Hi, I am fairly new

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Hi, I am fairly new

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I joined Udemy about six months ago and posted a single course at that time.  It was priced in the lowest tier but sat there with no subscriptions until I changed it to free.

Within days the subscription numbers skyrocketed.  That encouraged me to publish another free course and a paid one.  Again the latter in the lowest pricing tier.

Subscriptions for the free courses kept increasing to 1600 while nothing for the paid one.  Take it back, yesterday someone signed up for it then somehow withdrew.

I am probably coming to the conclusion that my material must be horrible and that I should give up.  I have been teaching for decades but I think I must not fit this medium and should forget about it.  Or, is it possible that this platform attracts people looking for free stuff and I might as well stick to youtube if that's the case?

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Don't give up! It must be a non-stop mission.

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I have reduced the number of free courses and now I only have two to three enrollments a day.  So far, I made a fortune for November: $9.00 (zero on Black Friday LOL).

So may hours of work for that; I must really suck at this dazzle me with fluff and short snippets of feel good ADD compatible stuff.  I don't think Udemy is for me.   I should move on and start my own platform with my own marketing.  

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Create a video to introduce yourself and watch other videos from instructors to get to know them. We recommend including your name, what you teach, and what you hope to learn in your video.