then begin recording all your videos

- Think upfront of 3 big ideas that you want to convey and repeat that enough times during your course

Trailblazer Trailblazer

Here are my tips:


1. Get good quality software and hardware. I have a MacBook Pro, Camtasia, and Audiate software from Techsmith, a new Blue Yeti Microphone, and a Logitech Brio 4K Webcam. 


2. Shoot in 4K. Udemy will stop it down now, but you will see 4K implemented in the future. 

3. Use carefully prepared scripts, and try to get to the point quickly and efficiently. If you can explain something in 5 minutes, don't take 10 minutes. 


4. Keep your speaking conversational and friendly. I like to record with a cup of coffee and imagine I am just explaining a concept to a good friend. 


5. Watch the reviews and fix any complaints when you do updates. You will sometimes get reviews you consider unfair; don't lose any sleep over them. It comes with the territory.  But, if you feel a complaint is legitimate, make the correction. 



Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

As I drink my coffee….😍


What are 3 tips you can share about your course creation process?


Creating an engaging and effective online course requires careful planning and execution. Here are three tips to help you in your course creation process:

  1. Define Clear Learning Objectives: Before you start creating content, outline the specific learning objectives you want your students to achieve. What skills, knowledge, or outcomes should they gain from the course? Clear objectives will guide your content creation and help you stay focused on delivering valuable content that aligns with your students' needs.

  2. Chunk Content and Use Multimedia: Break down your course content into smaller, manageable chunks or modules. This makes the material easier to digest and prevents overwhelming your learners. Incorporate a variety of multimedia elements such as videos, images, interactive quizzes, and practical exercises to keep the content engaging and cater to different learning styles.

  3. Promote Active Learning and Engagement: Foster active learning by encouraging student participation and interaction. Include discussion boards, group projects, case studies, and hands-on assignments to provide opportunities for learners to apply what they've learned and engage in meaningful discussions. Regular feedback and communication help create a sense of community and motivation among participants.

Remember, creating a successful online course takes time and effort. Stay open to feedback from early learners and iterate on your course based on their input.



Community Champion Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello good day my process is as follows.
1. Select the topic of the course
I usually have 3 topics that I keep in my notes during the creation of any course to be ready so that I don't waste time selecting the topic at the beginning of the process.
I do a little research in the insights tool, I check the number of courses and how they are classified, evaluated and what they deal with.
and select the final theme.
2. Research sources on the subject.
I usually take 1 or 2 of the best books on the subject to give me ideas on how to structure the course and what topics to include.
3. structure the course.
I divide the course into sections and classes.
Usually a specific topic with a specific objective for each section and class of the course.
I check that the course is balanced, neither too long nor too short, and that it delivers value to the student.
in this part I support the process with AI.
4. Course content.
already sectioned and divided into objectives
I create the content of each class under the following process.
Create the script, Record, edit, upload and repeat.
Usually I start from the 2nd section forward in the course.
At the end I end with an introduction and the promotional video.
5. I launch the course and month after month I promote it on my social networks.
6. Observe student feedback and make adjustments.
I usually make small adjustments during the life of each course.
and from time to time I add additional classes based on what the students tell me.
Basically this is my process.


Planning the Course Creation:
  - Plan a shorter course <2 hours to start with

  - 3 Learning outcomes at max

  - Prepare the journey like no of sections, no of videos, no of resources, no of Quiz etc and their placement

Course Recording Stage:
   - Record for 15 minute outputs
   - Edit and review the output
   - Improve delivery and storytelling for the next day
   - Repeat until the course is shot and completed
   - Change Background, locations, your looks everyday of the shoot

Post Recording Stage:
   - Start Creating Resources and Quiz
   - Re-edit the videos and trim parts

   - Shoot the Introduction and Conclusion
   - Publish 


1- Remember that People Are paying for your course: So do not make it shiny on the outside but empty on the inside; you have to stick up to your word and make sure to deliver on your promises, and even in most cases over-deliver and shock the students by the generosity of knowledge that they received. 


2-Be effective, and walk the extra mile by purely giving, and not solely for money: It is weird, but when you are in it just for the money, it transfers into your course, and that is Why I constantly meditate for one hour on the beach before shooting video content because I want to remind all my senses and my brain that the key is to give back and to be generous, and to ensure that you care for your audience and that you care to make a course that would enable them to achieve great results. (It is also very important to focus on quality and to record your courses in a professional setup, for instance, I recently moved into a studio that I built with my own hands)


3-Don't give your course for Free: Giving your course for free to thousands of people is a clear indication to students that your course is not worth buying, and I would recommend that instructors be a lot more patient and do not try to go fast with getting thousands of people watching and reviewing your course. If you focus on the first 2 aspects, you will benefit from word of mouth, and your course will get huge engagement and interest. Another important thing to add is that when you give your course for free to a student, it would be impossible to convince that same student to buy another course from you. So, the bottom line is to build your audience the right way, and it better be an audience that values your work because that's how you keep the lights on. 


Hi everyone! I'm quite new here. Please pardon my mistakes.


3 tips that I follow while the course creation process.


  1. Target Audience Research: Before I start creating content, conduct thorough research to identify my target audience's needs and preferences. Understand their skill levels, goals, and pain points. Tailor my course content to address these specific needs, ensuring that my course stands out and provides real value to your students.
  2. Structured Curriculum Planning: Organizing my course content into a well-structured curriculum. Break down complex topics into easily digestible sections and lectures. Create a logical flow that takes students from the basics to more advanced concepts. Each lecture should build on the previous one, helping students grasp the material progressively.
  3. Engaging Content Delivery: Keep my students engaged throughout the course by incorporating various teaching methods. Use a mix of video lectures, quizzes, assignments, and interactive elements. Use real-world examples, practical projects, and hands-on exercises to help students apply what they're learning. Visual aids, diagrams, and animations can also enhance understanding.


Hope this will be helpful. Thank you.

My Three TIPS for all New instructors are:

1- Do not wait one course to sell to work on another!!!!!!!!!

2- Use Bonus Lecture strategy offered by Udemy to Market your coupons.

3- Be interested in Publishing on Udemy.

4- Help other instructors to succeed in their course creation.


Here are my tips:


1. First write or create the main product which you are going to present to the student.

2. Then Write Script, create studio, and start recording it. 

3. Now it's time to upload the course lecture in udemy with informative, attractive and summery of the course in landing page. Make sure all the course lecture in good quality and try to make sure it meets students need.  

  1. Define Clear Learning Objectives: Begin by establishing clear and specific learning objectives for your course. What do you want your students to achieve by the end of the course? Learning objectives provide a roadmap for both you and your students, guiding the content and assessments. Make sure your objectives are measurable and achievable, as they will help you structure the course content and assessments effectively.

  2. Design Engaging Content: Engaging content is crucial for maintaining student interest and enhancing learning outcomes. Consider incorporating a mix of multimedia elements such as videos, interactive quizzes, infographics, and real-life examples. Vary the content format to cater to different learning styles. Additionally, organize the content into manageable modules or sections, ensuring a logical flow that builds on previous concepts. Keep the language clear and concise, avoiding jargon or unnecessary complexity.

  3. Incorporate Active Learning and Assessment: Encourage active learning by integrating opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and engage with the material. This can include activities like group discussions, case studies, problem-solving exercises, and hands-on projects. Regular formative assessments, such as quizzes or short assignments, provide feedback and reinforce learning. Include a variety of assessment types to accommodate diverse learning preferences and accurately measure understanding.

Bonus Tip: Iterate and Gather Feedback: As you develop your course, be prepared to iterate and refine the content based on feedback from learners or colleagues. After launching the course, actively gather feedback from students and use it to make improvements. This iterative process ensures that the course remains relevant and effective.

Remember that the course creation process is dynamic, and your approach may need to adapt based on the needs and preferences of your target audience. By focusing on clear objectives, engaging content, and active learning, you can create a valuable and impactful learning experience for your students.


The tips for creating a course:

1. Be clear on what you want to teach.

2. Describe 'why' we do this instead of that.

3. Be straightforward.

4. Make audience happy by making the course feel easy to them. (at least, I'll try to make them feel that way).


Thank you. 🙂

1. Don't over-do (done is better than perfect). Leave room for improv. This will make your course more natural and will add much more value by connecting with people who see you work through the process and discover additional tips that pop up in the journey.

2. There is always a market. Teach what you love and know. Forget about following trends or trying to serve all. Define from the beginning who you will target.

3. Be your first promoter. If you don't love it probably no one else will. Use your networks to gauge, it's an awesome feeling to receive love and gratitude from people you didn't realize needeed what you offer and are now your followers.


Hello everyone, Those are my three tips. 


1- The more time and effort you spend in creating the course the better, especially in the preparation phase before recording anything, just take enough time to structure the course.


2- Always invest in your microphone and camera, good-quality lessons are always the best, especially the sound. 


3- Provide opportunities for practice and feedback as Learning is an active process.



GlobalMind Nexus
  1. Start with clear learning objectives: Before creating a course, it's essential to define your learning objectives. These objectives will act as a guide for the content and structure of your course. Consider what knowledge, skills, or attitudes you want your learners to gain by the end of the course, and then align all your content and activities accordingly.

  2. Chunk and organize content effectively: Break down your course content into smaller chunks or modules. This will make the information more digestible and manageable for learners. Ensure that the content flows logically and that each module or section builds upon the previous one. Additionally, consider using different multimedia formats like videos, quizzes, and interactive activities to engage learners and vary their learning experience.

  3. Regularly assess and gather feedback: Throughout the course creation process, it's crucial to assess learners' understanding and gather feedback. Include formative assessments, such as quizzes or knowledge checks, at regular intervals to measure learners' progress. Also, provide opportunities for learners to provide feedback on the course content, structure, and delivery. This feedback will help you make necessary adjustments and improvements to enhance the overall learning experience.


What are 3 tips you can share about your course creation process?

I just keep my tips simple and short but very useful just like my courses 🙂

- Using a good headset can improve the audio quality significantly!
- Searching Udemy as a student frequently to understand your instructor friends better 🙂
- Bulk load is not very useful as of today so you don't need to use it.


Traveler Traveler

Creating an effective online course involves careful planning, organization, and a focus on delivering valuable content to your learners. Here are three tips to consider during the course creation process:

  1. Define Clear Learning Objectives: Before you start creating content, establish clear and specific learning objectives for your course. These objectives outline what your students should be able to achieve after completing the course. Well-defined learning objectives help you structure your content and assessments around key concepts, ensuring a cohesive learning experience.

  2. Chunk Content for Digestibility: Break down your course content into smaller, manageable chunks. People tend to learn better when information is presented in bite-sized portions. This could involve organizing content into modules or lessons, and within those, using headings, bullet points, and visuals to make the material more digestible. Each chunk should focus on one main idea or topic to prevent cognitive overload.

  3. Engage with Multimodal Content: Incorporate a variety of content formats to cater to different learning styles and keep learners engaged. This could include videos, text, infographics, quizzes, interactive activities, discussions, and more. Mix and match these elements to present information in different ways, enhancing understanding and retention. Additionally, ensure that your content is visually appealing and easy to navigate to create a seamless learning experience.

Remember that course creation is an iterative process. Continuously gather feedback from your learners and be open to making improvements based on their input. Adapting your course based on real-time feedback helps ensure that your learners are getting the most out of their learning experience.


Here is my tips for new instructors!

  1. Be simple and share your knowledge what you are the best!
  2. Show yourself with camera while presenting your presentation. This is more warm and friendly than others.
  3. Send messages to your students. They feel themself more important.
    Good luck 🙂

1/ Only teach what you are passionate about. 

2/ Keep things simple. The presentation and the language you transmit the information. 

3/ Record and rerecord any passage of the course that you feel needs polishing because of audio issues. 

Hello Udemy,

Thank you for the opportunity to share insights from my chess course creation process. Here are three valuable tips I can offer:

  1. Clear Learning Objectives: Start by defining clear learning objectives for your chess course. Outline what students will learn and achieve by the end of the course. Having well-defined goals helps structure the content and ensures a focused and effective learning experience.

  2. Engaging Visuals and Examples: Incorporate visually appealing chess diagrams, game illustrations, and practical examples to engage students. Visual aids enhance comprehension and make complex concepts easier to understand. Use real-life game scenarios to demonstrate strategies and tactics effectively.

  3. Interactive Practice and Assessments: Integrate interactive elements like quizzes, puzzles, and practice games within your course. This hands-on approach allows students to apply what they've learned, reinforcing their understanding. Regular assessments also help track progress and identify areas that may need further clarification.

Thank you for the opportunity, and I look forward to more exciting experiences within the Udemy community!

Best regards,


  1. Clear Learning Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and outcomes you want your students to achieve by the end of your course. These objectives will serve as a roadmap for your course content and help students understand what they'll gain from taking your course.

  2. Structured Content: Organize your course material into well-defined sections or modules. Each section should have a logical flow and build upon the previous one. Use a mix of video lessons, quizzes, assignments, and downloadable resources to keep your students engaged and reinforce their learning.

  3. Active Student Engagement: Interact with your students by promptly responding to their questions in the Q&A section and participating in community discussions. Consider hosting live Q&A sessions or webinars to address queries, provide extra insights, and foster a sense of community among your students.


1: Don’t underestimate how long it will take to edit your videos!


Before becoming a Udemy instructor I taught at a for-profit college, where live lectures were recorded daily. This left me with the impression I could knock out a course in the same amount of time I could at my teaching position.


While it was true, I could create a course at that speed, I was confronted with the brutal reality that I would also be creating it at that quality, and I hold myself to higher standards than that.


Editing took about 2x as long as making the video! My course was completed 3 months later than I had originally planned due to not considering editing.


2: Record when the kids are sleeping or at school, or even better, record somewhere other than home!


I learned during my course creation process the walls in my house are paper thin! Even with a shotgun mike and being located in an upstairs room my children still managed to audio bomb my recordings. Fortunately, I was able to edit those portions out without having to re-record the video (most of the time).


If you are married, also communicate with your partner on when is a good time to record and when is not. I made some big pushes to finish my course and I will admit my marriage suffered for it. My wife largely supported my endeavor into Udemy initially, but as summer rolled around and the kids were wild and free, she got overwhelmed trying to keep them quiet.



3: Create a system for when you edit and when you record Video


As a solution to the sound issues in my home and due to editing taking twice as long as recording, I developed a system where I recorded during hours when the kids were not active or were at school, then spent the time they were at home editing. I didn’t start this way though! Their rambunctiousness turned into a bit of a blessing, as the system worked very well for me!


Before that, I experimented by first recording an entire section, then doing all the editing at the end. For my 1st section, this worked fine, as it was only a handful of videos and the editing didn’t take long. When it came to the second section, it became regrettable! By the time I finished editing all the videos, nearly a month had passed since I last recorded. It was a struggle to pick up where I left off.


I think there is no one size fits all system when it comes to this, and it likely depends on the course you are creating, but it is something important to consider, especially if it is your 1st time tackling course creation.

Traveler Traveler

I am not an Udemy expert but here is my take on course creation and 3 key tips - 


1.  Focus on your audience - This will help you define the content, scope and not to loose your focus.

2. Focus on quality - Good quality Audio and Video, along with the quality content (in terms of information and delivery)

3. Focus on targets - Set the completion targets for daily, weekly and monthly. 


At the last, be yourself !

Take feedback and keep creating a better version of yourself !

Hy guys

At first, it was difficult starting😩, but it gave me a deeper understanding of the course. Creating this course required me to dive deep into the subject matter. This process enhanced my own understanding of UI/UX principles, design methodologies, and best practices🤗.


I saw the need to research the latest trends, tools, and case studies to provide relevant and up-to-date content for this course✔️. This research really expanded my knowledge base. The field of UI/UX design is constantly evolving. Yeah, 😍so for me Creating a course forces instructors to adapt to new design trends, emerging technologies, and changing user behaviors, which can help them stay current.


Explaining complex design concepts in a clear and understandable manner is a crucial skill for me as  an instructor. Through this course creation, i had to  develop better communication skills. Designing a course structure and content that effectively conveys concepts and engages learners requires creative problem-solving skills. Designing a course involves considering the needs, preferences, and learning styles of the learners. This can lead to increased empathy and a better understanding of how to tailor content for different audiences.


Just like UI/UX design involves iterative processes, creating a course involves constant iteration based on feedback from beta testers or peers. I  learnt how to refine  content to improve learning outcomes. Designing a course involves setting deadlines, organizing content, and managing the course creation process. This helped me   developed  better time management skills. Had to  often seek feedback from team members and mentor back then. At some point the guy got tired and fed up of me 😀 This experience of incorporating feedback helped me to understand the value of user feedback in the design process.


 Instructors need to critically evaluate their own knowledge and skills to ensure they are delivering accurate and high-quality content and that was a bit challenging at first. This habit of critical evaluation  translated to my  design work as well.

During the course creation i realized needed  to adapt to different platforms and technologies. This flexibility is really useful in my  own design work when dealing with varying project requirements.

In essence, creating a UI/UX course was a valuable learning experience for me, allowing me  to deepen my expertise, enhanced  my teaching skills, and stay at the forefront of the evolving field of UI/UX design.


Elisha Nanyong😍


1. Be Consistent

 - Make a commitment with yourself to work on your course with a defined schedule.


2. Keep Learning

 - Always try to stay up to date with the topics you plan teach with resources like books and podcasts.


3. Just do it

 - Don't overthink too much get working.



I'm in the process of creating my first course after working for 30 years in consulting. There is a lot of content creation and instructional design incorporated in preparing for workshops in consulting, so I plan to leverage those in creating my course. Perhaps these tips (some of my favorites) will be helpful for others.

 1. Lean into your areas of expertise; passion is contagious.

2. Tell stories that illustrate your point well. Stories reinforce the learning and will help participants with recall later.

3. Find ways to tell them three times without them realizing it all three times. It's fun to help the information sink in through your content without the participants feeling the repetition through the presentation. It's fun to find ways to re-work the messaging, a classic consulting challenge. 




My time saving tips

1-Do not wait one course to sell to work on another!!!!!!!!!


2- Use Bonus Lecture strategy offered by Udemy to Market your coupons.

3- prepare all lectures of your course together then finish, record and refine all of them together.

Good luck 


1- Create a course about what you are good in.

2- Course sound is very important.

3- Start with what you have, what you have is enough.

Storyteller Storyteller

1. Be very very clear in your mind as to why you're creating the course. Maybe you're fascinated by the subject. Maybe you just love filming and teaching. Maybe it's a good way to get tax relief. (Some of my courses are filmed on cruises.) Maybe it's primarily to make money. Maybe it's to fill a perceived gap. Maybe it's to educate. Maybe it's to change lives/save lives. Of course, ideally it is everything.

2. Be very clear why students are enrolling in your course. I have nearly 200,000 students and about 82% have never ever looked at anything on the course. (They're not all free coupons either!) So why did they enrol? Probably the word 'sale'. Maybe the course description. Maybe something they intended to do later. Equally I have some students who do a 50 hour course in one hour. They enrolled to a) copy and resell b) get the Completion Certificate and the 'internationally accredited whatever'. For these last two categories the actual content is not so important. More important is the course title (as that is on the Completion Certificate - I changed a course title from 'Business Studies' to MBA and sales rose. No other changes.) Sometimes students enrol because they want a short easy course where they can print their own certificate  and feel they've 'achieved'. Others want a long course they can really really get into. Some want a highly active Q/A. Others have no intention of posting anything. So try and ascertain why students are enrolling.

3. Be clear about how much time you have now and in the future for your course(s). I have a 120 hour course; but I also have a one hour course. The one hour course took 5 hours from idea to launch. The 120 hour just grew and grew. How much time you're willing to spend will be affected by your answer to (1). 


1. Fija una fecha de lanzamiento del curso.  Al comenzar la grabación de un curso tenemos que tener en mente la fecha de culminación y apuntar todos los esfuerzos necesarios para finalizar nuestro proyecto, esto nos permitirá dar lo mejor de nosotros en un plazo considerable.

2. Estructura el contenido del curso.  Realiza la división del curso en capítulo y sesiones de tal manera que el curso cumpla las expectativas de un público definido, calcula un promedio de duración de las sesiones y estima cuanto te demorará terminar el curso (se conservador), no tengas miedo a priorizar información.

3. Realiza un guión para cada sesión.  Utilizar inteligencia artificial para obtener un borrador de un guión de una sesión, complementaló y a grabar. 

Traveler Traveler

Tip1 :  I usually leverage feedback and suggestions from my existing students for the next course creation topic 

Tip2:  Explore the existing courses/online material on the topic. Communicate well and clear about how my course is different and that what is my course's USP

Tip3 :  Try to minimize dependency on things that can change in future (not in my control) necessitating update to the course. 

Storyteller Storyteller

1) Students' feedback is very important to improve the course;
2) Creativity is essential element to be a distinguished instructor;
3) Reading previous stories for the best experienced instructors on Udemy Platform, and take a benefit from their experience.

  • Think of some relevant challenges or activites that will get learners actively using the new skills they're learning - maybe they can share their wins on social media?
  • Create beautiful cheat sheets that summarise key learning points of the topic/section.
  • Make a decent handful of vids freely available - this reassures me that I'm going to like the course!
  1. Set a clear goal. What do you want your learners to be able to do after taking your course? Once you know your goal, you can start to develop the content and activities that will help them achieve it.
  2. Keep your students in mind. Who are you creating this course for? What are their needs and interests? Confirm that the content and delivery to meet their needs.
  3. Make it engaging and interactive. Online courses can be a lot of work for learners, so it's important to make sure they're engaged and motivated to keep learning. Use a variety of teaching methods, such as videos, quizzes, and interactive exercises. Check the develivery is in a logical sequence. 

Hey team! 🚀

Jumping in on this awesome giveaway! Who wouldn’t want a cool Udemy mug on their desk, right? Here are my bits of wisdom from my journey in course creation:

  1. Plan First, Record Later: Every time I'm about to start a new course, I grab my favorite snack, get comfy, and hash out a full outline. Makes the whole process feel like a road trip with a map. No unexpected detours!

  2. Get Some Sneak Peeks Out: A game-changer for me was sharing a few course previews with actual students. The feedback? Pure gold. It's like having a mini test audience and fine-tuning the show before the big premiere.

  3. Good Audio = Happy Students: Here’s a tip - prioritize your audio. I've learned that even if my video isn't Hollywood level, crisp and clear audio keeps students hooked. So, invest in a decent mic if you can!

Cheers to everyone diving into course creation. And hey, let's see who gets to flaunt that mug soon! 

Best of luck to all!


1. What is the value your students will get when they go through the course is the main thing. once that is clear

2. Keep it simple, good audio, decent video quality.

3. keep taking feedback from students.


Creating an effective online course on Udemy requires careful planning and execution. Here are three tips to help to create a successful Online course:

  1. Define Clear Learning Objectives: Start by identifying the specific skills or knowledge you want your students to gain from your course. Develop clear and measurable learning objectives for each module or section. This will not only guide your course content creation but also help students understand what they can expect to achieve by the end of the course.

  2. Engaging Content Delivery: Keep your content engaging and interactive to maintain your students' interest. Incorporate a variety of teaching methods such as videos, quizzes, assignments, and practical exercises. Use storytelling, real-life examples, and relatable scenarios to make the content more relatable and memorable. Break down complex concepts into manageable chunks and present them in a logical order.

  3. Quality Production: Invest in the quality of your course production. While you don't need a professional studio setup, ensure good video and audio quality. Clear visuals and audio are crucial for students to easily follow your content. Use screen recordings, animations, and visual aids to enhance understanding. Script your content to ensure a smooth flow and eliminate unnecessary pauses or confusion.

1. Focus on Quality Content - Understand the audience, existing courses, and the need or gap that you can fill. Think deeply about your course's objective, topics, and progression. Prepare a concise but focused substantive lesson plan outline that will guide your course creation. It's okay to revise it as you record lessons.


2. Create a Course Development System - Approach course creation as a platform rather than a reinvention of the wheel with each new course. If you've developed a course that worked, see how you can use aspects of that course to save time on a future courses. For example, if you use presentation slides or animations, consider creating a template that you can iterate for each new course. Play with styles and colors to customize it for each new course.


3. Speak Slowly and Clearly - As an expert on a subject, you will have lots to say. We usually speak faster than we realize. Take your time. Speak slowly and clearly. Students will have time to process what you're saying and understand it better. If they want to zip through your lesson, they'll can always view the lesson at 1.5x or 2x speed.




Hey there,

I'm really excited that you're interested in my course creation process! Crafting a course is like taking a creative adventure, and I'd love to share three awesome tips with you:

  1. Purposeful Planning: Before I dive into creating content, I like to sketch out the course roadmap. I jot down the main topics I'll cover, ensuring a smooth and logical flow. This roadmap acts as our trusty guide, making sure we cover all the essentials.

  2. Engagement Galore: Keeping my students excited and engaged is my jam. To sprinkle that magic, I use a mix of videos, quizzes, hands-on exercises, and a dash of humor. Quizzes help solidify concepts, while hands-on tasks let students put their new skills to the test.

  3. Feedback is Gold: Staying in touch with my students is top priority. I encourage questions, feedback, and all sorts of chit-chat. This dynamic keeps the learning experience fresh and tailored. Plus, if I see a chance to tweak the course based on feedback, I'm all in!

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These are my 3 tips for creating an online course that I try not to forget:
1. Research the market, i.e. accurately assess what topic is worth doing a course on. Udemy's Market Insights tool helps me with this. Once I have a topic for a course that turns out to be perfect for others, I assess how much more I need to learn to be an expert in a given topic.
2. I plan a short introduction, beginning and development of the course. Based on the knowledge gained, books and courses, I determine what should appear inside the course. To begin with, I just create a short table of contents. It is only during the creation of the course that it is expanded 🙂
3. I get up at 6 am and start working on the course. Thanks to this routine, it is easier for me to maintain self-discipline, there is peace and quiet. This is how I push the course forward every day until I can finally afford to publish it.


There are even more steps to create courses, but I found these to be the most important 🙂

Trailblazer Trailblazer

1. Invest in a good mic straight away.

2. Choose topics which have a high demand. 

3. Listen to the student feedback and act on it. Try to fix their basic complaints asap, like volume issue, resources not downloading, etc. 

Traveler Traveler
  1. Here are My three tips for the course creation process:

    1. Spend time planning your course: Before recording your course, take the time to plan it thoroughly. This includes defining your learning objectives, structuring your course into sections and lectures, and ensuring it meets the expectations of your target audience. Planning helps create a rewarding learning experience for your students.
    2. Choose a topic you are knowledgeable and passionate about: Select a course topic that aligns with your expertise and interests. Consider the interests of your target audience and use tools specific to Udemy to research popular course topics. By choosing a topic you are passionate about, you can deliver engaging and high-quality content.
    3. Tailor your course to your audience: Define your target audience and tailor your course to their needs. Courses that are specifically designed for a particular audience tend to be more engaging. By understanding your audience's preferences and learning styles, you can create a course that resonates with them.

Here are 3 tips :

  1. Clear Learning Objectives and Structure: Start by defining clear learning objectives for your course. What do you want your students to achieve by the end? Organize your content logically, breaking it into sections and lectures. Each lecture should focus on a specific topic and build upon the previous ones. A well-structured course makes it easier for students to follow and grasp the material.

  2. Engaging and Interactive Content: Keep your students engaged throughout the course by using a variety of teaching methods. Incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, slides, quizzes, and assignments. Encourage interactivity by asking questions, conducting polls, and initiating discussions. Visual aids and real-world examples can enhance understanding and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

  3. Quality Audio and Visuals: High-quality audio and visuals are crucial for a positive learning experience. Invest in a good microphone and camera to ensure clear audio and video. Choose a well-lit, quiet location for recording. Use visual aids like slides, diagrams, and demonstrations to illustrate concepts effectively. Clear and professional production values reflect your commitment to delivering value to your students.


1: Learn and Have good knowledge about the Course title before making content.

2. Prepare Contents for the course by assuming one thing in mind learners do not know anything      about it so you can cover minor things as well.

3. Audio and video quality must be good enough.


Have Courage and Confidence in what you teach! Best Wishes!


Here are the three tips :

1.Knowledge matters :

      No matter how lengthy or short your videos are , if you have strong knowledge about the course topic,you can explain it simply that will be understandable by student.

Student understands that.


2.Noise cancellation microphone : if student can't hear you , your entire hard work is wasted.So make it loud and clear to hear.Cheers!


3.Practice makes perfect : Perfect as such confident,concentrated to study,knowlegeable and ready to fight(in terms of exams) all the time.More Student will practice,more mistakes he/she will make,more doubts he/she will have,more answers he/she will find and better will be in course subject.So provide coding exercises,multiple choice questions as much as you can give,student will both enjoy it and be a better programmer at the same time.

Traveler Traveler

Here are my top three tips for your course creation process:


1. Begin by selecting a topic in which you excel. Conduct thorough research on this topic, including exploring what other instructors are offering in relation to the same subject.

2. If another instructor is giving an "A" on the same subject, make sure that your content is of an A+ or higher quality. Focus less on theory and more on practical applications.

3. The curriculum should be clearly displayed on the landing page, and each section should include quizzes, assignments, and practice labs.


1.Choose the lesson that is in high demand.

2.Create a comprehensive lesson plan and table for major and minor titles.

3.Focus on the quality of the audio recording as it is more important than the videos


Dress Up Your Voice: When you teach online, your voice is super important. So, put on your comfiest pajamas before you start recording – it's like your teaching uniform! And wear those cool headphones that block out noise. No one needs to hear your neighbor's noisy dog.


Be Super Excited: Imagine you're talking to magical creatures when you teach. If you're teaching math, act like you're showing unicorns how to dance. And if you're stuck, surprise everyone with a dinosaur sound – it's fun and keeps students interested. Share funny examples or real-life "oops" moments. If you're teaching about history, throw in a story about a clumsy knight who tripped over his own armor. 


Meme Magic: Embrace the internet's secret weapon – memes! Sprinkle memes related to your course topics in your slides. Teaching physics? Insert a cat with a confused expression pondering the laws of motion. It's like a pop culture treasure hunt for your students!


Hope these out-of-the-box tips and ideas will help you articulate your course better !